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12 Sep 2017, 1:41 pm

Here is this complete mess of a television series I came up with two years ago. If it doesn't make sense. well it shouldn't it's created by an Aspie and it really shows. It is the perfect mess of my supposed favorite characters from Movie's TV shows and who are OC's

Full Cast

1. Adam Kennedy (Magic Mike Character)
2. Alan Garner (Hangover Character)
3.Annie Walker (Bridesmaid Character)
4.Becket Jones (OC)
5.Bernadette Kane (OC)
6.Bob While (What About Bob Character)
7.Boobie Miles (Friday Night Light's Character)
8.Brandy Shy (OC)
9.Brian Chavez (Friday Night Lights Character)
10.Brick Heck (Well I'm sure everyone who reads wrong planet knows who that is)
11.Brooke Kennedy (Magic Mike Character)
12.Brooke Shy (Neighbors Character)
13.Buddy Hobbs (Elf Character)
14.Cady Herron (Mean Girl's Character)
15.Candace Phobos (OC)
16.Caro Dennings (OC)
17.Charlie Bartlet (Charlie Bartlet Character)
18.Cheryl Banks (OC)
19.Cordelia GioVicci (OC)
20.Don Billingsly (Friday Night Lights character)
21.Drew Adams (OC)
22.Duncan Olsen (OC)
23.Dylan Jameson (OC)
24.Elani Sumi (OC)
25.Emmet Ben Nelson (Stand in for myself gender swapped)
26.Erick Rogers (OC)
27.Ethan Olsen (OC)
28.Eugene Neely (OC)
29.Fanny Farnsworth (Fanny Danny and Annie character)
30.Flora Sumi (OC)
31.Fred Smith (Awekward Moment Character)
32.Gretchen Weiners (Mean girls Character)
33.Hannah Horvath (Girls Character)
34.Helen Harris (Bridesmaides character) 

35.Henry George (Mean Girls Character)
36.IBM62 (OC)
37.Iris Swift (OC)
38.Jayden Richmond (Bridesmaids Character)
39.Jessa Johanson (Girl's Character)
40.Jonathan Thomas (OC)
41.Jutta Gomez (OC)
42.Karen Smith (Mean Girls Character)
43.Kate Gregson (United States of Tara character)
44.Kathy Shy -(OC)
45.Katrina Gomez (OC)
46.Kevin Reed (Kevin from Work character)
47.KimChi Wang (OC)
48.Lesley Jackson (OC)
49.Mark Zuckerburg (Social Network character)
50.Maude Chardin (Harold and Maude Character)
51.Merris Canfelid (Rid of Me character)
52.Mike Lane (Magic Mike Character)
53.Mike Shiner (Birdman character)
54.Mike Winchell (Friday Night Lights Character)
55.Owen Butler (The Way Way back character)
56.Pablo Gomez (OC)
57.Regina George (Mean Girls character)
58.Ricky George (OC)
59.Simon Goodwill (OC)

60.Sue Snell (Carrie 2013 Character)

Episode Guide

Episode 1.1 . Pilot
Maude sends 53 people on an air plane to a remote area of Thailand where everyone can sort out their problems. The fact that their are two Brooke’s on the trip who look and act practically the same, really upsets Ethan’s Aspergers. Cordelia remembers Henry and Lucille’s old friend Tiddle Mouse, Helen attempts to do some ice breakers but some people are just really hard to get to know, IBM62 remembers the time she thought the spoon at McDonalds was a straw and being really embarassed. Cordelia suffers from severe homesickness and culteral shock,

Episode 1.2 Twinning
The 50 people with issues are split into random groups of two in order to do chores together. When Brian and Bernadette are pared up to make dinner together they find out that they have similar experiences with having a sick identical twin who was more popular then them. When Lesley and Brooke Kennedy work together filtering water Lesley accidently tells Brooke she can relate to her because they both had knee injuries from playing soccer in college, but then feels really bad once she learns that Brooke has Elher Danlo’s Syndrome and that she cannot relate at all. Brooke and Brandy are pared up to pitch tents and instead of doing any of the work, Brooke just talks to Brandy the whole time. Emmet Ben remembers a Boston trip, Ricky tries to help Jayden find a new show to be interested in while they are digging out the latrine, Ethan and Alan both reminisce their previous adventures in Thailand whilst on fire wood duty

Episode 1.3 Why Can’t We Be Friends
Lesley tries to apologize to Brooke but Brooke will not accept her apology and things start to get really heated. Caro accidently offends Kevin with her sarcastic remarks about office work, Brooke snubs Brandy, Helen and Emmet Ben both recall the Fever fit

Episode 1.4 In The City
Cheryl and Elani decide to take Brooke to the city of Bangkock in order to make it up to her and to Mike, Caro, Candace and Jutta set up a mandate between Ethan, Eugene and Dylan but it makes Ethan really anxious, during this episode special Humpty Emmet Ben appears, Alan remembers the day he was accused of being a pedophile, Gretchen remembers when she “Ruined” a Little Mermaid tape

Episode 1.5 Want you more
Kate realizes that the harder Mike is playing to get the more she wants to get with him. Mike Lane upsets Fanny. Helen leads a group activity in which everyone reads a little piece of their memoirs. Elani thinks everyone’s is sympathetic except for Hannah’s 6th grade memoir, Helen and Emmet Ben remember when they first started living together, Iris is love sick for Aaron and Simon can tell,Brooke remembers kicking her mom really really really hard because she told her she couldn’t mary Shaquile O’neil Adam and Brandy continue to Bond and Bernadette get’s jealous

Episode 1.6 After It get’s Dark
Not knowing about how powerful they both are Jonathan and KimChi are accidently paired up by Elani to filter water and all hell breaks loose, when everyone is sent to another dimension. It suddenly get’s really dark out and the stars come out even though it is only 1:00 in the afternoon. The Aspies are unable to handle this discombobulating change. The Group is split up into two: (Alan, Becket, Bob, Brian, Brick, Brooke S, Buddy, Cady, Charlie, Cheryl, Cordelia, Don, Drew, Elani, Emmet Ben, Erick, Fanny, Gretchen, Hannah, Helen, IBM62, Iris, Jayden, Jessa, Karen, Katrina, Lesley, Louie, Mark, Meris, Mike S, Owen, Pablo, Regina, Ricky, Simon, Sue) (Adam, Bernadette, Brooke K, Candace, Caro, Duncan, Dylan, Ethan, Eugene, Flora, Fred, Jutta, Kate, Mike L)

Episode 1.7. Say Hello To The Stars
Group A desperately searches for Group B and for Jonathan and KimChi who keep warping the dimensions. Even when the group is marginally smaller, Brooke still not talking, Sue tries to get Brooke to warm up to her by reminiscing about the Australia trip Emmet Ben keeps bugging Gretchan about how upsetting the situation is, Hannah remembers the pare of times her mom came to pick her up from school in 5th grade and 6th grade

Episode 1.8 Playing it half assed
Group B finds themselves in a dimension where nobody really has a life and nobody is super successful and just everything is kind of blah. Ethan throws a fit about the fact that they are lost. Adam remembers when Brooke suffered from Clinical depression in 5th grade, Ethan remembers getting criticized about his art work at dead beaver and having to have beaver taken away from him

Episode 1.9 Dressed for Success
While group B is stuck in a dimension where everything is half assed, Group A finds themselves in a dimension where everyone is super successful, Ricky, Becket and Jayden who find a mutual interest in hating on the dimension get seperrated from the group and are warped to some other dimension. Helen seeks off to find Jayden Cordelia, Elani and Meris accompany her. Brooke remembers an over the top disturbing conversation she wrote about racism Brandy wrote when they were about disturbing conversations involving Digimon, Regina remembers Duck day

Episode 1.10 Tonight and the Rest of My Life
Brooke has a medical emergency involving her Elher Danlo’s Syndrome and Mike is in even more desperate need to find KimChi and Jonathan and get them back to their own dimension. Meanwhile Whilst seperated from the group Elani has a vision about where Jonathan might be, but it is very vague. Jayden, Ricky and Becket find KimChi in another dimension Jayden remembers his magical experience in which Hermione said something that happened in Mice was funnier then something that happened in real life. Cordelia remembers when Nick got lost in Hawaii

Episode 1.11 Sister Act
Brooke and Brandy get in an epic fight about Brooke’s refusal to talk to other people, Bob tries to play mediator. Brick developes a “Boy crush” on Charlie and asks him for some popularity points and Charlie tells him about drug dealing. Meanwhile Brooke K’s health continue’s to fail as the dimension’s keep altering. Also meanwhile Elani and everyone finally locate Jonathan, Regina remembers the time she brought Shish Ka bab’s for lunch in elementry school, Cordelia remembers the pizza book

Episode 1.12 Running Out of Time
Adam is in desperate need to find Jonathan so he can give him a piece of his mind. Elani and Helen try to help Jonathan control his power, The group finally reunites, but they are unable to get home. Adam right away changes his mind about Jonathan when he see’s what state he is in and instead tries to reach out to him. Mike asks Jonathan if Brooke is going to be okay and he says only if he figures out a way to get them back to their dimension. Emmet Ben remembers his deep conversation with Helen, Gretchen remembers the time she ordered “Gretchen Slam” ice cream at the ice cream parlor and finding out that wasn’t an actual flavor

Episode 1.13 One Two Three Vanilla Pudding
KimChi continues to warp the dimension’s instead of making things better. The group has a run in with the bad stranger in one of the dimensions who causes everyone to remember there most primal memories. Jonathan figures out a way to distract the bad stranger and help them find a way back to their dimension

Episode 1.14 It’s A Wonderful Life
Jonathan sends everyone to what they all think is their dimension. But looks are decieving. It turns out there is one huge difference in this dimension Magepaths are fugitives, therefore the magepath’s from the group of 50 are pretty much screwed if they try to use their powers. Jonathan however thinks he can think of a way to get out of it, Louie remembers the time his brother Bobby and him didn’t have enough money to buy a bottled water and ended up pooling their money, Meris remembers when she and Freak Girl ran into Mitch and friends at a Vegan restaurant. Lesley tries to make things right with Brooke

Episode 1.15. An Unexpected Bond
Brooke Shy and Brooke Kennedy become friends when they get sepparated from the group and Brooke Kennedy has a near death experience. The rest of the group tries desperately to find the other two members of their party and Adam tries desperatly to search for a magepath with healing powers so he can borrow their powers and get Brooke better. Hannah remembers her bad spring break

Episode 1.16. Home
Jonathan is finally able to get everyone back to their home dimension and Adam finally finds a magepath with healing powers and borrows his abilities. Emmet Ben remembers the time he was apparently a f*****g as*hole to Lauren the time they went to see home, Caro remembers the sailing trip she went on with her boarding school.

