Does your experience differ each time you watch a movie?

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08 Mar 2012, 4:10 am

Even for the movies that are at or near the top of your favorites list, do you sometimes find that you simply don't enjoy a movie as much as you usually do? Maybe watching one of your favorite movies sometimes doesn't leave you with that feeling of satisfaction that you usually have whenever you watch it? Also, does it ever make you feel bad if and when this happens?

I find that this happens to me a lot. Since I have ADD, it's sometimes hard for me to focus all my attention on the movie, so I might get caught up in my own thoughts during a scene and it sort of ruins the experience for me.

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08 Mar 2012, 11:45 am

First of all, where did you find that picture? It's funny! :lol: Second, I guess it depends on what movie I'm watching. If it's one of those weird movies, I don't enjoy it, because I don't get it. Not unless someone explains it to me. Otherwise, it doesn't make any sense. They also scare me. For instance, I recently saw Black Swan on On Demand, with my mother, and it scared the you-know-what out of me! 8O Plus, I hadn't seen it before. The next time, we watched The Swan Princess, which I used to watch with my sister when we were kids, and I was happy. :D It depends on what kind of movie it is.


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08 Mar 2012, 12:33 pm

When I rewatch a movie or reread a book, I sometimes see things that I missed the first time. Also, I am more likely to redo those that I liked, so I tend to enjoy seeing the movie again or reading the book over.

The first time I read Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, it was the unabridged version, and I was kind of young for that reading level, but finally managed to get through it. I put it on my book shelf and didn't reread it for at least 15--perhaps 20 years. The second time I read that exact same copy of the book, I got a lot more out of it because I had learned more about life in the intervening years. I understood things in the book a lot better because of what I had learned over the years. The same thing has happened with several other books, including Rudyard Kipling's "Kim", which I also read in the unabridged version.

For those who may not know, unabridged versions of books are printed as originally written by the author, and are sometimes harder to read. Abridged versions are either condensed, or simplified, or both, for a wider reading audience.

I tend to like to try the unabridged versions first, but if it is really tough going, but still an interesting story, then I don't mind rereading it in a simpler version later on.

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08 Mar 2012, 2:59 pm

Sometimes I'll like a movie better the second time around because I understand it better or if it's based on a book and I've read the book. Sometimes I'll get bored of a movie if I've watched it too many times.


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08 Mar 2012, 7:20 pm

Descartes wrote:
Even for the movies that are at or near the top of your favorites list, do you sometimes find that you simply don't enjoy a movie as much as you usually do? Maybe watching one of your favorite movies sometimes doesn't leave you with that feeling of satisfaction that you usually have whenever you watch it? Also, does it ever make you feel bad if and when this happens?

I am a huge fan of Johnny Depp movies (especially those he does with Tim Burton), but they don't always make me happy when I watch them. I always become worried when this happens because it's one of my obsessions/special interests and I'm afraid of it fading away. I want to be a Johnny Depp fan for the rest of my life.


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09 Mar 2012, 3:12 am

Princess78 wrote:
First of all, where did you find that picture? It's funny! :lol:

Thanks! I googled "hipster ariel" in Google, and I used one of those results as my current avatar.

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09 Mar 2012, 3:42 am

Well, I'm one of those people that can watch something loads of times and not get bored, however, when it comes to the point when I know all the quotes, I concentrate less on the film, and at that point it becomes less enjoyable.

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