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23 Oct 2012, 5:38 pm

Did you watch it?

...if so, what were your thoughts?- Were any of you left confused?...I certainly was.

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23 Oct 2012, 10:37 pm

I found it interesting that Gary is immune to the photic stimulator. He's also immune to Nina's pushing. One wonders if the same centers of the brain might be involved, especially since Nina can't push anyone unless she can look them in the eye...

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24 Oct 2012, 1:20 am

I was left confuse.
Why was Gary immune? And what's next?
Because there has to be something else going on afterwards. That's simply not an ending.

Besides, Gary being immune. Does it mean that his powers stay the same?

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24 Oct 2012, 5:28 pm

Do you think Rachel's ability is just heightened SPD?


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24 Oct 2012, 6:09 pm

Sona_21 wrote:
Do you think Rachel's ability is just heightened SPD?
Yes, I think it's possible.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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26 Oct 2012, 12:01 am

I was ssssoooooooo confused at the finale.

I feel like maybe "the event" didn't really happen. Maybe Gary somehow got his abilities amplified and he's "inside his own head". I know that sometimes I can just retreat to my own mind so maybe if his ability was amplified, then it might also amplify some of his autistic traits.
I just didn't understand why everyone (even the other alphas) were unresponsive and yet Gary wasn't affected. When Rachael's abilities got amplified, she wasn't unresponsive.

Does anyone know where the next season begins. And what other show will you be watching to take it's place in the meantime.

Is anyone else excited about Defiance? I know that it's not coming out for a while, but it looks very good.

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26 Oct 2012, 9:28 am

Keon wrote:
I was ssssoooooooo confused at the finale.

I feel like maybe "the event" didn't really happen. Maybe Gary somehow got his abilities amplified and he's "inside his own head". I know that sometimes I can just retreat to my own mind so maybe if his ability was amplified, then it might also amplify some of his autistic traits.
I just didn't understand why everyone (even the other alphas) were unresponsive and yet Gary wasn't affected. When Rachael's abilities got amplified, she wasn't unresponsive.

Does anyone know where the next season begins. And what other show will you be watching to take it's place in the meantime.

Is anyone else excited about Defiance? I know that it's not coming out for a while, but it looks very good.
Gary being unaffected really 'baffled' me, too. I watch a variety of American tv shows, so I'll just have to watch one of those.

...and, what's "Defiance"?

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26 Oct 2012, 12:41 pm

Defiance is an upcoming SyFy series about a resistance movement against (I think) an alien invasion. What little I've seen looks interesting, but SyFy seems to be working hard to distance itself from its sci-fi roots, so I don't know how much hope I should hold out.

It's been established in Alphas that Gary's neuroanatomy, the root of his autism, also protects him from Nina's "pushing" ability, so it's possible that the same sectors of the brain are supposed to be over-amped by the photic stimulator, leaving Gary unaffected. It's not like Parrish would have had an abundance of autistic alphas to test his device out on...

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17 Jan 2013, 2:30 pm

The guy who plays Gary tweeted that the show is cancelled, and various blogs/news places are confirming.

RIP Gary and crew. :(


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17 Jan 2013, 2:34 pm

palindrome wrote:
The guy who plays Gary tweeted that the show is cancelled, and various blogs/news places are confirming.

RIP Gary and crew. :(

Aspie score: 160 of 200, neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 44 of 200

YouTube channel: ... WnSA552Xjg