Episode 1. 17. Mistakes Were Made
Elani realizes that it was a huge mistake to ever put Jonathan and KimChi in a group together. Brooke Kennedy re cooperates from her health scare and Brooke Shy keeps her company, Brandy starts to worry that Brooke Kennedy is becoming her new (Brandy) and that she needs to make other friends. Mike get’s annoyed with Brooke Shy. Caro remembers when Yoko left Squid in the refridgerator, Ethan remembers taking Apricot on the bus during Ambien

Episode 1. 18. One Night In Bangkok
The Group takes a trip to Bangkok, Brooke Shy bothers Brooke Kennedy KimChi remembers
Jambalya in the Bathtub with a Wildebeast and a dirty diaper, Lesley remembers having Egg Salad and Tuna Fish on a plate for dinner when she lived with her parents 


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14 Sep 2017, 6:22 pm

I just remembered someone else who was in the Thailand cast

Louie CK (Louie character) so I guess their's actually 61 total not that it really matters or anything because he never asked Brooke Kennedy if she was okay


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16 Feb 2018, 11:25 pm

Season 2

Episode 2.1. The Hangover Part 4
The Group with the exception of Jonathan and Brick get really drunk during their night out in Bankok and get lost in the outskirts of the city. This time Alan thinks he is in control of the situation because he has been in similar situations before, but loses control along with everyone else, Gretchen remembers going out for Sundae’s at Apple Bee’s with her family after getting a good report card, Kevin remembers opening a computer scam and accepting free tickets for him and his Co workers for a trip to Tahiti

Episode 2.2 Piece of Kake
Alan figures out how to get everyone back to their camp, Mike realizes he has feelings for Kate, but tries desperately to hide it, as he realizes how innapropriate it is and that he already has a budding relationship with Riggin’s daughter Sam. Kate’s feelings for Mike grow even stronger. Brooke S remembers when their didn’t have to be anymore RUOK’s for Kari, Brooke K remembers the time she acted out at Chico Callie Mimi on a double date with Bernadette and Adam

Episode 2.3 Familiar Faces
Elani with the help of Adam teleport people’s loved one’s to the remote area of Thailand, and boy is that a hassle, Adam and Brooke recall their week at Aunt Bethany’s, Things get heated between Jessa and Claire, Hannah remembers when Loreen was rude about Pizza hut on her 11th Birthday

Episode 2.4 Brooke Died and Kate Got In Trouble
When Brooke and Kate are hanging out at the beach, Brooke has a death scare. It turns out she is perfectly fine and is just taking a nap on the beach Not only does Kate get in trouble for being irrisponsible, but Tara get’s accused of being a bad mother, by Mike of all people (Who admits that Kate is a fine person) Morgan and Angela discuss how Ethan and Regina were both nominated the most inspirational during the senior most likely’s and reminice about it

Episode 2.5 A Tale Of Too Many People
There are way too many people for the Aspies, it is pure Chaos. Lesley and Louise reminisce about the time Louise said that Siamese Twin’s who were connected at the head were more functional than her, Emmet Ben remembers shopping for a new rain jacket with Isaac

Episode 2.6 Alice Knows Best
Mike finally admits his feelings for Kate and tells her that they have to keep their relationship a secret, unfortunately Alice emerges from Tara and overhears their conversation and she is not happy about the situation at all. Caro remembers the bike trip she went on with boarding school, Candace remembers getting a Migraine at the duck pond

Episode 2.7 Teenage Wasteland
Brick wants to know about college which leads the group to talk remininisce about their own college experiences good and bad, Brooke and Hannah both remember their rotten Freshman Years, Emmet Ben remembers breaking his foot, Ethan remembers Thanksgiving Parties, Regina remembers Monica Hospital, Helen remembers Field School, Adam and Bernadette remember First date, Jessa remembers spending Thanksgiving alone in the dorms, Simon and Gretchen remember Herbert Incident, Mike remembers being kicked off the football team and Lesley remembers being nominated homecoming Queen

Episode 2.8 Parent’s Night
On The Family Member’s Last night, The Parents reveal the most embarrassing of the embarrassing stories about their kids

Episode 2.9 Halloween’s Eve
A Homage to famous horror movies including (The Brood, The Shining and Saw) In This special 2 hour episode

Episode 2.10. Battle Of The Brooke’s
Brooke S continues to follow Brooke K everywhere and ask nosy questions about her disease causing the two of them to get into a huge fight. One that get’s really physical. When the group is forced to pick sides (By the two Brooke’s) Becket is unable to because he doesn’t realize that their are two sides of the situation, as far as he knows they are one in the same person, according to him they both have two families and also they both have Lou Gehrig’s Disease and Ehler’s Danlo’s Syndrome. The whole thing confuses Fred so much he has a panic attack. Jutta remembers an Art project of her’s that she titled “Both Both” in which she glued a pinecone to a tree, Regina remembers when Ricky tricked her into eating Poison berries by telling her they were red currents.

Episode 2.11 Enter Epidemic
Adam and Elani, both realize that it took a whole lot out of them to do all that teleporting work, they both agree that family visits as fun as they were, were a complete mistake. Alan has a vision that an epidemic is wiping out half the magapath population in Thailand and that a big portion of the group is in deep jepordy. Katrina remembers when Maureen told her the only thing she’d ever ammount to was selling rugs, Caro remembers when Ariana told her all about Hell

Episode 2.12 Fever 105
Helen’s is the next one to exhibit symptoms her powers start acting out when she accidently shocks Brooke who goes back to her early Florida trip behavior and gloms on to Helen. It is discoverd that the empaths are picking up rogue abilities and that the last contact Helen had with a Magepath with that power was when Georgie was there for group visits, Jessa and Adam start to realize that they too are losing control of their powers. Emmet Ben remembers when Dairy Queen reopened, Ricky remembers when he had “Salad” today

Episode 2.13 The Little Empath That Couldn’t
Jessa loses complete control over her powers and has to be isolated from the rest of the group. She makes a huge mess of the campsight. Meanwhile Adam too is having difficulties controlling too many powers, Brooke tries to take charge but she is so used to being the sick one that she doesn’t know what to do and she freaks out. Brooke S freaks out when Jessa phases through her, a power borrowed from Gin who she hadn’t seen since the Florida trip, Caro remembers breaking a monkey at an antique store, Kevin remembers forgetting to pay for a book at Target

Episode 2.14 Let’s Do The Time Warp Again
Jonathan is the next victim of the epidemic and full blown pandamoniam strikes when he once again sends everyone through a dimensional warp. Gretchen remembers her terrible Wind Rivers trip she took with her family before starting College, Candace also catches to epidemic and starts having hallucinations of Adam again, Ethan remembers the Pow Wow

Episode 2.15 The Cure?
Almost all of the Magepath’s are sick, the only one who hasn’t caught the epidemic yet is KimChi, so now it is up to the non Magepath’s in the group to find the cure. They Use KimChi to help locate the Magepath therapist. He tells them that the cure is in another dimension. The group also finds out that KimChi has some kind of power of immunity and that is why the flu hasn’t been effecting her. Emmet Ben remembers the time he bought Pot and it turned out to be Oregeno, Henry remembers when Lucille embarrassed him at Choir Camp by bringing Niki

Episode 2.16 Thanksgiving
The group celebrates Thanksgiving and reminice about Holliday memories, Brooke. K remembers finding out that her mother knew all along that she had Elher Danlo’s Syndrome during Thanksgiving Dinner, Ethan remembers his slumber party with Tim and Mr Rodgers during Thanksgiving Break, Emmet Ben remembers starting Jacob Marley’s Chains, Brooke. S remembers her Honeymoon in Mexico, Gretchen remembers burning the rice, Duncan remembers when Ethan stole his Ambien and slept for most of Thanksgiving Break, Kevin remembers the time Brock harrassed a wild turkey and there was hell to pay, Caro remembers stealing Popcicles, Kate remembers when Alice decided to prepare a Vegan feast one Thanksgiving

Episode 2.17 Christmas In Thailand
The Holliday seasons roll around and no one is as excited about Christmas as Buddy, who goes all out, the group shares Christmas memories, Emmet Ben remembers making Christmas Cookies with 1/4 cup of salt in them instead of 1/4 teaspoon, Brooke K remembers her terrible Christmas dinner Freshman Semester, Buddy remembers when Santa had Diahriah, Gretchen remembers having Mike over for Chanukah, Kevin remembers an excruciating Christmas party at the office, Fred remembers getting hair in his stocking and thinking it was because he was bad, Alan remembers getting a tent for Christmas, Ethan remembers throwing a fit about a puzzle on Christmas, Brooke S remembers writing a letter to One Saturday Morning complaining about how they didn’t play Christmas Episodes, Henry remembers the chocolate Calander, Jutta remembers watching Santa has Diahriah with Georgie, Mike remembers getting Capers from Gretchen as a present, Hannah remembers her “Poor Santa Clause” cartoon dream, and Caro remembers her dream about Rocky and Bullwinkle/Reading Rainbow

Episode 2.18 New Years Resolutions
Brooke K suffers from a little bit of after Christmas blues as always as it is time to take down the Christmas tree and Adam worries that she is going to slip back into her old habits again, Buddy tries to cheer her up to convince her that she always has the Christmas spirit. The group prepares for new years and everyone works on their new years resolutions. Brick really wants to stay up until midnight this year and find out what actually happens because usually he has a bed time, but this year without his parents he is free to stay up late but he doesn’t know if he will make it till midnight. Jayden doesn’t want the year to be over even though he is having a crappy year, he is worried it will get even crappier. Cady continues to be lovesick for Aaron, Emmet Ben remembers making an Angel food cake as a new years resolution, Hannah remembers being the only one to stay up till midnight


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16 Feb 2018, 11:30 pm

Season 3

Episode 3.1 Be My Valentine
Valentines is in the air and everyone, everyone who is pared up that day is super excited, everyone that is except for Cady who is missing Aaron more then ever, causing Simon to get really hurt. The rest of the couple’s go on a romantic date to Thailand’s finest area. Henry remembers when Lucille got an EKG on Valantine’s day, Emmet Ben remembers doing a boring Circle K event for Valentines Day

Episode 3.2 More Brooke Talk
Brandy and Adam both realize that they are fed up with their sister’s fighting all the time and work as per mediators. At first the two are hesitent but then once they start really getting into it they realize how much they have in common, both have degernerative diseases, both have bitchy mother’s who hate to see them anything but perfect, both have siblings who are teachers and both have issues with clinical depression. They come to realize that they hadn’t really gotten to know each other during the time they were stuck together in the other dimension, they just had to work together because it was a life or death situation. They come to realize that in a strange way Becket is kind of right they kind of are the same person and maybe that is why they have been clashing so much. Helen remembers seeing Pinochio with her dad,
Ethan remembers giving himself a haircut with the cheese cutter

Episode 3.4 Stranger In The Strange Land
KimChi invites the bad stranger to hang out with everyone, this time instead of just making everyone remember their most primal memories, he turns everyone into children with the acception of Brick who is already 9 years old. They get split into 5 groups of 10 that are divided in the most primal way immaginably alphabetically

Episode 3.3 Kids
Adam, Alan, Annie, Becket, Bernadette, Boobie, Brandy, Brian, Brick, and Brooke K find themselves in an abondoned school house near a babbling brook complete with a bridge and a wishing well, they believe that they must find the wishing well penny in order to turn them back into grown up’s but that is an idea that is way too scary for all of them including 9 year old Brick who has been brainwashed by the bad stranger to think and behave as if he are much younger

Episode 3.4 Kids Part 2
Brooke S, Buddy, Cady, Caro, Candace, Don, Drew, Duncan, Elani and Emmet Ben find themselves in Toyland. It is a happy place until they realize that the toys are as a matter a fact evil. It turns out that the bad stranger has possessed the toys to show their much scarrier side

Episode 3.5 Kids Part 3
Ethan, Fanny, Flora, Fred, Gretchen, Hannah, Helen, Henry, IBM62 and Jayden find themselves in Nursery Rhyme land where they are about to get baked into a pie, the group must find a way to get out

Episode 3.6 Kids Part 4
Jessa, Jonathan, Jutta, Karen, Kate, Kathy, Katrina, Kevin, KimChi and Lesley find themselves outside of a Ginger bread house Akin to the one in Hansel and Gretel and everything else is made out of candy, the children eat and eat until they all find themselves overcome by a horrible stomachache and a wicked witch trying to shove them into the oven. It is Katrina who pulls a Gretel and outsmarts the witch by pushing her in the oven

Episdode 3. 7 Kids Part 5 Finale
Louie, Meris, Mike L, Mike S, Mike W, Owen, Pablo, Regina, Ricky and Simon find themselves in probably the most primal and shudder place of all, the land that is made up of clocks a world that can not be understood by such young minds because time is not a concept they can yet get a handle on. The groups finally catch up with each other and they figure out how to find the wishing well penny even if that means turning them into the most scary thing ever. Adults.

