swashyrose wrote:
I remember that!! !! sadly vaguely though, it wasn't my favourite cartoon, I would get secretly very frustrated by the fact the animals all talked a language the other animal species could understand..
but I regularly got the magazine! it had puzzles and written stories, rather than just comics, and seemed more sophisticated than the other kid's mags and subscribing to it appealed to my pretentious delusions of maturity. I remember there was a kestrel, and that through watching this, I found out what a kestrel was. I remember it seemed an innocent and 'proper' series to be in to, and worth mentioning around my slightly haughty grandmother.
Ahh, yes, I too found out what a kestrel was through this show!
I remember most of my friends in school were watching it as well, and we discussed it vigourously. Good times!
clarity of thought before rashness of action