Is Bruce Timm's Justice League cartoon series returning?

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30 Mar 2013, 8:44 pm

I just read this on

Read more at ... 7dmWZ1V.99

Does this mean that the 2001 animated series is returning or is it a justice league series set in it's own universe. As you can see it says Timm will be creating a new Justice League cartoon series that will be "firmly" set within the DC Animated Universe or Timmverse.

What does it mean by firmly? Am I right about this or am I wrong.


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01 Apr 2013, 5:23 pm

This could be an April Fools Joke.


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04 Apr 2013, 9:13 pm

Apparently it might not be.


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07 Apr 2013, 2:53 pm

Hmm... I'd love to see another Justice League series that tied into the DCAU continuity!

BUT, the story says it is a tie in to the live action movie... I have really bad feelings about the live movie. I think the whole idea is being driven by some greedy corporate pinheads who want to see some Avengers style boxoffice...

I smell disaster for the movie. Of course, that does not mean the cartoon will be bad. Timm was making good cartoons in the late 90's when WB was screwing up the movies! :wink:

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07 Apr 2013, 9:00 pm

GoonSquad says

BUT, the story says it is a tie in to the live action movie... I have really bad feelings about the live movie. I think the whole idea is being driven by some greedy corporate pinheads who want to see some Avengers style boxoffice...

I smell disaster for the movie. Of course, that does not mean the cartoon will be bad. Timm was making good cartoons in the late 90's when WB was screwing up the movies

I don't think the movie and the animated series are in the same universe. Usually when there's a big comic book superhero movie coming out a cartoon series that is not in continuity with it is made, like the new Avengers cartoon that's coming out. It sorta has the same style as the movie and the same team roster with Falcon included but it is not in countinuity with the movie. Or how about the Batman Animated Series from the 90's, it had the same style as Tim Burton's 1989 movie but was not set in the same universe.


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08 Apr 2013, 7:32 am

I'd actually be kinda miffed if they returned to DCAU continuity. Not because I think it's bad... I've enjoyed a considerable amount of DCAU myself, though mostly satellite series like Static Shock and Batman Beyond (which was known under the corny title of Batman of the Future here in Holland). But I also believe that DC has proven that their animation can exist beyond the continuity of the DCAU, even if The Batman and Batman: The Brave and the Bold were subject to some criticism.

But my greatest frustration would stem from the fact that they just pulled the plug out of a cartoon that I thought was very, very good for a while there: Young Justice. Admittedly, its second season was a mess, in terms of storyline, but it was so good on so many levels, and I was curious about seeing more of it. Warner Bros. dusting off the DCAU now seems like a regression. A path already trodden.

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08 Apr 2013, 9:29 am

^^^ I don't think being set in the established DCAU would limit the story telling much, and it would bring in a lot of devoted fans (like me).

I'd like to see some Justice League Beyond myself. I really need to check out the digital comic... :oops:

I have not seen Young Justice yet, but I was very disappointed that they canceled Green Lantern. Lantern was a good show, I really wanted to see the fall of Sinestro. :cry:

On a somewhat brighter note, CN is finally allowing Netflix to carry some of its shows, so maybe I'll get to see Young Justice soon.

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