Criminal Minds, House, Parenthood etc..

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13 Oct 2011, 4:57 pm

What's your take on Dr. Reid in Criminal Minds? Aspie much? I hate when he gets in his interests and starts talking and they make him shut up abruptly. I also dislike when they all get a joke and he doesn't get it and they don't even have the decency to explain to him.

What's your take on Dr. House? They had an episode with a little boy with Autism and kind of pushed House as having Aspergers. I definitely thought so before even seeing that episode; but sometimes I think he's little more of an ass too.

For those that watch Parenthood; what did you think of Tuesday's episode? When Amber kind of took on the role of a behavioral therapist and helped Max learn how to apologize to Jabar. I was taken back; I really really loved that part of the episode the most.


Those that are watching Terra Nova how do you feel about it? Do you like it?

Have any of you last year when it was on watched Flash Forward? I loved that tv show I was so upset when it ended. I dislike the channel ABC 7 for those reasons exactly.


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13 Oct 2011, 5:06 pm

Out of the listed shows, I only watch Criminal Minds.

Is Ried an Aspie? I could see the argument for why he could be, but most of my friends would just argue that he's all book smart and no street smarts. I can relate to the team telling him to shut up if he starts to get too technical. My friends tell me to do the same when I do something similar. I am not sure about the team not having the "decency" to explain the jokes or missed thoughts to Reid though. Maybe they just don't see it as important enough to warrant an explanation. Again, I also deal with that with my crew of friends.

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13 Oct 2011, 5:13 pm

I haven't seen Parenthood or Criminal Minds, but Gregory House is just a narcissistic dickhead, not an Aspie. I saw the episode "Lines in the Sand" with the autistic boy, and Dr. Wilson agreed with me: "You're not autistic. You don't even have Asperger's. You're just a jerk."

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13 Oct 2011, 5:24 pm

Jory; thanks for jogging my memory I forgot that line that Dr. Wilson said. Yeah that sounds more like it. But I did like how House connected with the autistic boy; on a level no one else could.

Have you seen The Big Bang Theory?

Dr. Reid is very book smart; he's a genius and a self taught genius. I think Dr. Reid definitely has Aspie like qualities.

I hate when people don't have the decency to tell me it's a joke or why it was funny. So I understand why and that's why I feel bad for Dr. Reid because at times I understand and I wish I could just tell him.


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13 Oct 2011, 5:54 pm

I've seen enough of The Big Bang Theory to know that I don't find it funny at all, but it's been awhile and I wouldn't be able to remember any of the characters. As for House, he did have enough things in common with the autistic boy to connect with him, but no psychologist would ever diagnose House as an Aspie. He's just a dick, and he knows it. If you want to see what House would be like if he did have AS, watch the BBC show Sherlock.


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13 Oct 2011, 7:26 pm

I like Big Bang theory. I don't feel so bad about being a nerd after watching them. I think they are worse off then me (and with them being fictional characters and all. I know.)

I haven't watched it since Season two I believe. I don't have a TV of my own and work kept me from watching it. I hope it hasn't lost its humor.

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13 Oct 2011, 7:46 pm

I've watched House and I watch Parenthood every week. As for House, I agree that he is mainly just a dick. But a very smart one who ultimately knows what he is talking about is why he gets away with it. They need him, and he knows that so he doesn't have to attempt to please anyone.
I love Parenthood. I just wish that they didn't have Max's character be so robotic. He has almost NO personality. We do smile, joke, etc. Does anyone else feel this way?

Ok, I understand. Wait...what??

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13 Oct 2011, 8:11 pm

To Jory: House is definitely a dick. He finds what makes the people he works with tick and uses it against them. BBC; I'll see if I have that channel. What times is Sherlock on?

To Sonicthesneak: I just started watching Big Bang Theory since January when I learned about the show. And oddly enough the commercial just came on fox 5.

To iSpeedy: He's super smart and a dick. Right so he uses the fact they need him as the right to be a dick any chance he can and get away with it. So; wrong. I love Parenthood too! I know the producer is using his own family as an example of Max's character and what the parents are going through. Sometimes I don't agree with certain things. But I do have to agree TV is getting better and better at showing children and adults with on the Autism Spectrum act and such. I see what you mean having almost NO personality; but he is growing from that since the first episode for what I see. Sometimes he does joke around but now that I think about it he rarely smiles. Damn. I just really realized that.


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13 Oct 2011, 8:17 pm

Sherlock isn't being shown on TV anymore, to my knowledge. The first season of three 90-minute episodes was shown late last year and the second season is being filmed right now, to be shown sometime next year. You can rent or buy it on DVD. It's called simply Sherlock, not Sherlock Holmes. It's made by the BBC and stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. It's an excellent show, even for people who aren't fans of Sherlock Holmes. It takes place in the present, and Holmes is portrayed very clearly as an Aspie, although he's never explicitly identified as such.


