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02 Jul 2004, 11:27 am

Do any of you like star wars? I do!its really cool! The newer movies aren't as good as the older movies in my opinion. and I don't like JarJar(sp)Binks. he's really annoying. But otherwise its really cool. i also like the books.


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02 Jul 2004, 11:24 pm

I think Star Wars is cool too! I can't wait for the original Star Wars trilogy to come out on DVD in September. I did not like the new movies, I thought they were terrible and let down by bad acting, although the special effects were okay. :)

Last edited by gavrod on 03 Jul 2004, 10:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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03 Jul 2004, 8:05 am

I love star wars! The original 3 movies were the the only ones that were really good. All the critics gave the new movies thumbs down (And I have to agree--the whole movie was basically a bunch of special effects trying to but failing to compensate for the lack of acting, theme, and plot.) I do know that one of the new movies (the second, I think?) was the first movie ever made entirely using only digital cameras. Because the digital movie camera technology is so new, the cameras lacked mobility as their movement was restricted by many thick wires [nowadays analog (that means "not digital") cameras are pretty mobile without the need for wiring to a stationary power supply / wiring for data transfer] becuase they suck so much power.

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03 Jul 2004, 2:45 pm

I agree with you guys. the acting wasn't that great, and it was just special effects. I got really depressed when the first one came out. it sucked1 (plus my brother went to see it when it came out! On MY bday!) The acting just doesnt seem to flow, and it just seems kind of dumb, and not in placey.


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04 Jul 2004, 11:36 am

I like "Star Wars" too. The old movies, which are the episodes four, five and six, are the best in my opinion. I think the newest movies were made only because the first ones are cult movies and George Lucas had imagined the background of his characters. The special effects of the new ones were great, but I did not like them because they had nothing special and no magic as the first ones had. The acting was not that bad, but I do agree that it was not as good as in the old movies. Nevertheless, I think that Jake Lloyd, who played Anakin Skywalker in the episode 1, was better than the man who plays Anakin when he is older.

I am a member of the official message board (my nickname is monkeyspark) and of a French Community, AnakinWeb (my nickname is sparkplug), but I have not posted in a while. I joined the messageboards after I rewatched the first episodes (IV, V, and VI) to review them.


Nicolas (spark).

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06 Jul 2004, 3:30 pm

You do have to hand it to the musical composers though, the duel of the fates was an awesome piece.

Of COURSE four five and six were better, the space combat was realistic, instead of these smooth animated tin cans (The naboo fighters...BLEH!) They could have done SO much more with the droid army, but instead we get this frog-like gungan.

Why waste my time with a thumbs down? I'm too busy watching spaceballs over and over and over again.

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23 Jul 2004, 1:48 pm

my son Nicco (4 HFA) loves the original star wars- boy he watches them all of the time..... we rent them from Hollywood video everyweek.....
we already ordered the box set on amazon for him for Xmas.
He will love it.

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25 Jul 2004, 2:28 am

Michele, your son reminds me of me as a kid. I can totally relate to watching something over and over. The fact that you know the characters and the plot off by heart makes the story like a sort of security blanket. For me it was a box of old superhero comics that my dad bought me, i must have read those things about 50 times each. What else does your son like?

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25 Jul 2004, 10:45 am

he likes to watch anything on the sci fi channel- he loves that channel.
he loves construction stuff- so he loves to watch the home building/remoldeling shows....
he would watch ( he is obsessed with) scary movies/ blood/ and gore- but we will not let him watch them- except ones that are not so bad- right now he has been watching gremlins( I think he has watched it at least 30 times in 2 weeks); but if is were up to him he would watch- children of the corn, freddy, friday the 13th, he is always trying to get me to let him watch Ghost ship,
(I dont understand why he wants to watch these?)
He likes star wars ( as I said)
He likes scooby doo- the movie ( non animated)
He is just starting to watch animated things- he rather watch stuff that is real ( looks real)
He likes water-
He loves trains ( the blue and black engines are his fav.)
He loves dalmation dogs
and right now he likes firetrucks
Oh, he loves I spy books ( because they have skelatons in them )
he loves halloween; anything to do with it- he will look at halloween books all year long- the last two have to do with scary/death/
oh, another fav movie of his- the Pirates of the Carribean......(once again skelatons,etc..)
and pirates......
oh, he loves Wallace and Gromit
I am sure I forgot some-
he is alittle strange; in what he likes....

It is so funny when we go to a movie store/video store- he runs toward the horror and sci fi section; how many 4 year olds would do that????

oh, venom- have your interests changed since you were a kid???


