Total social engineering film. I forgot to take notes since I didn't realize I'd be posting a thread about this. But they refer to facism in the film "organized sports are facist". Most people don't understand facism, and organized sports are not facist BUT they are run by big business (CBS, Fox, Disney I forget the other two) since they have been taken over by Big Business and continue to be pumped full of advertisements. Immediately people associate facism with Hitler, which isn't completely true. Then they touch on a lot of relationships between people like they stero type nerds and jocks and teachers who cheat on their husbands because they're bored and a younger attractive student is available for a "quickie" (they make reference to a quickie as in OK it's alright if maybe just this ONE TIME I do something WRONG). They show the parents of the fat child who is emotionally broken because he eats his feelings and is just as out of touch with his parents as they have become with him (thanks to the rockefellers destroying the social mould of families). They dress him up as Peter Pan making a reference to homosexuals. They make fun of Jesus. There is hedonism at the party. They refer various times to chemicals and molecules that are used in making explosives (so they're basically saying even the NERDS are TERRORISTS!) and they show someone who is super-caring about the environment give hell to someone who isn't - as if the environment is the scape goat and constant distraction and foreshadow for environmental taxes (i.e. carbon tax) The guy even says to Channing "You don't care about the environment? That's kinda f****d up man" After the party and all the destruction to the property, the parents punish the children by making them do chores - as if doing chores as a child was not part of the package already and the worst punishment they could receive is this (as is most punishment for over-privileged and entitled children in north america.) Best part - they tell people that "Pluto has two moons!" - Channing Tatum, before it was even discovered this July. And what's the number of the film? 21 (if you know anything about occultist or numerology) AND when Channing and Jonah screw up the plan to catch the dealers the black cop says to them "What are you?! Autistic?!" as if autism is something that needs to be fixed or whiped out or altered somehow seeing as how it's a mental problem for these two.
This film should not have been given the budget it was given. The writing is terrible. There's no lessons. It's a complete piece of crap.
There is nothing funny about this movie - that's why it was shown on the silver screen - to engineer the masses who pay for these movies each week and promote them to their friends. Film screening was born in Nazi Germany to indoctrinate their citizens. Plus this type of humor (office humor / subtle humor) has been created to desensitize the sheeple. Plus near the end they LET YOU KNOW that this was an illuminati film. One of the characters is wearing a baphomet head. These things are made and written for a reason guys. And who are the two actors in this film? Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. Illuminati puppets. Why would you think that these crap films keep getting made? Their messages are sublte but if you recognize the imagery and the relationships between the characters, you'll understand the ideologies that Hollywood and TPTB are cramming into our noggins. And who the heck are you to be telling me I'm not ready to distinguish between info and entertainment?! I know myself better than you dude!
"Alternate info" Maybe your info is disinformation. Yeah right, "alternate info" good one man.
Last edited by WhiteWidow on 19 Jul 2012, 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I think you're a troll.
The reason I can do this is because I'm not around other desensitized people and I've been connecting the pieces of the puzzle. I watch and analyze things. How can you sit there and tell me that this was meant to be a comedy when they constantly make references to religion and mental illness' and family values etc? You can't make a carebears TV show and talk about sex, but Hollywood can make a comedy and talk about facism? There's obviously a hidden message, or else they wouldn't have made the reference. Or the reference to autism or PLUTO's SECOND PLANET BEFORE IT WAS DISCOVERED for that matter.
That's a plural, not a singular.
It's simple, I go to my chair, turn 180 degrees and bend my knees. I then move the chair forward, turn on my computer, log on to WP, and tell you this was meant to be a comedy. Beforehand, I make sure my skin is thick and my IQ hasn't lowed from the previous day. And for the record Asperger's is a mental illness now?! Eek.
They can indeed if the age certificate is appropriate for the material being shown to its demographic.