Episode 3.8 Watch Where You Swim
Kate get’s injured while she is swimming but choses to toughen it out, things get heated between Karen and Candace when they are pared up to cook dinner together, Brooke remembers her huge knee injury, Emmet Ben and Helen fondly remember Taryn and Carla

Episode 3.9 Is There A Doctor In The House?
Mike is the first one to notice that Kate doesn’t seem quite herself and asks IBM62, Kathy and Duncan for their expert oppinions, but Kate keeps insisting she’s fine, Jutta remembers when Ethan had Diahriah in his pants at Shaws after stealling and over dosing on his Dad’s Ambien, Katrina remembers cheer leading camp

Episode 3.10 Stingray
When Kate’s health starts to take a turn for it’s worst, Mike suggests she stop fooling around and seek out a doctors attention and this time he is not kidding. IBM62 diagnosis her as having a severe sting ray sting and tells her that it would be a whole lot easier to deal with if she had mentioned it sooner. Mike is furious with Kate for keeping her bad health to herself and says he doesn’t want to be with a girl who has such little self respect. Owen says he might know what to do because he suffered a spider bite on the Samoa trip and knows all about poison control, Louie remembers the time a vender at the water park got annoyed with him for ordering a pretzel, Brooke remembers the end of Digimon Island for her and Brandy

Episode 3.11 Mike and Gretchen and Mike and Brooke and Mike and Kate
While watching over Kate, Mike is accompanied by Mike and Brooke and Mike and Gretchen, Both Mike Lane and Mike Winchell know what Mike Shiner is going through as they have both been in similar situations with their girlfriends. Mike Winchell reminisces the Sauna Situation and Mike Lane reminisces about when Brooke first became sick. Kate says she feels like she is being self centered when Brooke is the one sufferring from Elher Danlo Syndrome and has gone through a lot more throughout her entire life then Kate has in an entire week. Mike tells her to never minimize her problems, Kate’s health takes a turn for it’s worse as her body starts to go into shock, now it is up to IBM62, Kathy and Duncan to step in

Episode 3.12 Enemies become friends and friends become enemies
Kate re Cooperates in the tent but makes no signs of getting better, Mike however feels horrible about their fight. Meanwhile Karen and Candace become friends when they bond over hating their therapists Lesley and Elani get in an argument about Lesley’s laziness around camp Caro remembers when Ivy got high off of brownies after she told her they had Pot in them, Helen remembers movie night with her mom and gramdma

Episode 3.13 Trust activities
Being fed up with people getting along one minute and turning their back on each other the next, Elani steps in and advises they do some trust building activities, with the acception of Kate of course who is still re cooperating. Ethan remembers going to seattle to see a therapist Hannah remembers overdosing on Somanex

Episode 3.14. Older then My Tears
Mike Starts to believe that maybe Kate is a bit too young for him and it is not just about the obvious age difference all though that is a major part of it, it is also about how young it was of her to just let herself get so sick when she could have taken action right away. He comes into the shelter where Kate is laid up and tells her that maybe he wants to be with someone who is more mature. Kate tells him that she is very mature and that she does not know what he could possibly be talking about. Just like that they find themselves back on the whole self respect issue. But does Mike really have that much self respect? Kate wants to know. They’re argument get’s heated until Mike just decides he’s over it, their is no more Kake, as a matter a fact there was never going to be such thing as Kake, it was always just a fantasy plan that they both kind of wanted but at the same time knew would never come to be. Kate seeks advice from Flora who has similar problems with Johnston, Ethan remembers stealling ham at a hospital get toghether, Brooke K remembers suffering from the worst homesickness ever and Crying for 7 days streight at 5th grade out door school

Episode 3.15. St Patricks Day
The group celebrates St Patricks day, but Kate is going to be laid up for the event and suffers from a terrible case of Cabin Fever. Flora keeps her company and gives her more advice on dealing with older men even though she would much rather be celebrating with her friends. Duncan get’s mad at Ethan for getting drunk, Emmet Ben remembers their Cartoon marathon and Gretchen remembers the kid’s book she worked on with her mom about Pooly

Episode 3.16 Saving Kate
IBM62, is finally able to pull out the stinger from the Stingray and release the poison but it is too late she feels the poison has already taken over her body, Kathy thinks the best way to handle it, is to leak the poison out of her body with a syringe. Ethan remembers his day trip to Boston, Jayden remembers the Minnisota trip

Episode 3.17 Cady and Aaron and Simon
Kate is feeling a little better but as everyone had guessed, she is going to take forever to get better .Cady can’t stop obsessing with Aaron, every word out of her mouth is Aaron this and Aaron that, has is ever occured to her how Simon’s supposed to feel about any of this, apparently not, because Simon just so happens to be the one she is constantly complaining to, Regina tries to help Cady out of her Aaron funck by telling her that Aaron’s really not all that and a bag of chips, but Cady really does think he’s all that and a bag of chips only she can’t have him because he’s gay, Emmet Ben remembers faceplanting on the bed after talking his normal dosage of Lunesta, Alan remembers when Tracy brought Ruby and M&M cookies for Show and Tell

Episode 3.18 Brooke Victoria and Brooke Veronica
The two Brooke’s start getting exclusive and snobbish, once they were at each other’s throats now they can’t seem to be seperated, Brandy and Adam realize that they had created a monster, Mike remembers buying a cat at Petco at the very last minute, Fanny remembers when her mom squeezed whip cream in her mouth

Episode 3.19 Hare Krishna
Everyone goes to a Thai temple where they are given a mind altering drug.
Caro and Flora come up with some outlandish yarn about hanging out with Mike and Don in their (Flora and Caro’s Time period, Emmet Ben and Helen spin and outlandish yarn about Emmet Ben’s brain dissappearing, Jutta comes up with an outlandish yarn about Ethan working an all day shift at the Nursing Home, whilst on the drug given out in the temple, Brooke Kennedy has a bad reaction to the drug which causes her siezures to worsen, as does Ethan who becomes increasingly anxious, Jonathan feels left out but knows better then to take the drug. They find out that the Monk who runs the temple is a powerful mind altering Magepath who goes by the name of Krishna who where’s a dark hood and no one is able to get a good hard look at his face and they are unable to get away


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31 Oct 2022, 9:54 am

Season 9

9.1 Brooke Kennedy returns
Brooke Kennedy comes back from the dead, she is over powered and evil and with a pixie mullet Brooke Kennedy flashes her boobs at Boobie and Boobie asks her if she’s all right. Kate Gregson asks her if she’s okay because she flashed her boobs at Boobie Brooke Kennedy kills the twin with Ehler’s Danlo Syndrome because he is not perfect the other one she gives to Bernadette saying “You can have this with if you want” Bernadette asks her if she is okay because she killed the twin with Ehler’s Danlo’s Syndrome and Mike Shiner asks her if she is all right, Helen remembers when the Boos were in a bag, Emmet Ben remembers getting in big trouble for getting tuna fish in Minnesotta, Brooke Kennedy accuses Louie of having farts for dinner but fails to explain what the hell that means. Louie asks her if she is okay because she said he had farts for dinner Brooke Kennedy puts poop on Don Billingsly’s tooth brush after he asks her if she wants to use the shower when he’s done with it

9.2 Back to Bangkok
Brooke Kennedy begs Cheryl and Elani to take her back to Bangkok, she pretends to have a Cataplectic attack and Cheryl asks her if she’s okay and Elani asks her if she is all right later she buys them vibrators Cheryl asks her if she is okay again and Elani asks her if she is all right again and says Erick has no personality and makes fun of Kenta for being Asian. Brooke Shy’s Lou Gehrig’s Disease takes a turn for it’s worst she is rushed to the hospital where she passes away. Brooke Kennedy accuses Don Billingsly of having Apple pie in a cup, Don Billingsly asks her if she’s all right, she also accuses Drew of having Pumpkin pie in a cup, Drew asks her if she is okay. Emmet Ben remembers when he was high on Expeterents, Helen remembers the Survivor game that they played when Emmet Ben was high on expeterents

9.3. Ughtt!!
Brooke Kennedy let’s out a sonic belch that kills the following people: Louie, Don Billingsly, Brian Chavaz, Mike Winchell, Boobie, Mike Shiner, Kate Gregson, Aunt Kathy, Annie, Sue Snell, Mark, Henry, Brandy, Fred, Simon, Kevin from work and Drew. Ricky asks her if she okay because she belched to which she responds no I’m not okay I have Ehler’s Danlo’s Syndrome. Jayden asks her if she is all right because she belched. Bernadette sits on a twin and suffocates them, Helen remembers the video on her phone she made of Halley taking a bath, Emmet Ben remembers when Helen asked if she had to like Brooke Meriwether

9.4. Bernadette’s purchase
Bernadette feels really guilty about sitting on a twin and purchases two lifelong packs of Zzzquil on Amazon, Brooke Kennedy accuses Eugene of having Macaroons for breakfast, Eugene asks her if she is all right because of that accusation and she tells him that she wishes he died in the holocaust. Erick asks her if she is all right because she said Eugene should die in a holocost. Helen remembers Brock Doty, Emmet Ben remembers Ethan Cole Chause

9.5. Brooke Kennedy’s Cold
Brooke Kennedy get’s a really weird cold that causes her to become bald, naked, floating, featureless, limbless, and resembling a giant turkey leg Jonathan asks her if she’s okay because of that weirdness. Emmet Ben remembers taking edibles, Helen remembers having Insomnia

9.6. Attack of the Giant Turkey leg
Brooke Kennedy attacks people in the form of a giant turkey leg thingy, she bops several people on the head, Jayden asks her if she is all right. Helen and Emmet Ben remember being non sentient during quarantine

9.7 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPppppppppppp
Brooke Kennedy and Dylan fart in each other’s butts. Dylan asks her if she is all right because she farted in his butt, Bernadette waits and waits for her Zzquil to show up, but it does not Brooke Kennedy farts in Adam’s face, Adam asks her if she is all right Emmet Ben remembers when PPPPPpppppp saved the day, Helen remembers Flutes and their toots

9.8 The pilfered X’mas list
Brooke Kennedy steals Buddy’s X’Mas list, Buddy asks her if she is okay, Santa shows up and also asks Brooke Kennedy if she is okay. Bernadette’s first pack of Zzquill arrives in the mail she decides to wait for the second pack to come and take it all at once rather then taking it then, Helen remembers Skyler, Emmet Ben remembers pushing his painting

9.9 Happy Birthday to Me
The group celebrates Ricky’s birthday. Brooke Kennedy dumps cake and creamcicles in everyones lap. Karen asks her if she is okay because of that and Gretchen asks her if she is all right. Ricky admits that he did poorly in school and is rushed to the hospital when the group suspects he has Panecephalitis, Ricky is diagnosed with Panencephalitis Bernadette hides the Zzquill, Helen remembers when they got rid of Brooke Shy, Emmet Ben remembers his rude text regarding Brooke Alexander, Brock from Wildman and Lena

9.10. Stuck Pills
Brooke Kennedy sings the song the farmer and the Cowman should be friends from Oklahoma and forces Ethan. To dance with her, Ethan asks her if she is all right for that, Helen remembers the stuck pill, Emmet Ben remembers the stuck Pills, Bernadette’s second pack of Zzquil arrives, Lesley finds the zzquil and announces goody and Bernadette very condescendingly lectures her about how you shouldn’t yuck someone else’s yum

9.11 Bye Bye Bernadette
Bernadette takes all of the Zzquil at once and dies. Brooke Kennedy get’s naked in the hot tub and poops in it, Becket asks her if she is okay, she assumes it is about what happened at her wedding which she isn’t sure what, She endlessly grills Becket about what happened at the wedding, Adam slits his wrists about Bernadette and loses a ton of blood, Ricky’s health takes a turn for it’s worst, Brooke Kennedy scares Fanny by pretending to be the count and chanting cotton tail while poking her in the nose several times. Fanny asks her if she is okay because of that behavior, Emmet Ben remembers when he was constipated, Helen remembers going on field trips with her Grandma Winnie

9.12 That’s a terrific thing to say
Brooke Kennedy tells Caro “Cute Outfit” In a really creepy voice and when she says it she has sharp teeth, Caro asks her if she is all right and tells her that is a terrific thing to say, The group has a funeral for Bernadette, at the after party Brooke Kennedy does the following: licks the frosting off all of the cupcakes, takes a bite out of each and every single one of the deviled eggs, pulls the skin off the turkey, snot rockets in the lemonade, drools in the punch, crushes the potato chips, pokes a hole in the water melon, farts on the mini quiches, puts spanikopita in her pants, force feeds Emmet Ben a Falafel insisting that it is his favorite food, pees on the grapes, and even poops in the potato salad Candace asks her if she is okay about all of that and Jutta asks her if she is all right. Mike assumes she is just sad about Bernadette and is grieving in her own special way. Adam doesn’t die but suffers from brain damage and becomes a vegetable, Ricky slips into a coma, Helen and Emmet Ben remember when Toni came over after they quit Buddhist group, Kevin from Work remembers getting a gram cracker in his stocking

