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19 Jan 2010, 4:55 am

Okay, not a poll until maybe later, but just the top three science fiction TV series of all time, in your opinion. And try and list the reasons why, don't just list your favourites.

My turn:

1. Doctor Who: Obvious choice really. About the advetures of a time-travelling alien known only as the Doctor, this series has been long running (and has many aspects that will ensure that it lasts a long time), has had a number of excellent stories in both the old and new series, a number of good actors in the title role and other roles, and is an inspiration for many.

2. Blake's 7: A far more adult series than Doctor Who, done on a smaller budget, but packing in some wonderful concepts. Firefly, Babylon 5, Farscape, and many more owe much to Blake's 7, about a ragtag group of revolutionaries fighting against a tyrannical Federation. Complex and thought-provoking, filled with moral ambiguity, the series can be best summed up with the following quote:

Vila: Where are all the good guys?
Blake: You could be looking at them.
Avon: What a very depressing thought.

3. The Quatermass serials: There's a reason I took the main character from them as my nom de plume. These well-written dramas about alien invasions are amongst the best things the BBC ever made. Each serial defines one of the three main types of alien invasion. In The Quatermass Experiment, we go to them. In Quatermass II, they come to us. And in Quatermass and the Pit, they were always here.

Well? Other opinions welcome.

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19 Jan 2010, 6:44 am

I think I might agree.

I like so much science fiction Babylon 5 Was defiantly a great, Star Trek and all its derivatives are all worthy contenders.

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19 Jan 2010, 12:07 pm

too many to choose from. But then I actually liked Enterprise (season 4 was the best, tho...;)

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19 Jan 2010, 12:12 pm

No particular order:
Doctor Who. It's just fun and exciting.
Firefly. It was fun, funny, exciting, emotionally resonant, really smart, beautiful, and just plain perfect.
Can't choose between Futurama and Red Dwarf. Both hilarious.

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19 Jan 2010, 3:48 pm

Blakes 7 is one, Avon and Blake are both bunch of good classic characters :D I started watching it again after looking at Quatermass's avatar. :lol:
also Red Dwarf - One of the best comedy sci-fi there and I could watch that non-stop. :lol:
Starwars The best sci-fi movie ever made and was an awesome idea for a movie by George Lucas... Darth Vader was definitely a favourite of mine, but gutted that he died in the end.

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19 Jan 2010, 6:46 pm

Babylon 5, hands down. Had character development and you could see the modivations of the characters. They grey, changed and and the end of every episode, was different then at the start of the episode. Unlike Star Trek.


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19 Jan 2010, 7:15 pm

KenM wrote:
Babylon 5, hands down. Had character development and you could see the modivations of the characters. They grey, changed and and the end of every episode, was different then at the start of the episode. Unlike Star Trek.

You'd love Blake's 7. I mean, where else would you have the main character framed for child molestation in the very first episode? And one of the most popular characters is a near-sociopathic hacker with a tendency for snide comebacks that makes Blackadder look dull and stupid. From what I've heard, Babylon 5 took a lot from Blake's 7.


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19 Jan 2010, 8:05 pm

You are all dead wrong. This isnt even something that can be attributed to opinion, there is one reigning king of Sci-Fi shows.

You can argue the rest of these as what is second best and beyond, but number 1 is, always has been and always will be Myster Science Theatre 3000!! !!

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19 Jan 2010, 8:42 pm



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19 Jan 2010, 9:25 pm

Fascinating... I'm gonna have to take a peek at Blake's 7 now!

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19 Jan 2010, 9:26 pm

No doubt the best: The Tripods!! ! Very fashinating in many ways. Mostly in the way they interract the Sci Fi parts with what looks like 1800 century environment for the humans.. Unfortunately I hardly remember any details of it. I havent seen it since approx 1984 when it was new.... I can only remember what I can see on YouTube. Someone have uploaded a bunch of episodes. Unfortunately its all dubbed to german so I cant understand a single word :evil:



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20 Jan 2010, 6:29 am

Battlestar Galactica remake and Charlie Jade are my favourites.


