My views on Celebrity Big Brother 2007 racial bullying
Ok, this was 5 years ago, but I want to expess my views on the 2007 Celebrity Big Brother bullying of Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty. She was Bullied by three girls which were Jade Goody (may she rest in peace), Former S Clubber Jo O'Meara and Danielle Lloyd. I do believe that what the girls did to Shilpa was wrong, but I believe that they should be forgiven for what they did. One of these girls, Jo O'Meara from S Club 7 is one of my biggest celebrity crushes. I am a Huge fan of S Club 7. Jo who was the lead singer of S Club had a beautiful singing voice. WHen she was evicted from Big Brother, she ended up in a nervouis breakdown as seen in this interview (see below) in GMTV. I think she has learnt her lesson. Even Shilpa Shetty forgives her.
However, I still think that they need to know more about Indian culture. I myself am very interested in the culture of South ASia. India was the birthplace of many great people like The Buddha, Gandhi, Ashoka the Great and Akber The Great. India is one of the worlds oldest civilisations and has many differences and contrasts while still all have a common route.