9.13 The Episode that is only Flashbacks aka The Pukisode
Helen remembers when Juliet died, Emmet Ben remembers when Romeo died, Helen remembers house sitting for Homer, Emmet Ben remembers getting accused of wandering at Roseaurs, Helen and Emmet Ben remember Music on Main, Emmet Ben remembers sharing a meatball sub with another reach client, Helen remembers when her dad got mad because she didn’t want to go to the climbing gym, Helen and Emmet Ben remember Emmet Ben’s Giant Ipod, Jesse remembers finding out what a studio apartment was, Candace remembers Giant raisins, Helen remembers hearing about her moms Bulimic roommate when she was 7, Caro remembers when Tequila turned out to be Ayahuasca, Becket remembers when a caterpillar turned out to be a bee with a stinger, Emmet Ben remembers when Isaac made him meatballs, Becket remembers when his sibling threw up on the chair” Emmet Ben remembers eating Salmon with his fingers, Helen remembers when her mom made her cookies, Helen remembers running into Emmet Ben down town, Bernadette remembers the no twins allowed meeting, Brandy remembers her and Brooke’s floating conversation about the following; how Sheyera and Bruces date was different than Brian and Ororo’s date, Brooke’s dream about how they decided they didn’t like Vampgirl and how Superman is a better roll model for little kids than Batman, Alan remembers when Jarad and Lauren threw up in the car, Emmet Ben remembers throwing up in the bath tub/bath mat, Brooke remembers when Brandy bossed her around about living in the moment regarding Grey’s Anatomy, Helen remembers the Matzo mess, Emmet Ben remembers the corn bread mess, Helen and Emmet Ben remember their fires, Becket remembers Paul Gipes sledding parties, Helen remembers when Someone interrupted her at Buddhist group, Alan remembers when he and Tracy played Lovable Lauren, Emmet Ben remembers when someone got mad at him at Buddhist group, Ethan remembers when a pig came into his classroom in preschool, Dylan remembers when a dog came into his classroom in High school, Helen remembers the first time she didn’t share toast and jam with Emmet Ben, Hannah remembers when her mom called her a f*****g c**t because she said ew about her walking around naked, Emmet Ben remembers the second time Helen didn’t share toast and jam with him, Emmet Ben remembers texting the Matt person at 3 in the morning to tell him he had the stomach flu and then getting in trouble for calling him at an inappropriate time, Emmet Ben remembers when Nora didn’t want to talk to the people at the ice cream shop because she had enough friends, Emmet Ben remembers when his library books disappeared, Mike Lane, Mike Winchell, Brooke Shy and Brooke Kennedy remember the book Don’t forget the Bacon, Brooke Kennedy remembers the Brooke Kennedy light, Sue Snell remembers when it smelled like Maple yogurt, Candace remembers the bird she thought was a skiier, Lesley remembers the buried fish treat, Candace remembers those people who she thought were riding horses but really they were just walking, Helen and Emmet Ben remember getting new bathing suits, Helen remembers the ret*d dinner, Helen remembers when Nora didn’t want to talk to the waitress at a Mexican restaurant because she had enough friends, Emmet Ben remembers having a cold during quarantine, Helen remembers the Magic Mike Box, Helen and Emmet Ben remember getting the Richard Scarry Movie, Helen remembers when Emmet Ben randomly decided he didn’t like her anymore, Helen remembers when when Emmet Ben laughed about the hard time on experterents, Emmet Ben remembers the tossed pills, Helen remembers when Halley kept jumping at Emmet Ben, Helen and Emmet Ben remember when Helen II wasn’t sure if she had to pee or not on the Minnesota trip, Helen and Emmet Ben remember the show about Pengalins, Jessa remembers getting offended because Helen said she put dolphins on a pedestal, Ethan remembers crying about the pancakes being little, Jessa and Caro remember their argument about God’s fit about Brock from Wildman, Emmet Ben remembers his fit about Brooke and Brandy, Helen remembers Rosh Hashanah at Sarah Phobos’s house, Dylan remembers a Beatle Bailey comic where someone pushed Beatle Bailey, Cheryl remembers the two times Georgie told her to sit in the kitchen, Helen remembers being terrified of the possibility that Emmet Ben might not like Stone, Brooke Shy remembers the best day of her life involving a conversation about Anime, Emmet Ben remembers making up the Brooke Alexander story, Helen remembers when Emmet Ben was gaslight regarding the Brooke Alexander story, Ethan remembers the day he turned 14

9.14 She’s evil she’s evil she’s evil
Brooke Kennedy ruthlessly kills a whole herd of Binturongs using every power she has, IBM62 asks her if she is okay because of the killing of the Binturongs, Ricky’s condition continues to get worse as does Adams, Emmet Ben remembers wandering at the Days Inn, Brick remembers joining the main group for a second to give an epically hilarious response regarding Emmet Ben’s fit. The response is Oh,

9.15 Mr Helen and Emmet Ben go to Grandma Mary’s place
Brooke Kennedy sneezes on Charlie whilst saying Magic Mike multiple times. Charlie asks her if she is all right because of that. She assures Charlie that she is absolutely not getting a cold and that it is so so so sweet to worry about her to which Charlie says that’s not even kind of why he asked. Helen remembers going to Grandma Mary’s Birthday, Emmet Ben remember’s going to visit Grandma Mary around Christmas

9.16 Several People die in this episode
Brooke Kennedy kills Mike Lane with every single one of her powers because he is eating grape nuts too loudly and it is annoying her, Ricky dies of Pannencephalitis, Adam dies of blood loss and brain damage, Helen remembers when Kai died, Emmet Ben remembers when Sorren died

9.17. Their Funerals
The group has a triple funeral for Ricky, Mike Lane and Adam. Brooke Kennedy ruthlessly teases Flora about how she liked Baringia when she was a kid. She wakes up the next morning and is morbidly obese weighing 2 hundred billion pounds, Katrina asks if she is all right because she is fat. Helen remembers when Emmet Ben ate the pizza rug, Emmet Ben remembers when Isaac fainted at the IMax

9.18. King sized Brooke Kennedy
Brooke Kennedy’s gains 200 billion more pounds she finds out at the hospital that it is because of brain damage caused by the stroke caused by Ehler’s Danlo’s Syndrome which completely wrecked her pituitary gland but Flora knows better she knows that it is because she made fun of Baringia. Despite everything Flora asks Brooke Kennedy if she is all right because she is fat Helen remembers when daylight savings was a whisper day, Emmet Ben remembers when Daylight savings was a whisper night

9.19. That One Carrot
Brooke Kennedy who has gained 200 billion pounds since the last episode get’s mad at Helen for eating a carrot too loudly, she takes it away from Helen, chews it up and spits it on the ground, Helen asks her if she is all right because of that. Emmet Ben remembers when Helen got mad at him for taking a bite of her ice cream after she told him not to, Helen remembers Mrs. Seal. Brooke Kennedy grows the thickest and longest beard humanly possible. Cheryl asks Brooke Kennedy if she is okay because she grows a beard and Brooke Kennedy gas lights her by saying she’s always had a beard and has always been morbidly obese, Cheryl asks her if she is okay because she is being gas lightly

9.20. Brooke Kennedy’s Party
Brooke Kennedy gains 200 billion pounds more and the group throws her a party for being the fattest person alive KimChi asks Brooke Kennedy if she is All right for being the fattest person alive. Emmet Ben remembers the worm moon, Helen remembers when Zunni stew was like the parody. Brooke Kennedy watches The Land Before Time as a morbidly obese heavily bearded person

9.21. Pop (Series finale)
Brooke Kennedy gains 200 billion more pounds and pops and blood and guts explode everywhere Becket asks her if she is okay and Helen says she is not okay she is dead to which Becket replies “Oh” Helen and Emmet Ben remember when they went to see the Jackie movie, Emmet Ben remembers the Christmas party at Rosauers

I can't believe I thought this made sense to other people :lol:


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20 Sep 2024, 4:55 pm


Brooke (To Adam): So if you can borrow people’s abilities could you also borrow people’s disabilities like could you borrow Ehler’s Danlo’s Syndrome?
Adam: That’s a terrific idea Brooke

Emmet Ben: When you forced me to write the Emma Coolidge story and I forced you to write a story about Jutta and Ethan I said how about I write what I want to write and you write what you want to write and we don’t tell each other what to write
Helen: And we shouldn’t tell each other what to read either. Like I shouldn’t be forced to read the Sue Snell story when I’m going potty
Emmet Ben (Laughs way way way too hard)
Helen: why is that funny?

Helen: That Emma doesn’t have an indoor library voice at all
Frehiwot: Yeah I understand that. Sometimes kids have to be noisy

Morgan: You used to be afraid of the Count. The Count that’s a weird name
Ethan: Oh yeah I know an even weirder name Upside Down Girl and I know an even weirder name then that Spinelli

Adam’s friend: You’re disgusting Adam, we hate you.
Adam: Why?
Adam’s Friend: Because your sister can peel a banana with her feet
Adam: Do you hate her?
Adam’s friend: No way she’s awesome!

Isaac: Do you want to go to the climbing wall
Helen: No not really
Isaac: Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot

Emmet Ben: FIRE FIRE FIRE!! !! !! !! !! !
Helen: Oh My GOD WHERE?

Emmet Ben: Upstairs!

Isaac: So have you guys heard of the new Rocky and Bullwinkle spinoff its about them in first grade
Helen: No I don’t think so
Emmet Ben: No. Goody
Isaac: HUMPH!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! You guys REALLY MEAN! (Stomps his feet)

Eedie (Finds a toy Count) Fanny look what I found! Come and Get it!

Emmet Ben: The Emma Coolidge story was stupid it had a flashback of when she was a baby
Helen: Well so did Jacob Marley’s chains
Emmet Ben: And So will the Sue Snell Story
Helen: It will have a scene of her when she’s a baby
Emmet Ben: No but it will probably have a scene where she’s in HIGH SCHOOL!
Emmet Ben: Did the Jutta and Ethan story have a scene where they were babies
Helen: No of course not
Emmet Ben: Then what was the issue
Helen: The issue was I didn’t want to write it

Emmet Ben (About a meatball sub in a subway commercial) That’s Helen’s absolute favorite food
Isaac - No it isn’t

Georgie: We have something that’s kind of like a big sister at swim lessons she’s called a Junior leader
Kenta: Georgie you need to be nicer to mommy
Georgie: Did you not hear what I just said?

Georgie (Freaking out) GO SIT IN THE KITCHEN

Cheryl: Okay
Kenta: Georgie that was a really mean thing to say
Georgie: I was just kidding
Kenta: Georgie you need to be nicer to mommy
Georgie: Did you not hear what I just said?
Kenta: Yeah I heard. It wasn’t a very funny joke

Georgie: There’s too much corn on my plate. HELP!! !! !! !! !! !

Georgie: On her birthday we didn’t sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! !! I hate her so much

Brooke: Oh by the way I deleted all the recruits and added Dorian
Brandy: Why would you do that?

Mike: Who gave you alcohol?
Brooke: The Kon-Weech

Ethan: So what do you like better poo poo or pee pee
Morgan: What Ethan?
Ethan: what do like better poo poo or pee pee
Aunt Crystal: OH Ethan that’s inappropriate

Brooke (Looks around the theater)
Brandy: Is there someone you know?

Brooke: I’m just seeing if there’s another girl in the theater
Brandy: I’m a girl
Brooke: Another girl besides us

Brooke: Do you think we’re going to like Grey’s Anatomy for the rest of our lives?
Brandy: No of course not, we’re probably just going to like it for 12 months, but what matters is you like it now. Live in the moment regarding Grey’s Anatomy
Brooke: AHHH Brandy. That’s really bossy!
Brandy: Wait that’s the issue?

Brooke: Yeah what else would be the issue?

Louise: I got these drumsticks for desert it was Lesley’s idea
Lesley: No I don’t think so
Louise: Yes it was because I asked, when I asked Lesley what she wanted for desert with the cold dinners tonight, I asked her what she wanted for desert, when I asked her what she wanted to have for desert tonight with the dinner when I asked Lesley what we should have for desert tonight she said, she said she said she said she said she wanted ICE CREAM
David: Cool story Louise

Emmet Ben: I’m getting my purse
Helen: I never asked

Helen II: So I’m making a Flatbread Margharita Pizza tonight for dinner
Emmet Ben: Do you think we can stop at your house and pick some up for me?
Helen II: No
Emmet Ben: Please?
Helen II: No. So I talked to Helen today
Emmet Ben: Please?
Helen II: No. So I saw Gwendy today.
Emmet Ben: Please?
Helen II: No!
Emmet Ben: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (Makes puppy dog face)
Helen II: I can’t possibly say no to you when you’re so cute
Emmet Ben: EEEEEEEEE!! !! !

Helen II: So I’m going to make that flatbread Pizza margarita for dinner tonight again.
Emmet Ben (Apathethetically) : huh
Helen II: Do you want some?
Emmet Ben : No, Not really
Helen II: EMMA???????? You don’t seem very excited this time
Emmet Ben: No. I’m not. Should I be?
Helen II: You were really excited the last time I made it remember?
Emmet Ben (Shakes his head)
Helen II: EMMA??????????????????????????????????????????? It was only 9 months ago

Helen: Sorry that sounds bossy
Emmet Ben: Oh no not bossy
Loreen: Let’s get some pizza
Hannah: Speaking of pizza we played a pretty cool game at school today with cardboard pizza. It was to help us learn fractions. I think I was pretty good at it
Loreen (Sadly): Well this won’t be cardboard pizza it will be real pizza

Ethan: Could you help me put this around my wrist?
Morgan: I don’t think you’re actually supposed to wear it around your wrist because you see it’s not a real watch
Ethan: No of course not it’s a gummy watch

Brooke: Remember Bruce and Sheyera’s date?

