sacrip wrote:
Your link doesn't work, and while some of the goons Batman fought COULD have died, I don't remember him out-and-out murdering anyone (actually, as I type this, I recall him setting a clown goon on fire with his Batmobile jet engine exhaust. Using that as an example of Batman killing someone is a stretch).
But let's assume you're right, and Batman in those movies is a Punisher-type vigilante with no regard for a criminals life. It's not so weird, even then, that he'd discourage Selina from killing Shreck, because while he might decide some men need killing, it brings him no happiness to do so, and he'd like to keep Selina, who he cares for, from living the kind of endless revenge life that he does.
So why didn't he just SAY that? Because....THE MOVIE SUCKS! Sorry, it just does not hold up well, and the newer movies are leaps and bounds better. The fact that they may have made him a killer as well (long time since I saw it) just angers me even more.
I've always found Batman Returns better than it's predecessor, but the Nolan movies are just miles better.
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe: Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion; I've watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time; like tears in rain. Time to die." Roy Batty