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25 Jul 2004, 11:03 am

Does he like x-files? I think thats a pretty good show. Also, buffy the vampire slayer and Angel might scratch his itch.

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25 Jul 2004, 7:51 pm

yeah he will watch it; but they are not his favs.. he likes vampires though.. x-files he would watch first over the others.

it is hard to choose which sci fi/scary movies to let him watch; he does repeat certain "not so nice words" and I try to make sure that he will not pick up any bad language from watching a movie.
sometimes though, I will turn down the volume to the tv and he really cant hear the movie- he does not always listen to the words, it is the visuals he likes.


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21 Nov 2004, 9:15 am

I was five years old when Star Wars first came out and was hooked immediately. I remember focusing on the numbers counting down on the screen in the movie theater when Luke was flying his X-wing through the trench. I also had the impression that I loved the Death Star because it was powerful and looked futuristic (I hated watching it get blown up). I'm looking forward to episode 3.

I enjoyed it so much that it eventually served as the basis for five quasi-satirical (but still humorous) movie parodies.

A little experiment developed as a joke for a Purim Shpiel (that is, a short humorous play performed during the Jewish holiday of Purim) eventually evolved into five full-length movie scripts (40+ pages of printout each) where two rival congregations try to recruit people and convert each other. Not surprisingly, there's going to be a sixth.

The premise is that roughly around the time of Christ a strong protofeminist/egalitarian movement ("Rebels") emerged in Judea. The authorities ("Empire") considered it heresy and exterminated anyone who didn't practice the "official" practices. In doing so, they destroyed all records that the movement ever existed (so we don't know of it today). Of all of the new movements that started up during the era, only Christianity managed to outlast these purges. The feminist movement stayed on as an underground movement (episodes 4-6) and eventually managed to take over the "Empire" congregation. As a result, the "official" customs fell by the wayside and everyone could practice whatever they wanted.

I've shown the text of the first five episodes to a friend of mine who has a sci-fi and Jewish background. He nearly died laughing. I actually want to make an audiotape out of them. There are actually several scenes which take famous Star Wars scenes and turn them on their head:

1. (RETURN OF THE JEDI, SARLACC PIT) "Luke" walks the plank and nods to "Lando", who puts his hand on Lukes "lightsaber". "Luke" jumps into the air doing somersaults as "Lando" tries to throw the "lightsaber" over -- but drops it. "Luke" comes down with his hand stretched out to catch the weapon, but no weapon falls into it. He slowly turns to stare at "Lando", who shrugs. "Luke" shrugs back and starts punching all of "Jabba"'s henchmen to start the fight.

2. (EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, ICE CAVE) "Luke" closes his eyes and stretches his hand out towards his "lightsaber", embedded in the snow. It starts to jiggle. "Luke" is pleased. Then the huge 20-ton boulder sitting next to the "lightsaber" suddenly dislodges itself from the wall instead of the lightsaber and flies straight at "Luke"'s head.

3. (RETURN OF THE JEDI, ENDOR WITH THE EWOKS): "Leia" is in the forest and a little bear cub walks to her. She starts feeding him, and the bear cub starts squealing happily as a stormtrooper comes up and tries to arrest her. That's, of course, when Big Papa Bear crashes out of the forest and promptly starts devouring the stormtrooper. Everyone starts running ("speeder bikes").

4. (ATTACK OF THE CLONES, ATTACK ON AMIDALA): "Amidala" is sleeping when someone drops two poisonous snakes into her apartment. Just before they're about to bite her, "Anakin" and "Kenobi" sense something wrong and rush in. At this point, we find that both men are mortally afraid of snakes. They jump into each other's arms like in a cartoon and start shrieking. This wakes up "Amidala", who basically does what you would expect when she sees two strange men in her bedroom.

And of course, we have the inevitable:

"Hello. My name is Luke Skywalker. You killed my father. Prepare to die".

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25 Nov 2004, 10:36 am

That's pure genius...

Give that man the Pulitzer Prize! Throw away your Shakespeare Books! Jewish star wars is all the art humanity will ever need!



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10 Dec 2004, 10:48 pm

I used to have all the figurines, and toys related to all the three original Star Wars movies back in the 70's-early '80's. Unfortunately people stole them on me or broke them, I love the movies but found JarJar Binks annoying.

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30 Jan 2005, 5:58 pm

why I just hope that the bearded one can make epIII tie togther the glory of the greats esp the Empire Stricks back
Only movie that was better was the LOTR all of them
one of the fews times a book gets justice done
hmm..i should start a thread on that think i will


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31 Jan 2005, 6:30 pm

I hate how George Lucas wants to sell toys so badly... depressing...