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12 Jan 2012, 11:46 pm

It's not a special interest to where I know everything about a movie or the actors but I do plan out when a new movie is coming that I want to see and follow its development. After the Dark Knight I've followed the Dark Knight Rises development also I've followed Spider-man from way back when it was going to be a James Cameron movie (that's back in the 90's!! !!) I've also seen articles on Tim Burton doing Superman and other superhero movie projects that didn't pan out. It's 11 months away and I'm psyched for The Hobbit just because I enjoyed the LotR films.

I tend to plan to see movies months/years in advance. My dad doesn't tend to care. Since I have no friends or a boyfriend it tends to be a father/daughter thing. Sadly when it comes to being based on a book I bash it (such as the case of the Breaking Dawn pt. 1 film) which he hated my honest critique compared to the book. I also tried to describe The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo film to him and since he didn't see it or read the book I had to dumb it to his idiotic level "The girl" The guy" but this other bad man etc. BS! Instead of using there names! SHEESH!! !!

He doesn't get my interest in movies much although he does see them with me outside of chatting after seeing the film he doesn't care. Personally I apply fiction with reality at times. What if X was real!! !! Then he'd snap It's fake etc.! !! I wonder if I'll ever find a boyfriend to go on dates with to the movies that shares my passion for films or friends. People you can chat with about it forever vs. just after the film is over. So I was wondering does any other Aspie here share an interest in future films and movie trailers?



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Joined: 5 Sep 2011
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13 Jan 2012, 12:26 am

I'm similar. I usually check out the trailers when I hear about an interesting new movie. They can really hype me up for it if the trailer is well made. I don't dwell on development very often though I will occasionally watch interviews with the actors if they seem particularly talented (or sometimes unusual). I tend to get a bit more involved in tv shows rather than movies. There are one or two that I actively try to keep 'up to date' on, regularly checking for updates, new information, etc. I'll even watch movie/tv trailers multiple times if they're good.

I do plan to see movies in advance if I hear about them, however I don't usually go to the theatre. I usually just watch them online. I don't really have anyone to go with. I stopped going with either of my parents because they always seem so negative about it, they can ruin it for me. Plus they aren't interested in discussion. They're not really equipped for it, mentally. Lately I have been seeing quite a few with my brother though and that's been a lot of fun.

To answer your question I would say yes there are people out there prepared to talk somewhat in depth about good movies. I don't know about 'forever' unless they're aspie though. Will you ever find someone like that? Well I don't know lol. Maybe.