So by this logic, every time someone references anything remotely similar to an existing theory, well documented cover up or widely discussed group of freemason-like cultists there MUST be a hidden message and it MUST be true? Okay how about I make a movie and put lots of illuminati symbolism in it and kangaroos. Will that mean I'm trying to genuinely raise awareness of the illuminati? Not necessarily.
I think you mean a 2nd orbiting body of Pluto, and Pluto isn't even a planet. It's a Plutoid / planetoid. I'm pretty sure if you had any real interest in space and astronomy you would have known about this 2nd orbiting body before the movie.
I also have watched the movie 3 times. I laughed each time (though progressively less and less).
How can you sit there and not agree with any of my points and just beleive that it was meant to be a comedy? Maybe it was meant to be a comedy to the desensitized people, because they're so desensitized to everything it becomes a joke. Re-watch it. There's a baphomet head at the end of the movie, that's to let you know this movie was made as a symbolic gesture. If you pick up anything, don't think "hey this was meant to be like this" just like when apple goes "this is revolutionary" and people automatically cum in their pants. Channing and Jonah laugh at the kid on youtube tripping balls. That stuff isn't funny, it's scary. Yet they think it's a joke. And when they open the door to the people having a threesome, first of all that stuff shouldn't even be in there - but it is because it's sadistic - they just laugh it off coming down the stairs. As if it's supposed to be a regular part of a "party". I didn't want to see people screwing, but for some messed up reason they threw three people having sex in there. They put it in there for a reason, to DESENSITIZE YOU
Last edited by WhiteWidow on 19 Jul 2012, 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Because we aren't all the same, and I have a sense of humour?
And, have you ever been to a party before? People have sex in bedrooms. Who'dve thunk it.
Maybe sex is in the movie, to SELL it? I don't know about you, but I like watching sex thanks.
Last edited by JanuaryMan on 19 Jul 2012, 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If you're with your buddy or a GIANT SCREEN or around other people who are also desensitized, then automatically your brain dismisses any critical thinking. That's why you have to sit down by yourself and analyze things as you watch or read them pulling empirical evidence from a myriad of sources. People have sex in bedrooms at other people's places during parties because a sadistic agenda is being sold to them to tell them that that sort of behavior is common and acceptable. That sort of thing should be kept private. It isn't respected, sex is infact sold to people. That is the problem, And that is the problem of this movie. So define sex. This is just literally pushing it in our faces.
Last edited by WhiteWidow on 19 Jul 2012, 5:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.

It's nearly midnight here. I am on my own. I read the same websites as you by the way, and quite frankly your brain isn't ready to handle the information it is being given or distinguish what is theory and what is actual information. Please, just stop.
EDIT: Why do you keep editing your posts?
That wasn't addressed to me, as this is my first post on this thread, but I have to respond.
OP, there are two extremes:
One group is overly desensitized and mindless.
A second group, on the other hand, loses the ability to distinguish fact and fiction, reads things that aren't there, and gets paranoid and emotional about it.
You're in the second group.
Yes, many people mindlessly believe things. And yes, propaganda is real. But then there's the extra layer of mythos that's added to it, which you're professing here, and which runs rampant on sites like Above Top Secret, Godlike Productions, etc. Ironic, while group 1 is buying the mainstream party line, group 2 is buying the fringe party line.
OP, avoid this trap.
When trying to point out the folly in over-zealousness to the second group, they often get defensive and accuse me of being in the first group.
Please, step back for a moment, calm down, and get a grip.

It's nearly midnight here. I am on my own. I read the same websites as you by the way, and quite frankly your brain isn't ready to handle the information it is being given or distinguish what is theory and what is actual information. Please, just stop.
EDIT: Why do you keep editing your posts?
I agree with you January Man. I too enjoy these sites. But I believe the OP isn't ready for them either.
He reminds me of someone who just became aware of them, and is now mindlessly immersing himself into their fringe propaganda, while denouncing others for buying into mainstream propaganda.