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Snowy Owl
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07 Sep 2012, 4:05 pm

I do have a cult attachment to power rangers. It's got a lot of what i like superheroes,martial arts, cool costumes, giant robots, fighting monsters and very memorable characters.

I'm not part of the fans who believe only the original season was good, Nah! I'm still catching up with the seasons but here's what i think about the many seasons in a nutshell (after In Space):

-Lost Galaxy: felt very long.
-Lightspeed rescue: one of my fav, Carter Grayson (Red) and the Titanium Ranger are among my top 5 fav rangers.
-Time force: one of the best seasons, for those who think power rangers is all about cheezy acting, i highly recommend this season to see how much has changed and improved since mighty morphin, (also for those who think the pink ranger is stupid, let me introduce you to Jen: tough chick and leader of the team)
-Wild force: took a very environmental stance, which many felt was too preachy, leaving it underrated. This season also had the "forever red" episode, a team-up of every red Ranger so far.
-Ninja Storm: watched that one during breakfast during high school. Nice action, however poor villains Cam (green samurai) and Tori (blue) are my fav.
-Dino Thunder: Tommy (who played the original green ranger) came back as a high school teacher, mentor and the black Dino ranger, excellent season if you want to catch up on power rangers.
-SPD: very underrated, great writing. There were lots of inside jokes as well as good characters (Bridge was my fav)

The rest i have not watched yet...
So what's your fav season, fav Ranger? Do you prefer the Sentai?


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07 Sep 2012, 4:22 pm

I love Power Rangers too. You should check out Linkara's History of Power Rangers in which he analyizes each Power Rangers seasons saying what he likes and what he doesn't like. I will admit to saying that Power Rangers is really stupid but enjoyably stupid. There are episodes I like and ones I don't like and even the ones I like have they're flaws too.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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07 Sep 2012, 6:47 pm

tb86 wrote:
I love Power Rangers too. You should check out Linkara's History of Power Rangers in which he analyizes each Power Rangers seasons saying what he likes and what he doesn't like. I will admit to saying that Power Rangers is really stupid but enjoyably stupid. There are episodes I like and ones I don't like and even the ones I like have they're flaws too.

I actually do watch Linkara's history of power rangers, he's a great reviewer. It's true there are alot of stupid stuff (especially physics) in power rangers, but for me it's like watching a series of B movies as a tv show. And yeah i know what you're talking about "episodes you don't like" such as "the Pizza episode" from Turbo XD


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09 Sep 2012, 1:05 pm

I watched Power Rangers religiously when I was 10. My favorite seasons are as follows:

Power Rangers Zeo
PR in Space
Wild Force
Ninja Storm
Dino Thunder
Mystic Force
Operation Overdrive
Jungle Fury

I'm a huge fan of the female Yellow/Blue/White Rangers. They never seem to get enough credit from fans for their intelligence, courage, and fight skills...unlike the girly, ditzy, and annoying Pink Rangers.
There's been male Yellow Rangers, but never a male Pink Ranger. Not even female Rangers to don the Red/Black/Green/Gold colors. Is it for the fear that it will be considered "gay"? And how come there's no more female Ranger toys available? Are the TV/film producers and retailers being sexists with action heroines?
Anyways, I went to Japan to visit the Toei Studios and there was this exhibit for the Super Sentai Rangers (the true origin of the Power Rangers franchise) and took pictures of the exhibit which I'll post later.

RIP Thuy Trang (Trini, the original Yellow Ranger).

"Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to blind obedience." - Mary Wollstonecraft

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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09 Sep 2012, 9:18 pm

ttqs84 wrote:
I watched Power Rangers religiously when I was 10. My favorite seasons are as follows:

Power Rangers Zeo
PR in Space
Wild Force
Ninja Storm
Dino Thunder
Mystic Force
Operation Overdrive
Jungle Fury

I'm a huge fan of the female Yellow/Blue/White Rangers. They never seem to get enough credit from fans for their intelligence, courage, and fight skills...unlike the girly, ditzy, and annoying Pink Rangers.
There's been male Yellow Rangers, but never a male Pink Ranger. Not even female Rangers to don the Red/Black/Green/Gold colors. Is it for the fear that it will be considered "gay"? And how come there's no more female Ranger toys available? Are the TV/film producers and retailers being sexists with action heroines?
Anyways, I went to Japan to visit the Toei Studios and there was this exhibit for the Super Sentai Rangers (the true origin of the Power Rangers franchise) and took pictures of the exhibit which I'll post later.

RIP Thuy Trang (Trini, the original Yellow Ranger).

I see you're not a big fan of lightspeed rescue that's one of my fav's because of the Titanium ranger, the first American-exclusive ranger.

It's true that the yellow rangers are underrated. Kira from Dino thunder can kick ass.

-There actually was a female red ranger in SPD, the leader of Squad 1. Squad one is also infamous for being the first team of power rangers to turn evil out of pure choice. Also at the end of the season Syd (the pink SPD ranger) was promoted to red.

-Not all pink rangers were ditzy, Jen from Time force, was tough, fearless and led the group as commander; which are traditionally the features of the Red ranger.

-Not enough female ranger toys? tell me about it! MCDonald's is missing Pink and Yellow from Samurai in their happy meal toys.

Thuy will be forever missed. She did get an honourable mention during the David Yost (Billy the blue ranger) interview.

Snowy Owl
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09 Sep 2012, 9:29 pm

Also can't wait to see the pictures. Was the recently cuz i know Toei has teasers for the upcoming 20th anniversary.


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12 Sep 2012, 12:53 am

Grand_pilot wrote:
Also can't wait to see the pictures. Was the recently cuz i know Toei has teasers for the upcoming 20th anniversary.

Took these when I was in Kyoto back in October 2008.



"Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to blind obedience." - Mary Wollstonecraft

Snowy Owl
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12 Sep 2012, 11:23 am

COOL!! !! !

Mystic force and RPM before RPM came to north america!


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09 Oct 2012, 5:27 am

I'm back in Japan right now and I'm watching the dubbed version of Power Rangers SPD now even as we speak! How...ironic.

"Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to blind obedience." - Mary Wollstonecraft


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09 Oct 2012, 11:50 am

Favorite season is Mighty Morphin'. Favorite Ranger is between the White and Pink ones.

Emu Egg
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09 Oct 2012, 12:24 pm

I used to like power rangers but not any more I like super sentai now, I haven’t got round to watching sentai yet but have seen all of carranger its far superior to its amarican counterpart

my fav pr seasons are time force


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09 Oct 2012, 12:29 pm


Emu Egg
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13 Oct 2012, 1:54 pm

I liked that song wish it started fast instead of slow

I saw some of power rangers samurai this morning it was not as bad as I remember


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13 Oct 2012, 2:15 pm

The original version in the early 90's was my favorite...I don't know I feel like after Lost Galaxy I think it was it went downhill and so I kinda lost interest and never really thought to watch the seasons I did like again. But yeah when I was a kid it was my favorite show besides Ninja Turtles(the original not that new one they came out with).

I don't know I got a lot of crap for liking it(or so I thought at the time), but I think it was more the other kids knew it would bother me and I'd get upset if they attacked things I really liked. Why they wanted to cause harm to to another person for their own amusement I don't get anyways I suppose that just made me like such shows even more since it was all about having cool powers and being able to fight the bad and all that.

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