I had the opportunity of seeing it yesterday evening, and i thoroughly enjoyed it. It's also vastly superior to the crapness of Revenge of the Fallen, but why oh why did it have to be two hours long? Total Fim gave it 3 stars, praising the back-story but criticising Rosie-Huntington Whitley's acting.
The good:
Less of the stupid toilet humour.
Laserbeak being an absolute bad-ass when he assassinates all the people connected to the Russian and US space missions.
Sentinel Prime's Spock reference.
The highway battle/chase between Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Dino and The Dreads. (Poor Simmons!)
Megatron's rendezvous with Starscream, Soundwave and Laserbeak in Africa. (All hail Megatron!)
The Wreckers. (Better and less-annoying than the Twins)
Decepticons ACTUALLY killing humans.
Starscream's nose-dive towards the Autobot shuttle before he destroys it.
Megatron desecrating the Abraham Lincoln Statue in Washington.
The bad:
Ironhide's death (Shocking)
Starscream dieing in a ridiculously gay manner. (Sam blinding his optics, REALLY?!?)
Bumblebee killing Soundwave and Laserbeak. (That literally ENRAGES ME. Little yellow bastard....)
Brains and Wheelie (Ugh, annoying to the extreme)
Ken Jeong's paranoid conspiracy theorist.
Shockwave being made to look weak before he dies.
Megatron doing nothing until he attacks Sentinel near the end.
Still, DotM is 10 times better than RotF.
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe: Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion; I've watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time; like tears in rain. Time to die." Roy Batty