Saw Cars 2 yesterday. Knew it would be an occasion not because it would be Pixar's 2nd straight sequel or that it would be the #1 earning movie of the weekend, but rather that in the eyes of most critics it marked the end of Pixar's flawless track record after 11 critical successes. Sadly, I'm inclined to agree with them.
The film's okay if you're going into it expecting a spy movie parody or an over the top "fish out of water" story. But if you're expecting a film the caliber of what Pixar is capable of putting out, one with the depth of Up or Toy Story 3, then brace yourself for a big disappointment.
For those of you who've seen it, what were your thoughts of the film? If you haven't seen it yet, are you less inclined to do so after the critic and word-of-mouth reviews?