This is just a general outline of my story that I wrote for a movie. It is cross between an action movie and a comedy and it is called....
"Disposable Heroes"
Set a few years into the future, consumerism is out of control, cheap labour has become a trend of today and is ruining the environment. As old scrap and antique appliances are never giving up, even though they are over the hill, and the newer appliances are short-lived without question, committing suicide.
It is up to a young girl, at the age of 12, to stop her parents, who own a consumer corporation, from making the biggest mistake in the world, manufacturing a new range of appliances, which will "revolutionise the industry".
So she first convinces them straight out to change their ways and revert back to old appliances. If not that, she then shows them a bunch of posters she got from a friend of her's depicting hypothetical environmental issues arising today.
If not that, then she goes to extreme measures and starts a peaceful protest down her street, expressing the dislike of the current promotion, by this company and environmental issues arising today. This leads into a war with the Old Devotees, the mob the young girl is with, and the New Devotees, the opposition. This also leads into a war with the old appliances taking on the newer appliances in a dominative battle.
After that, if the protest does not work, her parents go on a conference to negotiate with another consumer corporation, and so she then goes to the army base to form her own personal army called the App Army that will destroy her parents' corporation and make them realise their error in what they are doing. From there people are forced to throw out their new appliances and revive their old appliances.
Please take the time to read this as I have worked on this whole project for 2 years from 2010 to 2012. Could you give me your honest opinion?