Bunneth wrote:
A thread was posted on hear a while ago about getting freaked out by comedy films, which is something I can realte to.
So my question to you is, what is the most un-scary film that's freaked you out?
Mine would have to be There's Something About Mary, I didn't even make it to halfway through the film before I had to walk out and go somewhere quiet to calm down.
Would you mind explaining what freaked you out in more detail? The only things I can think of are the scene where Ben Stiller gets his penis caught in his trouser zip and the violent behaviour of Mary's ret*d brother. Beyond that, the film is in a rather soft and light-hearted vein.
In response to the question, I have three films:
The Pleasure Island scene where all the naughty boys turn into donkeys.
The bit at the beginning where Woody Harrelson gets his hand fed through the bowling ball machine and ends up having to use a metal hook.
This is my all-time-favourite film. The Magic montage scene towards the end always gives me the creeps as does all the scenes involving Zull, Gozor et al. That's why I love the film so much; the sheer intensity.
Last edited by EnglishInvader on 15 Nov 2010, 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.