Why are all TV shows cliched? I don't know. I mean, I like shows that are more analytical in nature, like CSI, Numb3rs, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Bones, 24, Prison Break, etc... I hate shows that are more or less not analytical in nature, such as the majority of sitcoms out there, and shows like Everwood, Seventh Heaven, etc... It's all just opinion as to what one's interests are, but let's face it ... whether we like it or not, most shows do follow trends.
Let's go beyond opinion and analyze this for a minute.
Think about how the Nielsen Ratings work, as a start. Assume there are two shows out there. Now, assume that there are one hundred people who have a choice between the two shows. Say that the split is somewhere like 30 / 70 regarding each show. The show that best fits this population sample would be that which seventy people watch. The other show would be taken off the air.
The Nielsen Rating System is a marketing ploy. It is utilized to decide, out of a given population, what are the best TV shows that best fit the population statistic. Shows that fall on the Nielsen Rating system are taken off. Most shows are created with this system already in mind, and shows that don't follow trends generally would not do as good in regards to this system. So, writers and others are encouraged to follow trends.
The concept of the Nielsen Rating System is corrupt. It is borne out of competition, and treats the interests of the population as numbers on a piece of paper. Though people should be ashamed to have their interests treated in such a manner, people should be more ashamed that this is just overall part of the capitalist structure that has nothing to do with peoples' interests as it does for monetary gain for the network bosses, producers and so forth.
- Ray M -