jstrewth wrote:
Hey, how does anyone feel about obscure Doctors, like Peter Cushing or Richard E. Grant (the Shalka Doctor) or even Rowan Atkinson (The Curse of Fatal Death)? I haven't seen any of them, but just wanted to bring up the subject.
BTW, The Talons of Weng-Chiang is my new favorite Doctor Who serial.
Richard E Grant and Rowan Atkinson were good. Peter Cushing was too "human". After all, he was just some dotty professor who knocked up the TARDIS in his own backyard, something I wish I could've done. I'm not saying he's BAD as the Doctor, just not the best.
"Talons" remains one of my firm favourites, but in the new series, the two stories done by Peter Moffat (who also wrote "Curse of Fatal Death") are the best IMNSHO. These are "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances", and "The Girl in the Fireplace" (which I think should have kept the working title, "Every Tick of my Heart".)
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