I would approve, but if they do go with a black actor for Lex Luthor I'll be wary for idiots spouting off bad Obama related jokes upon learning of it. If they get Denzel Washington to play Lex Luthor than I literally could not ask for anything more than that with the casting. I was only worried about the casting of Lex Luthor when I heard Snyder describe his vision of Lex as being a 'mix between Richard Branson and Brad Pitt, with hair.'.
I can understand why some might feel Lex should be white, because in a weird, terrible way it does kind of suit his overall character better, but since only the people involved in the production know how the character is actually meant to be perceived, I'll let them cast any actor of any ethnicity they choose without any complaint.
And all the ones who seem to fit the best into the chorus never notice there?s a song, and the ones who seem to hear it end up tortured by the chords when they fail to find a way to sing along.
And when you sing the wrong thing it all starts collapsing.