Brandy: Yeah that was sure a lot different than Brian and Ororo’s date
Brooke: Yeah it was. I dreamed that we didn’t like Vampgirl
Brandy: Why not she’s so nice?
Brooke: Yeah she is. I don’t think Batman’s a very good role model for little boys
Brandy: No I think Superman’s a better role model
Brooke Yeah he is (Laughs)
Brandy: what?
Brooke: Just my dream where we didn’t like Vampgirl

Elani: Brooke I mean Brooke I mean Whoa!

Emmet Ben: I threw up for realizies this time, not because you yelled at me
Helen: I didn’t YELL at you EMMET BEN
Emmet Ben: Yes You did you yelled at me right now

Brooke: I’m going to make a file about all the anime characters we used to make fun of
Brandy: k
Brooke: What?
Brandy: k

Emmet Ben: My two all time favorite female characters in the konoicheverse are Brooke Meriwether and Tess McAlister

Brooke: I used to think that people sucked and animals were cooler
Brandy: What do you mean?
Brooke: I don’t know GOD!! !! !

Sue Snell (About Facebook to herself) Oh Mark Are you all right?

Uncle Duncan: Let’s take some pictureroonies of some wildlifearoo does that sound Uskurs Duskurs?
Aunt Crystal: It does sound pretty Uskurs Duskurs
Uncle Duncan: How about you Ethan do think it sounds Uskurs Duskers?
Ethan: Nah

Jane: Nick next time you make Boulibase don’t put too much seafood in it
Nick: Fine. Whatever
Jane: What was that now?

Emmet Ben: I bought a bunch of new stuffed animals do you want one?
Helen: Yeah suppose I’ll take this octopus
Emmet Ben: Do you think I can visit him once in a while?
Helen: No You gave him to me he’s mine now. You can’t just take him back
Emmet Ben: Well maybe switch off
Helen: Too late he’s mine you have all those other ones
Emmet Ben: well can I at least come to your room and visit with him once and a while
Helen: No Emmet Ben that’s not the way it works
Emmet Ben: That’s not the way what works?
Helen: I don’t know life
Emmet Ben: We can have joint custody
Helen: Nope you gave up the right to own this

Jane: I don’t think I want Jambalya tonight
Nick : Awe (Fake Cries)
Cordelia : Don’t cry Nick

Brandy: It’s Brooke
Kathy: You’re right it is Brooke

Rodolfo: Did you know Nick was sick?

Cordelia: I have a stomachache I think it’s because I shared orange juice with Nick

Mike (To Adam and Bernadette) Guess what you guys I’m Mike
Bernadette: Guess what I don’t really care (To Adam) Is it just me or do guys named Mike just plane suck?

Brooke (About the trolli spiders) These are the spiders in Alex’s brain
Brandy: I think it was WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY funnier when they were the black widow brigade.
Brandy: To each sister her own I guess
Brooke: OH TO EACH SISTER HER OWN!! !! !! !! !
Brandy: You don’t have to be a c**t

Emmet Ben (As Mike: To Adam and Bernadette) Guess What you guys I’m Mike
Emmet Ben (As Bernadette) Guess What I don’t really care (To Adam) Is it just me or do guys named Mike Just plane suck?
Helen: Wow! Meh
Emmet Ben (As Himself) What?
Helen: Wow! Meh.

Don (Mentions his mothers name in some context)
Ethan: Flippy!
Duncan: No Hey Ethan! No Hey Ethan! No HEY ETHAN!

Buddy (Belches): Did you hear that
Bernadette: You’re so weird

Brooke: I was really mad at everyone when really the only person I should have been mad at was YOU!
Brandy: YOU!
Brooke: What Brandy?
Brandy: YOU!

Emmet Ben: One woman in the support group talks about her sister who died. Do you know who that is referring to?
Helen (Excitedly) BRANDY!! !! !! !! !!

Emmet Ben: So I finally met an otherkin today
Helen: What did she identify as?
Emmet Ben: Petrified dinosaur dung
Helen: She actually said that she idenified as that?
Emmet Ben: She didn’t say anything petrified dinosaur dung doesn’t talk

Becket: What if Brooke Shy was still around?

Helen and Emmet Ben talk about it all day
Helen: I don’t think we can talk about this all day
Emmet Ben: Now it’s really awkward. I hope it sucks when we go over to mom and dad’s house, then we’ll have something to talk about

Laura: Your dad told me you made sugar water. That is not okay. But I understand you were just playing make believe that you were a humming bird

Emmet Ben: Brock from Wild Man’s pretty cool
Helen: Are you writing a story about him?

Emmet Ben: No you know very well who I’m writing a story about

Emmet Ben: Nobody responded to my story on
Helen: Oh well I guess no one will
Emmet Ben: Well you will
Helen: I will?

Emmet Ben (Eats the snow) It’s like cotton
Helen (Doesn’t respond)
Emmet Ben: It’s like cotton
Helen: Yeah Emmet Ben I heard you the first time

Emmet Ben: So I’m going to start a new story
Helen: Oh what about?

Emmet Ben: About Mike
Helen: Who’s Mike?
Emmet Ben: You Know. Mike Winchell.
Helen: Mike Winchell? What about him?
Emmet Ben : About him having West Nile virus
Helen Laughs like a bell

Emmet Ben (About A Banana hot fudge sundae) Kate Austen would sure hate this
Helen: Why?

Emmet Ben: Because she has Aquatic Paralysis Syndrome
Helen: So?
Emmet Ben: So She Can’t have water or else she’ll Get paralyzed
Helen: Oh. I didn’t realize this was water
Emmet Ben: Of Course It’s Water

Emmet Ben: This right here is where Kate Austen got paralyzed
Helen: In this picture?

Helen: So is that where Kate Austen got paralyzed
Emmet Ben (Pensively) No. I’m pretty sure Kate Austen’s not in this picture. GOD!

Emmet Ben (As Helen) : It’s almost like Emmet Ben felt like I was babying him
Helen: I WAS NOT (Babysits Emmet Ben later that day)

Person On the Bus: It’s always so hard to find a babysitter on New Years Eve
Emmet Ben: I had no trouble whatsoever finding a babysitter on New Years Eve this year
Person on Bus: Okay well anyway (Continues conversation with other person on the bus)
Emmet Ben: Don’t you want to hear more about it?

Person on Bus: NOOOOOOO!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !

Alison: So what are you doing these days Emmet Ben
Emmet Ben: Uh This and That

Brooke Kennedy: So Emmet Ben I hear you’re starting a new story about Brooke from Virgin Alexander
Emmet Ben: It would have been nice if we talked about this on the walk

Helen: So what’s your new Brooke story about?
Emmet Ben: Uh this and that

Emmet Ben: So do you really think I get colder than you

Louise: So I was thinking about our conversation last night and.................I don’t think I do have Alzheimers

Drew: Oh no I have a migraine on my first day of student teaching

Cheryl: Be Fair Elle you know she suffered a stroke

Hannah: You have no idea what I’m upset about
Loreen: Is it about this? (Points to chin hairs)
Hannah Nods : It’s because I know I’m a late bloomer
Loreen: Oh so this isn’t about your facial hair is it?
Hannah: Why would it be?

Jeremy: I think we should break up, you just go on way too many vacations. I think you’re unstable

Bernadette: Wow this ski hill is made of solid ice

Kevin: Oops I guess I was supposed to come in to work naked today

Ethan (Steals Ambien)
Uncle Duncan: Oopsie padoopsy doopsie Daisy Doo Dah Dee Diddle Doo Ethan
Ethan: Oh Thank god you’re not mad at me
Uncle Duncan: Of course I’m mad at you

Uncle Duncan: Hey Ethan what kind of yogurt do you want?
Random Kid at Ethan’s school: OH what kind of yogurt do you want?

Alan (Whilst having a stroke) Ruby was unconsious

Sid: Ruby pooped and you must poop, and you must poop and you must poop and I must poop
Alan: Ruby pooped
Sid: Can she poooooooooooooooop Billy boy Billy Boy can she poooooooooooop charming Billy

Brian and Brandan: Ginny in a ditch, Ginny in a ditch

Emmet Ben: Booga Booga Booga Mandy (Room starts smelling like sloppy joes)
Helen: It kind of smells up here
Emmet Ben: I didn’t notice

Emmet Ben (Traps Helen’s Bag with his legs)
Helen : Emmet Ben let go of my bag!
Emmet Ben: I had caramel today

Emmet Ben: Why is Brooke Shy so depressed, she has such amazing life
Helen: You can be depressed even though you have an amazing life. Maybe she’s depressed because she has a disease
Emmet Ben: A disease which one?
Helen: Depression

Annie: Why won’t you talk to me Lilian?

Brandy (Skiing) : We used to like The Get Along Gang and now we like The Land Before Time

Brandy: Let’s roll up into a ball like the Digimon Copycat Digi destined
Brooke: No. Nah

Louie : Oh no I”m naked

Louie :I’ll get a pretzel please
Vender: Sigh! You’re so annoying

Gretchen: I wonder what this dream about Brandan being in the hospital could mean? I probably should keep it to myself and act like a huge bummer and not talk to anyone about anything in case I accidentally mention it

Gretchen: I guess my vision was wrong it wasn’t Brandan in the hospital it was Brian

Karen: I can’t believe you kept the secret about Brandan from me Gretchen I hate you

Cordelia: Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh, I’m eating a shrimp

Nick: Nothing says merry Xmas like penis shaped cookies

Jane: Congratdulations Nick stopping for hot wings when you didn’t even want to

Mustbe: Strawberries are better than Cranberries

Nick: I can’t believe we watched Rin Tin Tin

Nick: I thought today was REALLY BORING!! !!

Penguins: It’s Penguins

Bernadette: We should make Grilled Cheese

Bob: Are you all rights the Brooke’s

Kathy: You girls are bad Superheroes

Kevin: Oops I opened a scam

Emmet Ben: Open Sesame Street!
Person at Coffee Shop : You’re being very disruptful

Emmet Ben (About a file of Helen’s about what show’s are in the same universe as other shows): I don’t care about this file
Helen: That’s Fine. I don’t care about Brooke Shy

Brooke Kennedy: Oops we tooted

Brooke: Someone came in and stole your pills
Genica: Damn right someone stole them, you did how many did you take?
Brooke: Eleventy

Caro: You know what I’m probably going to say on my death bed I wish I spent more time at my job
Kevin (Spanks himself)

Sue: It smells like Mountain High maple yogurt weird, maybe it’s brown cow instead

Mike Shiner : Look there are blue whales falling from the sky

Helen: These bath toys of Lees look like something from Sesame Street. What if Emmet Ben got Sesame Street Live tickets?

Brooke: Recess was good today
Steve: Were Doug and Patti in it?
Brooke’s jaw drops all the way to the floor: DOUG AND PATTI????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Mike Shiner: I can’t be with you Kate I refuse to be with a girl who has no respect for herself

Emmet Ben: One time I got mad at you for playing with the dogs instead of hanging out with me
Helen: Oh I see you’re mad at me right now
Emmet Ben: No I’m not, why do people always assume things about me?

Helen: Can I make a dinner list?

Emmet Ben: Yeah I guess
Helen: Let’s see how about, soup, and peanut butter and jelly and maybe hot dogs and Ramen
Emmet Ben: No I don’t want poop or sometimes or Ott dogs or Robin. I want Chicken Tandoori and Tomato Pasta and Homemade Curry

Brooke Kennedy: So Emmet Ben I heard you like Brooke Alexander better than me
Helen: Who’s Brooke Alexander?
Emmet Ben: Nobody

Ethan: What are we having for dinner tonight?

Morgan: Gumbo.......Pasta

Edie: Time out Count for telling my daughter Cotten Tale

Fanny: Emmet Ben wrote a story about a girl with Lou Gehrig’s Disease it really scared me Fanny
Edie: Why was there a Count in it?
Fanny: AHHHHH!

