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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 May 2013, 5:25 pm

Does anyone else here have any interest in Korean dramas and movies?

I've only seen a few, so I'm largely looking for recommendations.

The only drama I've managed to keep enough interest in to completion is IRIS (imagine 24 done by Koreans with a romantic subplot). I've also seen The Man From Nowhere (a decent action movie), 200 Pounds of Beauty (I really liked the ending), and See You After School (a so bad its good comedy).


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01 May 2013, 6:45 pm

I came across with "The Man Who Can't Get Married" and watched it, which some of us can identify with the main character.

Also watched the movie "My Scary Girl".

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01 May 2013, 6:46 pm

The few Korean movies I have seen all dealt with the Korean War. They were well done in the action bits but way over the top in the melodrama department. They were "Taegukgi" (The Brotherhood of War), "My Way." and another one I forgot.


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01 May 2013, 6:48 pm

I've only seen My Lovely Sam Soon, which is a drama about a "fat" (aka not fat at all by American standards) "old" (like 29 or 30) year old Korean woman who falls in love with this slightly dickish businessman dude who's a lot younger. Used to be on the AZN Channel, back when that channel was around.

For Taiwanese dramas, I LOVE Mars, it's based off the manga of the same name. Great drama.

My favorite drama/TV show/everything of all time is the 1990s Great Teacher Onizuka live action. Just the best show ever. It's Japanese.


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01 May 2013, 7:36 pm

Arirang has been running a few Korean historical dramas, but in the Korean language and without subtitles.

I'd like to see a more detailed historical account of Empress Min.


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01 May 2013, 7:55 pm

My three favorites are Jeppanwang Kim Tak Gu, Faith, and Pasta. I don't like the stupid cutesy ones. Pasta is a romcom, but more honest and down to earth than many of the ones made for a younger audience. I like the historical dramas the best because I have a very old way of thinking so I feel at home in those settings and relate to the characters.

Kim Tak Gu is an amazing drama and I will never forget it as long as I live. I strongly related to one of the characters and it simply blew my mind.

I'm ashamed to say that Japanese dramas don't even compare - except for one. My favorite Japanese drama is Kimi Wa Petto. I am exactly like the main character and would like to have a platonic relationship like the two main characters have. Most people think it's a bizarre relationship, but I don't know, it makes sense to me.


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01 May 2013, 7:57 pm

Beethoven Virus is also one of the best.


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01 May 2013, 8:14 pm

There's a Korean film called Marathon I have to check out. It's about an autistic marathon runner. I see, according to Wikipedia, the South Korean term for autism (Hangul) translates as "self closed syndrome." That's a pretty interesting way of looking at it, I guess.

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02 May 2013, 8:07 am

I try to watch a lot of Korean things so my favourites are:

First Shop of Coffee Prince, Witch Yoo Hee, Full House, Super Rookie, New Heart

And as for films I like: 200 Pounds Beauty, He Was Cool, 21 Into The Fire, The Front Line

Currently obsessed with: Mass Effect, Dragon Age, FC Bayern München and Kuroko no Basuke.


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05 May 2013, 11:12 am

I'd recommend To the Beautiful You, it's like a fangirl's ultimate dream and it's based off a manga called For You in Full Blossom :)

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10 May 2013, 3:21 am

kouzoku wrote:
Beethoven Virus is also one of the best.

I watched that one too! I laughed a lot when the guy insulted everyone. I thought the ending was a cliffhanger though..

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10 May 2013, 3:22 am

My favorite currently is Princess Man.

Neurotypical. I'm very friendly; feel free to message me. :)

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15 Jul 2013, 1:13 pm

Acacia. Its listed as horror but I would list more as a drama/mystery/thriller/ :)

:queen: The Tattered Princess :queen:


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15 Jul 2013, 3:27 pm

I just started Hero, but it's pretty good so far.