I love all the CSIs that exist, I watch them quite regularly. Last month, I fell for Castle, because he is very sympathic and it sparkles between him and the main heroine (dunno her name). None of the shows are, however, the best ones in their "circle". For me, the best criminal series was Life with Damian Lewis. It was funny, kind of realistic, sometimes really scary and the main hero was believably damaged. It was kind of like the story from Count of Monte Cristo. A wrongfully incarcerated cop returns from a prison, in which he was held for murders he never commited. He was pardoned the rest of the punishment, cleared of all convictions, given millions as a compensation and sent to world. With depressions, which he tries to heal with Zen thinking, and a huge lust for revenge. Man, when Damian unrolled it, it was amazing to watch. I am so sorry it had to be stopped! Just because of the greedy Jay Leno - they say he wanted to be in the time that Life was. And he got it. Bastard. Otherwise, I like him, but THIS is something I will never forgive to him.
-"Do you expect me to talk?"
-"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"