Lilith Sternin Crane was a fictional character portrayed by a very talented actress, singer, and dancer: Beatrice "Bebe" Neuwirth.
Her character of Lilith Sternin, while emotionally repressed, did not regularly exhibit any of the characteristics of AS as listed in the DSM.
From the Wikipedia article:
Wikipedia wrote:
"Like Lilith, Neuwirth admits being shy and socially awkward with limited interpersonal skills. She is not easy in groups, and the thought of a cocktail party where she must meet a lot of new people strikes terror in her soul. Neuwirth is a very cerebral intellectual, but although she may appear unapproachable and radiates callousness behind a wall of reserve, she is a loving, funny and giving person."
So ... while
the actress she may seem somewhat Aspie-ish, there is no reason to claim that she is one of us.
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