Venger wrote:
Wow those are pretty shocking for being from the 50s-60s.
The first one was from the late 60s. The second one was from 1987.
The first effect (from
The Dominators) was actually done in a weird manner. They took a picture of the actress, Nicolette Pendrell (her character's name was Tolata), and then did a thing where they replaced only the skin on her body in the photo with footage of oil rippling on water. The process was apparently complex for the time, as it used something called an optical printer, used to meld two film sequences together. But the effect is surprisingly nasty. For all later deaths at the hands of the Quarks, they simply used smoke piped through the clothing of those killed, something also used for deaths at the hands of the Cybermen in the first three Cybermen stories (
The Tenth Planet, The Moonbase, and
The Tomb of the Cybermen).
The second scene, of Kane's suicide from
Dragonfire, actually used the same technique for the sequence where Toht's head melts in
Raiders of the Lost Ark. They took a mold of Edward Peel's head, made it up with gelatin flesh over a skull, and stuck it in front of a heat gun for several minutes, speeding up the footage in post production. They were careful not to use any reds for Kane's innards, but even then, the footage was edited.
Unfortunately, some of the more gruesome deaths in the series no longer exist. In the fourth episode of
The Tenth Planet, the Cybermen collapse and shrivel when Mondas blows up, and in
The Moonbase, Cybermen hit with a solvent mixture froth up and shrivel. A not dissimilar death is seen in
The Tomb of the Cybermen (which does exist, by the way), when a cybernetically enhanced man rips out the grill of a Cyberman's chest unit, and it begins spewing foam while the Cyberman writhes in agony.
More than one character has been aged to death too: at the end of
The Dalek Masterplan, Sara Kingdom ages to death thanks to the effects of the Time Destructor. No footage remains, only production photographs. Professor Kerensky suffers a similar fate in
City of Death, which does exist, and while the initial stage of the sequence is OTT, the rest of it is actually quite horrific. Not to mention Marcus Scarman crumbling into bits when he is released from Sutekh's control in
Pyramids of Mars, but that's not aging to death, technically, it was basically because he was an animated cadaver.
And then, you have the various people with horrific deformities. Robert Holmes seemed rather fond of these, as at least three villains he wrote, the decaying, out-of-regenerations Master in
The Deadly Assassin, Magnus Greel from
The Talons of Weng-Chiang (courtesy of a malfunctioning time machine) and Sharaz Jek from
The Caves of Androzani (courtesy of a boiling mud geyser) have horrific faces.
In fact, here's the sequence in question from
The Caves of Androzani. And for bonus points, spot the actor who would later appear in
Star Trek.
"You stinking offal, Morgus,
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