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11 Aug 2009, 7:09 pm

I've just seen this video


And even though it's basicly a cheap Toilot joke, What offens me about this video is how "Asperger's" is technically being considered "Mentally ret*d".

I really wanted to contact the makers of this film "ret*d Cop" but I feel as a Satirist that I should let it go because I generally get pissed off when people complain about comedy. So instead, I have this person a tip.

I said if you Really want to be Funny and joke about Asperger's, do something that's true like "Depression of not seeing social cues". But that's just me.

But I just HATE the fact that they associated someone who is mentally ret*d having Aspergers.


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11 Aug 2009, 7:34 pm

Well that was 2 minutes of my life that I'll never get back. Poor video on all accounts.

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11 Aug 2009, 8:23 pm

I want to commit suicide now :(

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Revelation 21:4 "And [God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes,
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The former things have passed away."

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11 Aug 2009, 8:24 pm

What offends me about it, and speaking as an Aspie who considers himself a writer of halfway decent comic fiction, is that it's just incredibly bad. It's not funny. It's an over-long faecal gag based on a pun that was pretty dire to start with.

Crimes against literature notwithstanding, yeah, it's not the most flattering thing in the world to Aspies either. Associating AS with the classic comedy image of "ret*d" people is pretty misleading.

(Actually, it's pretty poor from a procedural standpoint too. If anything I'd expect an Aspie to be overly rigorous in performing a traffic stop by the book... :lol: )


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11 Aug 2009, 9:10 pm

Not to mention they misspelled Aspergers...

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11 Aug 2009, 9:22 pm

I don't think that was so much a misspelling as the entire foundation for the alleged pun... In fact, the misspelling is probably the one thing we can't criticise them for.

(Couple of other bloopers, though. For instance, how's he supposed to retrieve the burgers with his trousers and duty belt on? Unless he has some sort of trapdoor arrangement, I suppose, but still. Why do filmmakers never think of these elementary practical matters?)

"Mediocre Films" indeed... If that.


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13 Aug 2009, 7:01 pm

I can't believe that has over 2 million views. It wasn't even anything near funny.


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13 Aug 2009, 8:52 pm

After 393 years we have come from this:


to what is.

We have depleted our Shakespeare’s, Bach’s, Michelangelo’s, Einstein’s and are left with Idiocracy.


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13 Aug 2009, 9:23 pm

Pretty much to be expected that that video would be completely awful and borderline unwatchable.
It did say "Mediocre Films" at the beginning, after all.... ;-)


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14 Aug 2009, 5:00 pm

I didn't even watch it.

I'm extremely recently diagnosed and I don't think I could take it.

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14 Aug 2009, 6:58 pm

Meh. Apart from the pun on the word "Asperger's", it's got nothing to do with AS. It's just a rather dull and stupid "comedy" clip with a remarkable humour deficiency. So watching it shouldn't be traumatic - unless you're a connoisseur of good comedy or good writing.

Apart from that, though, congratulations on your diagnosis - now that you know what you've got and how to work around it, you may well find it a rather pleasant condition to have. Well, I did, anyway, once I figured out what it was. :)


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16 Aug 2009, 7:31 am

I made a comment on this saying that the video is very offensive. When the viewers saw my comment, they called me names like fag, prick, and saying I should get sand out of my vagina.

Why are people like that even alive? They're probably jerks that treat others like crap!

Anybody that wants to support me in this (I'm Burtonnut on Youtube btw), make a comment on that video and maybe those autism hating jerks will understand.


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22 Aug 2009, 11:10 am

Beatlegal wrote:
I made a comment on this saying that the video is very offensive. When the viewers saw my comment, they called me names like fag, prick, and saying I should get sand out of my vagina.

Why are people like that even alive? They're probably jerks that treat others like crap!

Anybody that wants to support me in this (I'm Burtonnut on Youtube btw), make a comment on that video and maybe those autism hating jerks will understand.

Yeah, I wrote a comment on there too (I'm under the name of Muppetpro) and I said nicely from a Satirist Humorist to another for this person to do his research before taking a comical shot. I said in a message sent to him basicly if you really wanted to make fun of Asperger's why not joke about how stressful our lives really are and how NTs treat us live crap.

As a Satirist myself, I often make jokes that involve around Asperger's but Asperger's not as the satirical target but how society treats us like crap. My key of thumb in satire is satirize the bullies that deserve it and not the innocent. But this blue color comedican is the bully and not even thinking about the fact that he is insociating a DMR with High Functioning Asperger's.

For the people who haven't seen the video, I'll explain what it is.

This policeman that looks and sounds like he's mentally ret*d pulls these teenagers over, the teens asked what's the matter, the ret*d policeman looks said and says "I just found out that I've got Asperger's Syndrome". The teens look sympothedic and says "Sorry to hear that" This part alone is politically inacurrate!
So suddenly the cop pulls out a giant burger out from his pants and smells it with pleasure. Then he eats it and he asks them if they want an Ass Shake in which he craps through his pants. The teens drive alway as they become nousious. Then the cop shouts out you forgot your change, he farts out coins and milkshake comes out his ass yet again.

Not Cleaver and yes it's offensitive Plus There is No Point that is Made or Reseason why Asperger's was insociated in the first place.

So basicly the whole thing was a pun on how Asperger's sounds like Ass-Burgers. :(

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22 Aug 2009, 8:19 pm

The video did not offend me at all. All it did was make me watch the rest of The ret*d Policeman videos. They're funny! People need to lighten up. If this Down's Syndrome guy can have a laugh at himself, why can't you?


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22 Aug 2009, 8:59 pm

Raskle wrote:
The video did not offend me at all. All it did was make me watch the rest of The ret*d Policeman videos. They're funny! People need to lighten up. If this Down's Syndrome guy can have a laugh at himself, why can't you?

Does he really have Down Syndrome? Is there such a thing as High Functioning Down Syndrome? That a first to me, but then again there's high funtioning Autism which means us. :)


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22 Aug 2009, 10:34 pm

Raskle wrote:
The video did not offend me at all. All it did was make me watch the rest of The ret*d Policeman videos. They're funny! People need to lighten up. If this Down's Syndrome guy can have a laugh at himself, why can't you?

Heh, part of having AS for me is lacking the ability to "lighten up". I should know, I actually was in a sketch comedy show for several years in college. The only sense of humor I brought was when the other cast members needed an asian stereotype for a quick laugh. Other than that I could barely contribute anything that was remotely funny.

I envy people with Down's Syndrome sometimes because despite their mental limits, they can still beat us in areas like social skills, self esteem and a since of humor. Depressing irony how alot of NT people (that I know of anyway) seem to respect DS people while labeling AS folk as the r-tards.

But I got the AS pun in the sketch so it's no biggie, I suppose.