Megas XLR aka Mechanized Earth Guard Attack System Xtra Large Robot. Number 4 on Cartoon Network's Top 5 original shows. The show was mostly inspired by mecha anime and its humor mocks or pays homage anime conventions. It was about an average overweight guy from New Jersey who plays videogames all day long and then stumbles upon a giant robot accidentally sent from the future and uses his videogame skills to pilot the robot to defeat a threatening alien race known as the Glorft and sometimes the entire city is smashed before the fighting is over.
This show had everything. Giant Robots, Aliens, Destruction, Videogames, a kick butt soundtrack mostly performed by Blues Saraceno and Dweezil Zappa, you name it.
26 awesome episodes and for some reason it is cancelled. It's not airing in the United States. It is airing in Canada though. It's available on iTunes and Xbox Live Marketplace (of which I have neither). It's also finally on DVD but I see no proof of that on online store websites yet and sometimes a guy on YouTube will start uploading the episodes for all to enjoy then get his account terminated then later another guy on YouTube will do the same thing.
If you loved the show too, then let out your fandom here.
I am sick, and in so being I am the healthy one.
If my darkness or eccentricness offends you, I don't really care.
I will not apologize for being me.