Emmet Ben: And then your mom got mad at me not remembering thinking Juliet was meh. I don’t even remember a specific time when I thought Juliet was meh, I always think Juliet s meh
Helen: Why would you think Juliet’s Meh Juliet’s not Meh Juliet’s exciting
Emmet Ben: Well it’s almost like I don’t remember saying that
Helen: You said you always thought Juliet was meh
Emmet Ben: This conversation is extrodinarily boring

Ethan: I hope we don’t have to here any more about that blog again today
Helen: I don’t think we were planning on it, gee Emmet Ben I hope this doesn’t become an obsession for you
Emmet Ben (Looks at the PBA Emails later that day)

Emmet Ben: Why did you tell Dr. Green that I like dogs
Helen: None of your business Emmet Ben

Duncan: Ethan I don’t think your toothbrush has been used today

Brooke: When I grow up I’m going to marry Shaquil O’Neal
Olivia: What Brooke Kennedy?
Brooke: I said When I grow up I’m going to marry Shaquil O’Neal
Olivia: Oh no Brooke Kennedy only marry a man you love
Brooke kicks Olivia in the shins

Brandy: I think in X’Men Evolution Amara’s bff is Tabitha
Brooke: It doesn’t matter. I don’t care
Brandy: You’re really weird about X’men Evolution still
Brooke: It’s not like that
Brandy: Oh? Then what’s it like
Brooke: I was just doing an impression of Roger from Rent
Brandy: ROGER From RENT???? You’re really weird about Rent as well I guess
Brooke: I don’t even like Roger
Brandy: I do I like eh eh eh eh eh-everyone from Rent
Brooke: But Brandy Rent’s a movie and you don’t like movies you like shows

Elani: OH my god you guys look at the moon

Emmet Ben: There’s a bird in the car

Brooke’s therapist: Your life could be so much worse than it is right now. You should be really thankful that you don’t have a deadly disease like Lou Gehrig’s Disease
Brooke’s Doctor (A Year later): Brooke Shy you have Lou Gehrig’s disease

Hannah: the baby said cock a doodle doo
Lorreen: Yeah

Emmet Ben : There’s a turtle in the car
Isaac: Nope. Oh Look why it’s Helen

Helen: I guess you could have the gum in my mouth
Emmet Ben laughs hysterically

Helen: I really hate the name Brooke
Brooke Shy: HEY!! !!

Brandy: Was weak Ankles code for something?

Brooke: Yeah it was code for a limp dick
Brandy: That’s kind of disrespectful

Brooke: Brownies don’t you think what?

Brandy: No chocolate cake
Brooke: I HATE YOU BRANDY!! !! !! !

Helen: How was yours?
Emmet Ben: What do you mean?

Helen: Your day?
Emmet Ben: None of your business

Konoiche: Scallops We Want them!

Annie: This Chocolat Ice cream soda tastes like Cyonide

Morgan: That popcorn didn’t help my nausea at all
Ethan: Popcorn doesn’t help nausea it makes it worse

Ethan: I’m picking up dog poop, ope that reminds me, I Gotta poop right now
Morgan: You have to go potty Ethan?
Ethan: No I’m saying it from YOUR point of view

Brian It’s not our job to take care of our sick twins 24/7 It’s not like we’re their parents.
Bernadete: Uh Brian? Can you just think about that for like ONE second?
Brian: Uh Yeah?

Bernedatte: EWE
Brian: Not following
Bernadette: If we were litterally there parents than we would have like been pregnet with them when we were born, just ew. Can’t you just think about that litterally? Ewe?
Brian: No but why should we think about this literally? It wouldn’t work anyway Brandan’s three minutes older than me you can’t be older than your parent
Bernadette: Well you’re no fun
Brian: Isn’t Valarie three minutes older than you too?
Bernadette: NO FUN I’LL TELL YOU. You Suck Brian

Nick - That’s so weird that you
Cordelia defensively - It’s so weird that I what Nick?
Nick - It’s so weird that you get pulled over for drunk driving when you’re sleep deprived
Cordelia: No I don’t what are you talking about?
Nick: No not YOU YOU
Cordelia: Oh well than what other me were you referring to?
Nick: The universal you
Cordelia: Whatever Nick

Sue (Comes out of the tent with a blank look on her face)
Everyone: SUE!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !

Kevin: Oops I brought baggles instead of donuts

Brock: Help I’m being chased by a wild turkey

Mike: Brooke Kennedy will you merry me?

Brooke (Nochalantly): Sure. Sure.

Katrina: Hey Brooke Kennedy do you want to burn down Franks Sandwich shop?

Brooke Kennedy: Sure Sure

Joey: Scuba gear? AHHHHHHHHHH!! !! !! !! !! !!

Fred’s Dad: No Fred, be a normal child and want more pancakes

Eedie: When you were a little girl you used to look out the window at the stars and dance and dance and dance and in the middle of the night the Count came in

Bad Stranger: I’m going to split you up in the most primal way humanly possible. ALPHABETICALLY

Bad Stranger: How ever old you get to be, never stop believing in the RUNAWAY BUNNY!

Brooke: We used to hate literally everyone
Brandy: Everyone who?

Brooke: Mushishimon, Kari, Jessie from Pokemon
Brandy: yeah I guess that’s E’e’e’e’e’everyone!

Brooke: One time Hermione said RUOK to Kari
Brandy: Oh oh yeah
Brooke: Yeah she was like “hey Megan my impression of you “The badges like oh my god!”
Brandy: That’s not saying RUOK to Kari
Brooke: It is so! I HATE YOU BRANDY!! !! ! I HATE YOU BRANDY!! !

Emmet Ben (Throws a fit)
Helen: Okay Emmet Ben let’s go to Dairy Queen
Emmet Ben: NO!

Ethan: I guess it’s August 9th I’ll go buy some halloween candy before it’s too late

Emmet Ben (Cries with Pumpkin Sundae)
Helen II - Bambino

Ethan: Have you seen the Chicken one of these?
Morgan: OH ETHAN!! !! !! !! !

Morgan: Here comes beautiful Ethan……

Emmet Ben: Do you think things are going to get better for me?
Helen: I have no idea Emmet Ben
Emmet Ben: Oh Diahriah in a tortilla Emmet Ben

Emmet Ben: This video’s pretty funny
Helen: What’s it of
Emmet Ben: Some girl eating an ice cream cone and saying don’t you hate it when it get’s drippy
Helen: Yeah I guess that’s funny
Emmet Ben: Yeah I have no idea what it’s from
Helen: Probably nothing

Emmet Ben: The character in my story’s a twin
Helen: No she isn’t
Emmet Ben: Oh oh yeah I forgot

Emmet Ben: I have the weirdest song stuck in my head right now
Helen: oh which one?

Emmet Ben: pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa’paige
Helen: meh.

Emmet Ben (Makes a painting of a house a tree and the sky)
Helen: Oh No Emmet Ben!

Emmet Ben (Makes corn dogs whine like dogs

Helen: Oh no EMMET BEN
Emmet Ben: What?

Louie: Oops I don’t have enough money for bottled water
Robbie: Let’s pool our money and buy it together
Louie: Okay. Good idea.

John Kennedy: What’s gotten into you? You’re usually practically mute

Brooke: It’s okay to be sad isn’t it?
Olivia: It’s also okay to be happy

Isaac: It’s okay to say you’re doing okay when you are

Fred : Sighs in class
Fred’s teacher : Detention Fred

Brooke: Hey Cheryl and Elani guess what
Cheryl: Oh like um what Brooke Kennedy
Brooke: I heard special Humpty Emmet Ben appeared
Humpty Emmet Ben starts playing

Brooke: I heard a dot of a maybe day. Appeared is that true
Emmet Ben: Well yeah

Isaac: Come on Emmet Ben lets get a new rain coat
Emmet: Ok let’s get a new rain coat

Fred: Lets go!
Freds Mom: Yes Lets go
Fred and his family end up at Sesame Street Live

Emmet Ben: The Rosaurs party was really fun, but I somehow don’t think it would have been that fun if Helen came with me
Helen II - YOU’RE A BRAT!!
Emmet Ben - Intahint

Ethan: A Peacock ate me last night
Morgan: WHAT A BRAT!! !! !! !!

Morgan: What happened to the pork chops I bought you?
Ethan: A magpie got into them

Morgan: WHAT A BRAT???????

Stranger (To his girlfriend) Have you seen the movie Neighbors
Emmet Ben: OH MY GOD I LOVE THAT MOVIE!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Olivia: Brooke Kennedy say hoo hoo
Brooke: Hoo hoo
Olivia(Catches Brooke stealing pills)

Kevin (Distraughtly) A Gram Cracker??????? (Spanks himself)

Nobody says anything about FOP

Emmet Ben: I’m writing a story about someone with FOP

Emmet Ben: I wish we had some banana cream pie
Helen: What do you mean?

Emmet Ben: I mean I wish we had some banana cream pie what else would I mean?

Brooke Kennedy: I heard you guys are finally going to get that Richard Scarry DVD. Go get that movie you two
Helen and Emmet Ben walk together to get the Richard Scarry DVD
Later that day Trump supporters storm the Whitehouse
Emmet Ben: Wow yesterday sucked

Elani: Okay everyone here’s Brick
Helen: Emmet Ben threw a really big fit about a text he sent about a new Movie season that included Brooke Alexander, Brock from Wildman and Lena
Brick: Oh

Brooke Kennedy pops
Becket: Are you okay?
Helen: No Becket she’s not okay she’s dead
Becket: Oh
Thailand End theme plays

Emmet Ben (whilst eating Zunni Stew): So It’s kind of like the parody huh?
Helen: This soup?

Emmet Ben: no

Emmet Ben: We Have to see that episode soon
Helen: Well no not soon but we’ll see it eventually
Emmet Ben: Oh Okay

Emmet Ben: Why would I want to talk about One Tree Hill fan fiction when I could always talk about made up Konoiche episodes
Helen (Laughs like a bell)

Emmet Ben: So will we still watch the shows?

Helen: No but that’s okay there’s always Mice!

Caro: Hey Brooke do you initiate um cheese burgers?

Brooke: I think I’m a pretty good singer OH GIVE ME A HOME WHERE THE BUFFALO ROAM!! !! !! !! !! !!
Helen: Was that based on something that happened in Neighbors?

Emmet Ben (Laughs hysterically)

Helen: What’s so funny
Emmet Ben: Just the hard time

Ethan Cole Chausse: The only reason I’m hanging out with you is because you look like you could use a friend

Brooke Kennedy: Oops I’m fat I guess shouldn’t have made fun of Flora for liking Baringia

Brooke Kennedy: CUTE OUTFIT

Emmet Ben (Manically) I think there’s going to be a terenchal downpour (Walks really really really fast)
Helen (Rolls eyes)

Emmet Ben: The answer is yes she [Brooke Kennedy] does have a disease and I am writing a story about her
Helen: I don’t think I asked
Emmet Ben: You didn’t? Why not?

Brooke Kennedy: I heard you’re going to drive all the way to Texas to see Magic Mike, Neigbors, Show Hole, the One where she shocked Brooke and Show Thailand the Movie aka the wedding one Aka the better half of me

Emmet Ben: See this picture of Boo? I don’t want to talk about it, I want to talk about the wedding episode

Helen and Emmet Ben walk silently down stairs after watching the fainting episodes with Candace and Flora
Emmet Ben: So what was your favorite scene of Aspecter Gadget, mine was the scene where they walked down the stairs and didn’t talk

Emmet Ben: We should call the Apartment

Emmet Ben: I’m going to make a painting of the Wedding
Helen: What Wedding?

Emmet Ben: Hi I see you commented about my story on Facebook
Helen II: What story?

Emmet Ben: Wow that was like the best thing we’ve ever seen ever
Helen: Oh oh yeah?
Emmet Ben: YES! We watch it every single day
Helen: I don’t know if we have to watch it every single day
Emmet Ben: We absolutely do. It was Good. Orgasmically good

Emmet Ben: Wow these tacos are really really really really big
Helen: No not really

Emmet Ben: I’m really worried I texted your mom instead of Marrianne could you please look at my phone and make sure that isn’t the case
Helen: Why would it be

Helen: Maybe you could call Marrianne about the edibles
Emmet Ben: Yeah maybe
Helen: No Emmet Ben don’t

Marrianne: The idea where we come up with an idea that hasn’t been an idea yet

Emmet Ben (Trips)

Helen: that’s a lot of money
Pensive Ben: Yeah it’s a fair amount I suppose

Helen: I don’t think your supposed to put your leg on the pool table
Emmet Ben: No It’s okay

Emmet Ben (About the Bao) These are really good
Helen: You do know you have something on your face don’t you

Morgan: Oh Evan I know someone with something thats a lot like what you have
Evan: Oh really who?
Morgan: Um I think his name is Ethan Timothy Olsen

Ethan: I’m going to write a story about a really bad little boy who has a lot of problems and is always getting into trouble. And his name is Ethan Timothy Olsen
Duncan: GREAT!! !! !! !

