In the 80's and 90's, there existed a show known as "Mystery Science Theater 3000." The main theme behind this show is that there is a dude and 2 robots trapped on a satellite, and some evil scientist forces them to watch really, REALLY bad movies. During the movie, the three make hilarious wisecracks at said movie. One of the movies they watched was "Space Mutiny," in which they mocked a character named David Ryder with ridiculous, macho names. These hilarious names include the following; Big McLargeHuge, Rip Steakface, Punch Rockgroin, Thick McRunFast, Gristle McThornBody, Splint Chesthair, and many more. Using the David Ryder name generator -----> ... r-60484457 , what is YOUR David Ryder macho name.
Mine is Punch McPunchCrunch.
"You went full ret*d, man. Never go full ret*d. You don't buy that? Ask Sean Penn, 2001, "I Am Sam." Remember? Went full ret*d, went home empty handed..."
- Robert Downey Jr. as Kirk Lazarus as Sergeant Four Leaf