This one is VERY tricky because it's my favourite Disney era (and Disney is some sort of a guilty pleasure for me). I was a kid/teenager during Disney Renaissance and these movies, especially The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Pocahontas and the Hunchback of Notre Dame are my favourite Disney movies.
It was so difficult to choose between them.
- The Little Mermaid was where I got hooked on Disney, when I was about 8. This movie was one of my first special interests.
- Beauty and the Beast is, imo, their best animated movie.
- Pocahontas is a special guilty pleasure because of the story. But I like her as a character and I loved her hair.
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame has, hands down, the best soundtrack of all Disney movies. It's also one of their best and I am sorry that it was never popular like the rest of them.
I know people adore the Lion King, but while it was a great film, I always preferred stories with people and not animals (even though I like animals in RL).
Voted for the Little Mermaid, because she was the first and I was so obsessed with it. I think I can still reproduce all dialogues by heart.