Morgan: Gender Ethan is male

Emmet Ben: Actually it [Gods fit] was about no Brooke talk
Helen: What was?
Emmet Ben: None of your business

Helen: So where did you hear that Ayauascha smells like Tequila?
Emmet Ben: None of your business

Emmet (About the turkey leg) I don’t like this anymore
Helen: I don’t either

Brandy: That’s not a pumpkin that’s a Jack o’lantern

Helen: I have some bad news
Emmet Ben: did somebody die?

Helen: Yeah sort of yeah

Helen II: Emmet Ben can I sniff your beverage?

Emmet Ben (Holds up a finger)
Helen: EMMET do you suffer from hearing loss

Cheryl: It smells eggy in here
Georgie: What do you mean it smells Becki in here?

Helen: Hey Emmet Ben, Power’s out
Emmet Ben: What do you mean How About, How about what?
Helen: How About? No I said Power’s out

Isaac: if she’s well enough to go to work with a migraine then she’s definitely well enough to come over and play with the new puppy with a migraine

Helen: Emmet Ben could throw a fit again at some time, like maybe it will be about Halley not being a bad dog anymore
Emmet Ben: That’s pathetic even for someone who’s brand new from the poopooverse
Helen: Oh…Ok
Emmet Ben (An hour later) : So did you come up with more diagnosis’s?

Emmet Ben: that’s weird that Marnie was ever relevant now that Bernadette is in the mix

Helen: You made cookies?

Helen II: Is it really that unusual for a mother to make baked goods for her child?

Helen: Quick Isaac let’s each grab a child

Helen: So do you guys understand the concept of a ret*d dinner?
Helen and Emmet Ben laugh
Helen: WHAT?

Isaac: I’m making super large cheesy meatballs for you
Emmet Ben: Oh just for me
Isaac: Yup everyone else just get’s normal ones
Emmet Ben: Why?

Isaac: Because I love you Emmet Ben

Helen: Oh there’s Peter he was in the wall the whole time

Emmet Ben: I have a a really bad migraine so I’m not going to make it to Christmas dinner this year

Helen: I think there’s something wrong with this shrimps tail
Isaac: No not it’s tail. It’s brain!

Helen: Sarah Phobos is really disappointed that you aren’t coming to Christmas dinner this year she knows how much you love having Christmas dinner at her house?
Emmet Ben: I do?

Isaac: We never would have gotten to do this if Emmet Ben was here
Helen II: It was a wonderful Christmas good for us

Emmet Ben (Horse Sounding) My laryngitis is getting better I think

Emmet Ben (Sounding Horse) I can’t come into work today I have a really bad migraine

Emmet Ben: Darn I have a cold over spring break

Emmet Ben: I hate this Survivor group it’s meh

Jessa: That’s really innacurate that he would be throwing a fit about Brock from Wildman and Brooke Alexander that was a billion years ago those characters didn’t even kind of exist at that point
Caro: Yeah well to be completely fair it was also about Lena
Jessa: Oh you’re right I guess that makes it perfectly accurate now that Lena’s in the mix you’re right
Caro: Sure
Jessa: What?

Caro: He Brought his Trolley outside!

Helen II: Are you okay?

Emmet Ben: I really don’t understand what you’re asking me right now

Girl at Gardener Park: Oh My god are those service animals. I saw your dog’s and I said to myself those two really really have it going on

Emmet Ben: Sometimes I feel like you don’t like really like Brooke Meriwether that much
Helen: Well Do I have to? It’s okay that we don’t have the same favorites, I sure as hell hated Mike Shiner or Don Billingsly
Emmet Ben: I’m just going to bed (Sleeps the entirety of the next day)

Helen II: That is such a good thing Hallie

Emmet Ben: I have an idea for a new sick girl story don’t worry her name isn’t Brooke this time
Helen: Lol what is her name than?

Emmet Ben: Claire

Helen: Wait another one?
Emmet Ben: I said her name ISN’T Brooke

Brooke Kennedy: So Emmet Ben I heard you demoed hard boiled today
Emmet Ben: No Brooke Kennedy apple juice
Brooke Kennedy: Oh oh yeah Emmet Ben Apple juice. That’s what I said

Brooke Kennedy: So Emmet Ben I heard you were fired today
Helen: Wait really?
Emmet Ben: No of course not

Brooke Kennedy: So I heard it was really constipated between you guys today
Helen: No Emmet Ben don’t use Brooke Kennedy like that
Emmet Ben: Like what
Helen: To pick a fight

Brooke Kennedy: Emmet Ben I heard you helped yourself to some water at Connies house
Helen: Oh oh yeah that’s right

Brooke Kennedy: Emmet Ben I heard uh oh accident

Helen and Emmet Ben play a diagnosis game with all his fits from every month
Helen: This isn’t going to be all we do today is it?
Emmet Ben: it’s not?

Helen: I miss playing the diagnosis game with things that are actual diagnosis

Emmet Ben: Hi this is Emmet Ben, I can’t come in today because I don’t work here anymore

Brooke: So Emmet Ben I heard you and Helen didn’t see each other at all today
Emmet Ben: what are you talking about we saw each other all day
Brooke: It’s a joke Emmet Ben!

Kids: Go Go Go Emma

Emmet Ben: Guess what I was really really super close to getting an iPhone today
Helen: Really
Emmet Ben: But instead I got something even better a humungous iPod

Emmet Ben: Why can’t I get an iPhone
Helen II: Because you’re smart

Emmet Ben: Why Can’t I be a CNA?
Isaac (Rudely) WHY CAN’T I GET A CNA?

Helen: We’re going to read a book called flutes and their toots
Class: PPpppppppppppp

Emmet Ben: Do you want to play a game?
Isaac: No I don’t want to play a game?

Emmet Ben (Plugs his nose)
Helen II (Tears up)

Emmet Ben: So how was your veggie sub yesterday?
Helen: I didn’t get the veggie sub I got the um meatball sub
Emmet Ben: Oh that must be your favorite food in the world huh?
Helen: Nope

Person reading the book on the CD: Nightmare
Scary tree appears

Helen: I think I’ll just move here
Helen II: Who would you live with?
Helen: I don’t know relatives
Helen II: Oh yeah Elephants. Cool

Helen: There’s a mouse in the house
Emmet Ben: What a mouth?
Helen: No Emmet Ben a Mouse
Emmet Ben: A Mouth?

Isaac: I don't t think you should go with the Becky person because you catch everything and this is a really bad one to catch
Helen: Don’t worry Emmet Ben you’ll get to see Becky again at some point

Bernadette: Oh boy my Zzquil has arrived from Amazon
Lesley: ewe!
Bernadette: Don’t yuck someone else’s yum

Toni: Hi Guy’s it’s me Toni
Helen and Emmet Ben: AHHHHHHHH!

Becky: You must know that your roommates Mom is really really really concerned about you

Emmet Ben: I’m really going to miss your cough when it’s gone
Helen: Are you kidding?
Emmet Ben: No
Helen: Oh no Emmet Ben

Brooke Shy: My Lou Gehrig’s Disease is getting worse I think
Brooke Shy goes to the hospital and dies

Emmet Ben: Aren’t you sorry you went on that hike
Helen (Crackily) Why It was fun?
Emmet Ben: Oh it was fun

Helen: I want an Iho treat

Emmet Ben: I guess I’ll come on that hike too
Helen: No Emmet Ben you’ll hate it

Emmet Ben: So should we turn around now
Frehiwot: What do you mean we just started
Emmet Ben: Oh I thought we were just going on a walk not a hike

Emmet Ben: When is our Chinese food from the Bamboo Garden going to get here? (Bounces around on his butt)

Brooke: So Emmet Ben I heard a maybe day for the pair of you
Helen: What are you talking about I went on that really long hike?

Emmet Ben: I never want to feel this bad about anything again EVER!

Emmet Ben: I don’t want her picking me up again EVER!

Helen: It’s really hard for me when you throw fits all the time
Emmet Ben: Well I bet it’s really hard for the Irving kids parents when they throw fits all the time

Brandy: I used to think Mimi was the worst thing ever
Brooke: I used to think OSAMA BIN LADEN was the worst thing ever

Emmet Ben (Chooses the Virginia CD): She’s probably my favorite
Helen: That’s cool she’s my third favorite Caro’s my first
Emmet Ben: Ok Good night (Sleeps for the rest of the day and the next day too)

Brooke Kennedy: Guess what Brick, If I had to choose any desert from the desert table I’d choose a toasted sesame bagel with creamy Adams peanut butter hands down there’s no way I’d choose anything else
Brick: Oh! Are you all right Brooke Kennedy
Brooke Kennedy: No I’m not all right I have Ehler’s Danlo’s Syndrome

Helen: I have a really exciting cold coughing up a lot of phlegm

Emmet Ben: Coughing up Phlegm because of the smoke

Caro (Dips a cookie in milk)
Dylan: What do you think you’re doing?

Morgan: Don’t you dare act hot spicy popular around your Aunt Crystal
Ethan: But I’m not hot spicy popular I’m the opposite of hot spicy popular I’m a cold bland friendless loser

Morgan: Ethan you’re going to have a babysitter tonight and the babysitter is going to be the Konoiche

Emmet Ben: I have a really bad fish cough so I don’t think it’s the Coronavirus

Helen II : I really hope Emmet Ben doesn’t have a migraine just because he doesn’t get to listen to his music in the car
Helen: I don’t get it why would that be a reason to have a migraine
Helen II: I just hope he isn’t making up that he has a migraine because he doesn’t have his music in the car

Emmet Ben: Can we go back and get my (Changes voice all of a sudden) Music?

Helen: We probably shouldn’t eat these burgers should we?
Fireman: Well I wouldn’t
Emmet Ben (To Helen) AWE!

Brooke Kennedy: So Emmet Ben I hear you’re going to Tootaplootapoodaboogan
Emmet Ben: No Brooke Kennedy Fargo
Brooke Kennedy: Yeah that’s what I said Tootaplootapoodaboogan

Helen: We’re having this soup because Emmet Ben detests tortillas great idea Emmet Ben (Lips chops)

Helen: What if we put the boos in a bag
Emmet Ben: Oh Okay. Derp

Emmet Ben: Let’s play the game derp remember that
Helen: Why wouldn’t I?
Emmet Ben: I don’t know we just haven’t played with them in a while

Helen: That would be a bummer if you lost the cards I really like them too
Emmet Ben: YOU DO?

Helen: Hey Emmet Ben what are you watching?
Emmet Ben: Neighbors you want to watch it?
Helen: OH BOY!! ! This movie you’ve been raving about for months

Elani: So Brick’s going to join the main group
Helen: NO SHE’S NOT!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Mamie Claire: Don’t misgender you freak

Helen: Is this the only scene Brooke Shy’s in?
Emmet Ben: Yes
Helen: Wait why is she your favorite?
Emmet Ben: What’s the question?
Helen: Why is she your favorite?
Emmet Ben: I really hope I’m just imagining this conversation
Helen: You’re not

Flora: I don’t really like Peanut butter and mint jelly very much it turns out

Brooke Kennedy: I’m going to watch the Land Before Time for the first time ever as an Obese

Brooke Kennedy: At least I’m not as fat as you Emmet Ben

Brooke Kennedy: I heard you guys are going on an exiting adventure

Helen (Coughs)
Brooke Kennedy: I heard the cough was back

Helen: Let’s watch the Land Before Time movies while you cook the Big Macs

Helen: I really like the tater tots
Emmet Ben: And the corn dogs
Helen: Um yeah

Emmet Ben: I got a new Autism cookbook I’m going to make the meatloaf today

Emmet Ben: Brooke Meriwether wakes up paralyzed from the waste down (Stares at Helen for a really long time)
Helen: Okay keep reading

Helen (Walks to the door carrying a cat)
Emmet Ben (makes priceless face)

Emmet Ben: I thought of something really really funny for Gin to say in the episode you’ll love it but it will have to be a surprise
Helen: What flavor of surprise?
Emmet Ben: Brooke Meriwether

Emmet Ben: I’m really nervous you won’t like the surprise
Helen: Well I really have nothing to go on

Helen : Snakes are reptiles not inscects
Helen II: How do you know
Helen: Because they don’t have legs and they don’t have bones and they’re obviously reptiles and they’re way bigger
Helen II: I’ve always been super impressed by how much the two of you know

Helen II: I want you guys to hold my hands when you go in because these are new bathing suits

Helen II: I don’t care about your artwork or your Buddhist group

Helen II: So What did you get at Fairmont Hotsprings
Emmet Ben: I got hot wings and Helen got breadsticks with marinara sauce and we both shared them
Helen II: Give me five Emmet Ben. You guys are such neat people. I can’t believe I get to know someone so exciting

Emmet Ben (To Lauren): I made a really big corn bread mess yesterday
Helen: Oh um………ok……..

