Jory wrote:
I don’t have a problem with the concept of romantic comedies, but most of them are so godawful that I’ve been almost permanently turned off to them. When I want light entertainment as an escape from the misery of life, I’ll watch cartoons.
Horror is tricky, because most horror movies rely on gore and jump scares (sudden quick action accompanied by loud music) instead of pulling you into a subtle sense of discomfort. For anyone who dislikes typical horror films, I would recommend movies like The Shining and Jacob's Ladder.
My problem with horror is that my brain starts to play tricks on me and my anxiety disorder sends me into panic attacks if I can't get the movie out of my head.. Its not about the belief that ghosts exist blah blah... it just sticks coz I analyze every movie in detail in my head after watching like I record it while watching and it plays in my head later
The mild stuff like The others and psycho did not bother me