Moviefan2k4 wrote:
In my opinion, the worst one so far was "The Last Stand", but even that had a lot of cool moments. I loved Storm going badass with the lightning, frying the tattooed chick on the fence. My inner geek cheered when Bobby finally iced up all the way; I'd waited six years for that moment.

The main problem with that entry was having way too many characters to introduce at once, and the only memorable one was Archangel.
Technically, it wasn't Archangel but Angel ( Archangel would have required Apocalypse to turn Warren into the horseman of Death )...
and the tattooed chick you referred to was supposed to be Callisto, but I can see how you might not have recognized her as they effed her up a lot ( also: Spike & Psylocke had cameos...but both retardedly as villains and both were ultimately killed )
Best bits for me in Last Stand were: Bobby icing up all the way, hearing Kelsey Grammar as Beast actually say "Oh my stars & garters", Ellen Page as Kitty and Storm being a badass. Now if we could just get a Wolverine movie with him & Kitty or him & Jubilee.... ( sorry, I always loved the "sidekick" stories )
Ore Sanjou!