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22 May 2006, 1:38 pm

Who your favourite Doctor?
William Hartnell
Patrick Troughton
Jon Pertwee
Tom Baker
Peter Davison
Colin Baker
Sylvester McCoy
Paul McGann
Christopher Eccleston
Or David Tennant
From Timelady
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22 May 2006, 1:42 pm

I haven't seen any of the other Doctors apart from Eccleston and Tennant but I prefer Eccleston by some way. Tennant is just an idiotic loon, whereas Eccleston was a lot better.


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22 May 2006, 4:58 pm

I'm a beginning Who fan, so the only Doctors I've seen so far are Tom Baker and Christopher Eccleston. If I had to choose between the two, of course I'll go with Tom, mostly because Pyramids of Mars happens to be my favorite Who serial. Though I must say, Eccleston is a pretty good Doctor as well.


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22 May 2006, 7:58 pm

I've seen Dr. Who on Sci-Fi channel. It's actually pretty good and I enjoyed watching it.

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23 May 2006, 6:24 am

I actually got Scottish relatives to tape the first four episodes of this new series, and bring the tapes over to Australia...

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30 May 2006, 4:15 pm

My husband will ONLY watch Baker.


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30 May 2006, 6:10 pm

Hey, how does anyone feel about obscure Doctors, like Peter Cushing or Richard E. Grant (the Shalka Doctor) or even Rowan Atkinson (The Curse of Fatal Death)? I haven't seen any of them, but just wanted to bring up the subject.

BTW, The Talons of Weng-Chiang is my new favorite Doctor Who serial.


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30 May 2006, 10:23 pm

Hmmm. In order: Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Jon Pertwee, Peter Davison, Patrick Troughton and Colin Baker. I haven't seen a lot of Hartnell, and nothing of Paul McGann.
And, who can forget, the best The Master: Roger Delgado!

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02 Jun 2006, 8:29 pm

jstrewth wrote:
Hey, how does anyone feel about obscure Doctors, like Peter Cushing or Richard E. Grant (the Shalka Doctor) or even Rowan Atkinson (The Curse of Fatal Death)? I haven't seen any of them, but just wanted to bring up the subject.

BTW, The Talons of Weng-Chiang is my new favorite Doctor Who serial.

Richard E Grant and Rowan Atkinson were good. Peter Cushing was too "human". After all, he was just some dotty professor who knocked up the TARDIS in his own backyard, something I wish I could've done. I'm not saying he's BAD as the Doctor, just not the best.

"Talons" remains one of my firm favourites, but in the new series, the two stories done by Peter Moffat (who also wrote "Curse of Fatal Death") are the best IMNSHO. These are "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances", and "The Girl in the Fireplace" (which I think should have kept the working title, "Every Tick of my Heart".)

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06 Jun 2006, 5:55 am

Anyone seen "The Impossible Planet" yet? People are screaming about the fact that a plaent can, in theory, orbit a Black Hole without falling in. However, they fail to realise that normal Black Holes tend to get larger as they consume, and thus, their graviational pull increases. Not only that, but would a planet survive the supernova that creates a Black Hole anyway?

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19 Jun 2006, 8:59 am

I liked the Manic Charm Eclestone brought to Dr Who, allways seeming to crack a smile even when things where at there Wildest and most gripping. I have to admit I don't remember any of the other doctors that came before him so on the others I really can't make a comment. And David Tennant I haven't seen yet appart from the mini movies from the bbc site. Apparently it Starts on the 7th of July in Australia I can't wait too exited. I will just have to have someself control and moderation by holding all my feelings in by watching the Eclestone season that I got for my birthday in the mean time. Too much exitment makes me hype-o..


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19 Jun 2006, 12:38 pm

Narocos300 wrote:
I liked the Manic Charm Eclestone brought to Dr Who, allways seeming to crack a smile even when things where at there Wildest and most gripping. I have to admit I don't remember any of the other doctors that came before him so on the others I really can't make a comment. And David Tennant I haven't seen yet appart from the mini movies from the bbc site. Apparently it Starts on the 7th of July in Australia I can't wait too exited. I will just have to have someself control and moderation by holding all my feelings in by watching the Eclestone season that I got for my birthday in the mean time. Too much exitment makes me hype-o..

July 7th! Lucky you! The season just ended on scifi, and I have to wait a half a year.

It is a really good show. It has something that most scifi series lack. I just can't put my finger on it... It's also a bit of a refreashment after Stargate, which can get so serious at times.

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20 Jun 2006, 12:26 am


The Doctor has AS traits


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25 Jun 2006, 11:53 am

1. Cybermen

2. Daleks

3. K9

4. The Master (Anthony Ainley)


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25 Jun 2006, 12:02 pm

Narocos300 wrote:
I liked the Manic Charm Eclestone brought to Dr Who, allways seeming to crack a smile even when things where at there Wildest and most gripping. I have to admit I don't remember any of the other doctors that came before him so on the others I really can't make a comment. And David Tennant I haven't seen yet appart from the mini movies from the bbc site. Apparently it Starts on the 7th of July in Australia I can't wait too exited. I will just have to have someself control and moderation by holding all my feelings in by watching the Eclestone season that I got for my birthday in the mean time. Too much exitment makes me hype-o..

Doctor Who starts on Saturday 8th July 2006 7:30 pm and finishes at 8:30 pm (Australia)


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25 Jun 2006, 4:26 pm

I miss the older ones and wish somebody would start showing them again my tapes are getting old I began watching when it was Tom Baker and you know how it is when you first fall for a series its hard to have it change I like Pertwee too haven't seen enough of the new ones to form an opinion yet though

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