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20 Jan 2010, 4:48 pm

Quatermass wrote:
Okay, not a poll until maybe later, but just the top three science fiction TV series of all time, in your opinion. And try and list the reasons why, don't just list your favourites.

My turn:

1. Doctor Who: Obvious choice really. About the advetures of a time-travelling alien known only as the Doctor, this series has been long running (and has many aspects that will ensure that it lasts a long time), has had a number of excellent stories in both the old and new series, a number of good actors in the title role and other roles, and is an inspiration for many.

2. Blake's 7: A far more adult series than Doctor Who, done on a smaller budget, but packing in some wonderful concepts. Firefly, Babylon 5, Farscape, and many more owe much to Blake's 7, about a ragtag group of revolutionaries fighting against a tyrannical Federation. Complex and thought-provoking, filled with moral ambiguity, the series can be best summed up with the following quote:

Vila: Where are all the good guys?
Blake: You could be looking at them.
Avon: What a very depressing thought.

3. The Quatermass serials: There's a reason I took the main character from them as my nom de plume. These well-written dramas about alien invasions are amongst the best things the BBC ever made. Each serial defines one of the three main types of alien invasion. In The Quatermass Experiment, we go to them. In Quatermass II, they come to us. And in Quatermass and the Pit, they were always here.

Well? Other opinions welcome.

I love Blake's 7. My father had the first two seasons and he showed them to me. That show is entertaining and yes, quite complex. The second season left off at a cliff hanger though and neither of us are willing to pay $100 for the third.

It was much better than I expected it to be, I generally enjoyed listening to Avon and Vila the most, they were the most realistic and amusing, respectively.

The show didn't really even need good special effects or a high budget, it worked because of the story and characters.


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20 Jan 2010, 5:43 pm

Avarice wrote:

I love Blake's 7. My father had the first two seasons and he showed them to me. That show is entertaining and yes, quite complex. The second season left off at a cliff hanger though and neither of us are willing to pay $100 for the third.

It was much better than I expected it to be, I generally enjoyed listening to Avon and Vila the most, they were the most realistic and amusing, respectively.

The show didn't really even need good special effects or a high budget, it worked because of the story and characters.

They all leave off on cliffhangers. Both the third and fourth series also leave off (the fourth series is the final series) on cliffhangers, although the fourth's cliffhanger can also be seen as a conclusion.

The third series has quite a few good episodes, even though (potential spoiler) Blake and Jenna leave, to be replaced with newcomers Dayna and Tarrant.

Harvest of Kairos has Servalan meeting her match in a Federation officer who is not afraid to speak his mind, but has a brilliant strategic mind.

City at the Edge of the World is basically Vila's chance to shine when he needs to outwit a vicious criminal called Bayban the Butcher (played by Colin Baker). We even have Avon admitting how much they need Vila, albeit not to his face.

Children of Auron and Rumours of Death are part of an overarching story about Avon's revenge for his lover's death, with the first part involving his revenge plans being thwarted by a need to save Cally's people from a bioweapon attack, while the second part...let's just say that there are some surprises in store when Avon does attempt revenge.

Sarcophagus is a weird one, but a good one about a mysterious space ship they encounter that seems attuned to Cally.

Death-Watch is basically about two warring space territories who settle their differences in duels to the death that people watch live through special implants. Problem is, Tarrant's brother is involved, and Servalan is determined to mess the process up.

And the aptly named Terminal, where Avon is acting guarded, suspicious, and seems determined to get to a specific location, no matter what the cost. And after a perilous journey, he tells the others that if they follow him, he will kill them. Let's just say that it doesn't go well, although it could have made a fine ending to the series.

The fourth series, although a little more campy in some areas, was also more darker in others. Avon certainly becomes far more ruthless, and possibly even psychotic. Another character, Soolin, comes into play.

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20 Jan 2010, 6:02 pm

Sounds interesting, especially the part where Blake (and Jenna) leave. Considering that the shows title has Blake's name in it I find it odd that he would leave halfway through.

It should be interesting though. The last episode of season 2 was interesting enough just because I saw Travis get what was coming to him, although I quite liked Travis...


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20 Jan 2010, 6:21 pm

Don't forget "First Wave".

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