If there's anything that should not be in a movie, or rather should be outright BANNED from films period, it's hair-cutting scenes. In this regard, Hollywood has reached a new all-time low with the release of the new Les Misreables film. I mean, V for Vendetta was bad, Kingdom of Heaven was even worse, but Les Misreables 2012 has topped the record in having the absolute worst hair-cutting scene of all time. It's the greatest abomination to mankind.
Why do filmmakers like having these scenes in movies? Do they think it's fun? They might as well think physically abusing a dog or your toddler is fun. Furthermore, why do actresses like Anne Hathaway sign up for these roles, knowing that they will look utterly ugly and unattractive afterwards? Yes, I know the story Les Misreables is supposed to have a hair-cutting scene, but does it really need to be that graphic and that dramatic? If you watch the 90s version with Uma Thurman, her hair gets cut but it's not NEARLY as bad and it's done off camera. I feel like the only reason why they made a newer version was just because of the scene, seeing how dramatized it was in the trailers. I mean, it's so bad that you'd rather hear your only child puking to death. You'd rather have your testicles ripped off and swallowed by an orangutan. You'd rather have Fat Bastard anally rape you while an elephant drops a huge turd in your mouth. You'd rather play Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on the NES for days on end.