Has anyone else seen it yet?
I liked the first part a lot. I thought the scene where Mumble does the dive (the scene where Lovelace and the others are left standing there) would have been the ending if it had been, say, a Russian folktalke. It would have been a bit more poetic and realistic, too. I think the film is less good after that bit. The part with the zoo would also have worked as an ending, but a very sad one, and less heroic than the other scene I mentioned. Anyway, I liked the film overall.
Also, the very first part, where Mumble's parents find out he can't sing - and Mumble's early life in general - seemed in some ways to be a parallel to a child with autism. His parents don't know what to make of the situation, he has deficiencies in one area but a talent in another, which his mum is supportive of, but his dad thinks is embarassing; he spends his childhood alone, and when he finally makes friends, they are also socially different to their species; and he even looks younger than his peers when they all graduate.
Anyway, I was just wondering what other people thought about it....