ttqs84 wrote:
I watched Power Rangers religiously when I was 10. My favorite seasons are as follows:
Power Rangers Zeo
PR in Space
Wild Force
Ninja Storm
Dino Thunder
Mystic Force
Operation Overdrive
Jungle Fury
I'm a huge fan of the female Yellow/Blue/White Rangers. They never seem to get enough credit from fans for their intelligence, courage, and fight skills...unlike the girly, ditzy, and annoying Pink Rangers.
There's been male Yellow Rangers, but never a male Pink Ranger. Not even female Rangers to don the Red/Black/Green/Gold colors. Is it for the fear that it will be considered "gay"? And how come there's no more female Ranger toys available? Are the TV/film producers and retailers being sexists with action heroines?
Anyways, I went to Japan to visit the Toei Studios and there was this exhibit for the Super Sentai Rangers (the true origin of the Power Rangers franchise) and took pictures of the exhibit which I'll post later.
RIP Thuy Trang (Trini, the original Yellow Ranger).
I see you're not a big fan of lightspeed rescue that's one of my fav's because of the Titanium ranger, the first American-exclusive ranger.
It's true that the yellow rangers are underrated. Kira from Dino thunder can kick ass.
-There actually was a female red ranger in SPD, the leader of Squad 1. Squad one is also infamous for being the first team of power rangers to turn evil out of pure choice. Also at the end of the season Syd (the pink SPD ranger) was promoted to red.
-Not all pink rangers were ditzy, Jen from Time force, was tough, fearless and led the group as commander; which are traditionally the features of the Red ranger.
-Not enough female ranger toys? tell me about it! MCDonald's is missing Pink and Yellow from Samurai in their happy meal toys.
Thuy will be forever missed. She did get an honourable mention during the David Yost (Billy the blue ranger) interview.