Helen: So what are we having for lunch today
Isaac: Well you your mom and I are having egg salad and Emmet Ben is having a Nutella and Huckleberry honey sandwich

KimChi: You’re the fattest person alive are you all right?
Brooke Kennedy: Who Are you talking too?

KimChi: Pie

Emmet Ben: But but but but but I want egg salad

Brooke Kennedy: So I hear there’s something exciting in your refrigerator
Emmet Ben: What
Brooke Kennedy: String Cheese

Emmet Ben: I didn’t know we had string cheese
Helen: What? No that was me cleaning the blinds

Brooke Kennedy: So Emmet Ben I hear the pair of you have the Corona virus

Brooke Kennedy: So I heard the Coronavirus is over

Brooke Kennedy: Emmet Ben I hear you found the word Gin again why do you keep finding that word

Brooke Shy: Jessa phased me

Helen: I don’t want to hear another peep out of you
Brooke Shy: Peep
Helen (Shocks her): Brooke Say something
Brooke Shy: Peep

Helen: Squiggle Owen

Helen: No not that kind of Walnuts

Flora: Here’s a fox for you and here’s a fox for me

Flora: Here’s a dodo for you and here’s a dodo for me

Emmet Ben: Could we watch the one where she shocked Brooke again?
Helen: Um sure
Emmet Ben: You don’t sound very excited why not? It’s good!! ! Orgasmically good

Emmet Ben: So can I read your write up about Brooke Shy?

Emmet Ben: You can buy these
Helen: Next time you should ask me
Emmet Ben: ugly

Brooke: I wish there were more girls in this class
Brandy: What am I a duck?
Brooke: No Brandy you’re not a duck I just wish this class had more girls in it.
Brandy: I don’t know if you noticed this Brooke, but I’m a girl
Brooke: I meant besides the two of us, there’s like 200 billion of them and only the two of us
Brandy: Well I think it’s p’e’e’e’erfect how it i’i’i’i’is

Helen: Another Brooke? Could she not exist

Helen: You really like Brooke Meriwether today don’t you?

Emmet Ben: Is that a bad thing? Because you’re making it sound like a bad thing!

Helen: You really like Brooke Shy today don’t you?
Emmet Ben: Is that a bad thing? Because you’re making it sound like it’s a bad thing!
Helen: It is a bad thing

Helen: Just make sure she’s different than Claire Milano and Brooke Meriwether
Emmet Ben (Paranoid) Who?
Helen: Brooke
Emmet Ben: Brooke who?

Emmet Ben: So do you promise not to make fun of me about something
Helen: no I don’t promise

Helen: This song’s from your favorite One Tree Hill
Emmet Ben (Politely): No actually my favorite might be Movie Mexico
Helen: Movie Mexico? Since when?

Emmet Ben: I guess it’s not very Wintery today

Helen: What did Jonathan want?

Emmet Ben: He wanted me to help lift something
Helen: He did? No he didn’t

Emmet Ben: So is that India ink they use to paint the Gohonzon?

Velcro Ben: I really want to go buy Tortillas with you
Helen: No you don’t we’re not even going to talk in the car
Velcro Ben: That’s okay I just want to be with you
Helen: Why don’t we go over to my parents instead you’re throwing a fit

Duncan: I noticed you were using your fingers with the dinner that YOU MADE
Ethan: Who cares who made it?

Emmet Ben: I wanted in with the crocodiles what?
Helen: Not all crocodiles are about Brooke Meriwether
Emmet Ben: No of course they’re not, Crocodiles have been around since before the dinosaurs were around Brooke Meriwether wasn’t even kind of around at that point humans weren’t around much less Brooke Meriwether. If anything Crocodiles are about Alligators and Alligators are about Crocodiles

Emmet Ben (About God’s fit about Brock from Wildman etc) Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha meh

Emmet Ben: I don’t want to exist anymore can I just not exist. Didn’t someone else say that? I can’t for the life of me remember who though
Helen: Why are you pretending not to know who Brooke Meriewther is
Emmet Ben: Oh well I guess in that case I do remember who else said it me just now

Helen: It’s just an assortment of characters from shows who need Buddhist guidance
Emmet Ben: Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah Nhyah

Helen (At 10:00 AM): I guess we’ll just have dinner right now
Emmet Ben: No I bet we’re going to stop
Helen: No we’re not
Isaac: No we are we’re stopping at a hamburger restaurant like McDonalds

Emmet Ben: Can we pull over for a second I really need to blow my nose

Helen: Emmet Ben would you mind getting the Pot Stickers out of the oven?
Emmet Ben: No You can
Helen: Fine
Emmet Ben (Looks sad)

Helen: Oh Emmet Ben I’m so sorry

Ethan: Steal

Wendy: Here’s the treat I bought you
Brooke and Brandy stare at each other sadly with their ice cream cups

Helen: I’ll give you all of my bank account if you will forgive me

Emmet Ben: I lost my job
Helen: Lost you’re what? I could come to Rosaurs and help you look for it. What did you say you lost again?
Emmet Ben: My Job
Helen: How do you spell it?
Emmet Ben: J O B. No you don’t have to help me look for it I don’t want it anymore

Emmet Ben: I got fired today but I don’t want to say why it’s too embarrassing
Helen: Oh that’s okay you don’t have to tell me
Emmet Ben: It’s because I picked my nose

Helen: I’m celebrating the end of the school year
Ice Cream Scooper: Oh are you celebrating too
Emmet Ben: I’m not in a very celebratory mood today I got fired

Helen: It’s Care Bear Weather

Emmet Ben: We should make a CD with a bunch of songs that are shudder. WHAT?

Emmet Ben: The Trintelex commercials on the Trintelex commercials on the Trintelex commercial’s on. Helen guess what guess what?
Helen: Let me guess is the Trintelex commercial on or something?
Emmet Ben: Well yes as a matter a fact it is and you missed it

Thunder rumbles
Brooke Kennedy: Emmet Ben I heard that was your stomach
Emmet Ben: No Brooke Kennedy thunder

Emmet Ben: I guess there’s absolutely nothing for snack I guess I’ll have a clam snack

Emmet Ben: You know how you didn’t believe me about getting all those write ups. Well I got fired today

Emmet Ben: I’m going to order Krispy Kritter’s on Ebay (Order’s Krispy Kritters) Oops I guess it’s just a magnet

Emmet Ben (Holding up bottled water) This is an awesome delicious alternative to water

Emmet Ben: I want to go home I’m homesick

Emmet Ben: I wonder when Brooke will be in it again? Oh I guess she’s only in this one scene. Oh Well I still think she’s the best character in the history of movies and I’m going to write a fan fiction about her having Lou Gehrig’s Disease and I’ll make up a new movie season that she’s in

Emmet Ben: I went to see Neighbors
Helen: I thought we were going to see that together
Emmet Ben: Nope I guess not

Helen: So should we see Neighbors today?

Emmet Ben: Actually I have to get my ears cleaned out

Tina: I think your biggest issue is that your roommate always wants to leave places when ever you try to talk about the television programs you enjoyed as a child in public

Tina: I think what you want her to say is tell me about your story Emma

Emmet Ben: I had a crush for a couple of weeks but now I don’t anymore
Tina: WHAT HAPPENED????????

Emmet Ben: I’m really worried that Helen will see Neighbors and find out that my favorite character is not very important in it but I can’t prevent her from seeing it because she really REALLY wants to see it I told her all about it and she’s really excited now
Tina: Do you think you’re unimportant in your life?
Emmet Ben: No it’s much deeper than that

Emmet Ben: I can’t go out for breakfast I can’t I can’t
Helen: Okay fine we’ll go to bagel works
Emmet Ben: Okay I guess that’s acceptable but I’d much rather go to Dave’s Sushi for lunch

Person at Albertsons: So How’s your shrimp?

Emmet Ben: How do you know I have a shirmp?

Isaac: At least he still has his shrimp

Emmet Ben: I have some really exciting news why don’t you come give me a ride home and you can find out what it is

Helen: So can we have dinner soon?

Emmet Ben: I’ll make something as soon as I’m done setting up the shrimp

Emmet Ben (Feeds Claire Milano a Milano, laughs hysterically) Get it?
Helen: Oh My god I’ve never been more sorry to see anything ever
Emmet Ben: No don’t be sorry it’s not your fault

Emmet Ben (Rubs boogers on the couch)
Helen: Oh yuck Booger Ben
Emmet Ben (Throws the biggest fit humanly possible)

Helen: Emmet Ben’s never going to write another story or make another painting or make any new cards, or have another crush, or have another volunteer job, or have friends, or watch another show, or read another book, or get any new iTunes, or have interests, or have another job or make extravagant dinners ever again. And he’s only ever going to eat soft boiled eggs

Helen (Sneezes)
Emmet Ben: Gross

Emmet Ben: I actually want to miss you when your gone
Helen: Jump!

Emmet Ben (tearfully) Hakuna Matatta

Helen (Walks down the stairs) B’BELCH!! !!

Helen: So does this cold make you Belch a lot
Emmet Ben: No just cough a lot
Helen: Oh weird

Emmet Ben: No I think I’ll stay upstairs even though the stairs are broken (Falls down stairs and dies)

Helen: I think I got a pill stuck in my throat

Emmet Ben: What’s it going to take for you to finally forgive me?

Helen: What are you doing with your hands?

Emmet Ben: I’ve been super nice to you all day!! !! !

Lauren: My spirit animals a rabbit
Helen: I think mine would probably be a pig
Emmet Ben: I like FROGS

Helen: I’m going to have to stay at my parents house my ski pass expired and they’re going to have to help me renew it for next year
Emmet Ben: Oh well I’m making Spaghetti and meatballs so
Helen: Okay cool I’m not going to be home for a while

Emmet Ben: Who’s here?

Helen II: Your roommate with a fever
Emmet Ben: WHAT?
Helen: Wait I told you over the phone didn’t I?
Emmet Ben: Oh I thought you said your ski pass expired and your parents were going to help you renew it for next year
Helen: What the hell is that supposed to mean I wonder?
Emmet Ben: I don’t know what does it mean?

Brooke Shy: No Car’rroo

Emmet Ben: My dream job is to sell Noosa for Noosa yogurt
Helen: Since when?
Emmet Ben: Since today after I sold out on Noosa

Flora, Candace and Jutta: Mom how could you do that to Brooke Kennedy?
Aunt Kathy: How could you do that to Brooke Kennedy?
Mike Lane: How could you do that to Brooke Kennedy?
Brooke Shy: How could do that to Brooke Kennedy?
Emmet Ben: How could you do that to Brooke Kennedy?
Kevin from Work: How could you do that to Brooke Kennedy?
Adam: How could you do that to my sister Brooke Kennedy?

Aunt Kathy: You guys aren’t superheroes you’re stupid heroes

Emmet Ben: Don’t expect any sympathy from ME. Like if hurt your Knee or something. I’m not going to be sympathetic at all
Helen: Oh KNEE

Emmet Ben: I don’t expect sympathy but at the very least I could expect some EMPATHY
Helen: Oh please

Helen: Was that you Emmet Ben?
Emmet Ben: Well No
Helen: It wasn’t yes it was
Emmet Ben: Well then why did you ask I wonder

Emmet Ben: I hate to toot my own horn but Jacob Marley’s Chains really is pretty darn awesome

Emmet Ben: I got tested for Diabetes I have it
Helen: No you don’t
Emmet Ben: No I do though

Henry: I really hate to toot my own Horn but B’Belch!

Henry: iiiiiihhhhh It’s my favorite birthday dinner!

Henry: I don’t feel like my dinner

Cheryl (To a morbidly obese heavily bearded Brooke Kennedy) Are you okay you look a little bit different
Brooke Kennedy: No actually this is what I looked like the entire time. God!

Helen II: What are you thinking about Emmet Ben?

Emmet Ben: So who else is in this class?
Hag: Me
Hag 2: And Me
Hag 3: And Me
Hag 4: And Me
Hag 5: And Me
Hag 6: And Me


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07 Oct 2024, 7:13 pm

What is an OC?

May you be blessed by YHWH and his Asherah


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14 Oct 2024, 4:59 am

Honey69 wrote:
What is an OC?

An Original Character