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14 Oct 2011, 9:32 pm

omg... I was flipping out on Tuesday's eppy of Parenthood.

when Max had to eat lunch for a week by himself in a jaw hit the floor.
because back in the 3rd grade (yeah, i know he's in the 6th grade) i had to eat lunch alone in the classroom for practically a year. AND for the same reason, pushing someone.


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16 Oct 2011, 1:52 am

I really think Jabar should of apologized, and had some sort of punishment as well. Hitting someone, and calling them a freak should not be tolerated. If two kids fight, they should both be punished. Don't play favors. It's really no wonder bullies target ASD kids. They know they can get away with it! (Unrelated but I kind of find it creepy that Amber looks exactly like my cousin with short hair. :U)

House, I haven't watched it lately. (Too many characters keep leaving the show.) I don't think House is a Aspie because he uses metaphors often. His behaviors do seem like someone with AS. Maybe because he had such a tragic past it caused him not open up to others.

Don't watch Big Bang so I can't really comment.


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06 Nov 2011, 1:02 pm

i love the show criminal minds :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


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09 Nov 2011, 10:05 pm

I have been watching Parenthood for a while now and love it. For many reasons but Max and his parents relationships/struggles are by far what keep me coming back. I am 25 now but so many times I get these eerie feelings of dejavu and often find myself asking my mom if she went through similar experiences eg. the way Max's mom handled the teacher w/ 9 e-mails and coming by to check if he was ok.

I really find his robotic nature to be maybe over dramatized but really quite dead on. you have to understand this is an actor after all and in my humble opinion that child actor deserves an award for this show he does such a great job it makes me wonder how he researched for the role or if he actually has AS.

I also agree about the episode two weeks or so ago where Max learned to use his tone and look down etc. I taught myself these things but when he was learning them especially at the end when he apologized it was AWESOME!

To the people who feel Jabar should have been held to an equal punishment I disagree. He is a second grader and as Max's parents explained he is older. Even though as a fellow AS kid I understand how we are often less mature in social mannerisms it was a good lesson Max needed to learn about being older as well as taking responsibility for his actions where as Jabar was actually acting exactly as a kid his age most likely would. He most likely got a time out and was told how it was not kind to hit or say harsh things etc.

Just my take ... I am glad some one else watched Parenthood I was going to start a topical discussion of my own but now that this one is here I will keep posting weekly and hope anyone else who watches will also so we can keep this discussion going.

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09 Nov 2011, 10:08 pm

PS: Was anybody else like that in school? I totally got flashbacks when Max was correcting that girl for writing in her book and following rules as well as shooting off answers he knew and being 100% literal on the priests name . I loved when he went "There could have been many Priest such in such but only one Priest (said guys full name) so that's wrong" ... I never understood how annoying I was as a kid and no one ever pointed it out (at least that i remember) :?

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10 Nov 2011, 6:31 am

Jory wrote:
It's an excellent show, even for people who aren't fans of Sherlock Holmes. It takes place in the present, and Holmes is portrayed very clearly as an Aspie, although he's never explicitly identified as such.

Could you elaborate on this a little bit more. What makes you think he is portrayed as an Aspie in this show. I know an interview where Benedict says that Sherlock is autistic but.....I'd like to see why exactly that is supposed to be that way.
I've seen the show and I kind of agree but I am not sure still.


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10 Nov 2011, 3:00 pm

Mayel wrote:
Jory wrote:
It's an excellent show, even for people who aren't fans of Sherlock Holmes. It takes place in the present, and Holmes is portrayed very clearly as an Aspie, although he's never explicitly identified as such.

Could you elaborate on this a little bit more. What makes you think he is portrayed as an Aspie in this show. I know an interview where Benedict says that Sherlock is autistic but.....I'd like to see why exactly that is supposed to be that way.
I've seen the show and I kind of agree but I am not sure still.

In addition to amplifying the minor Aspie traits that Holmes has in the original stories, like the intense focus on limited areas of interest and the irritability, he's also a total train wreck socially. Holmes in the stories is sort of aloof but very socialable when he wants to be, while Cumberbatch's Holmes struggles with basic social interaction. He looks like a deer in headlights when Watson tries to engage him in small talk, he seems to be completely unaware of when he's said something rude, and he often starts to stutter and stumble over his words when he tries to express himself. You could maybe argue that he's not full blown Aspie, but he's certainly closer than House.