Know Your Meme: Animal Kingdom Edition

Joined: 3 Mar 2009
Gender: Male
Posts: 1,842
Location: a bubble called Cognitive Entropy
LOLcats are a series of image macros consisting of
humorous photos of cats with superimposed text written in
a form of broken English known as lolspeak.
For the caption, white Helvetica font is widely used as the de facto standard.
Dramatic Chipmunk / Drama Prairie Dog
Dramatic Chipmunk is a viral video featuring short footage of a
sharp-eyed prairie dog from the Japanese TV Show Hello! Morning.
O RLY is internet slang for “OH REALLY?” with implicit sarcasm.
Since gaining traction through with usage on Internet forums,
O RLY has become a popular deadpan response to any statement
that is deemed either highly doubtful or obviously true.
Three Wolf Moon
Three Wolf Moon is the name of a “power animal” t-shirt that was
ironically made into one of the top selling apparel items on Amazon in 2009,
thanks to thousands of Internet users who hyped it up with hilarious,
tongue-in-cheek customer reviews. Befitting its widespread reputation,
the shirt is so virile and mesmerizing that you probably shouldn’t look at it in a direct angle.
Keyboard Cat
Keyboard Cat is the “shot caller” of most epic FAILs on the Internet.
If you find yourself fencing on the edge of ugly misfortune, you can
rest assured Keyboard Cat will come to rescue and “play you off” before things
hit rock bottom!
Advice Dog
Advice Dog is an image macro series featuring a a cute puppy’s face
against a color-wheel background, usually accompanied by unrelated advices and
ridiculous instructions (EX: Do the Laundry / Rob a Bank). Since its debut on
4chan’s /b/ in 2006, the series has spawned several spin-offs, most notably
the Philosoraptor, Courage Wolf and Socially Awkward Penguin.
Om Nom Nom Nom
Om Nom Nom Nom is internet slang used to indicate eating.
Commonly used in LOLcats and similar image macros, the onomatopoeic phrase
translates as “I am absorbed in eating this” or “OMG this is awesome eats, I’m eating it!"
Standing Cat
Standing Cat is a viral video uploaded to YouTube in November 2009
that became popular after being posted to the site BuzzFeed in April 2010.
I'm not here to enjoy life, I'm here to withstand it.
Crosseyed God