Leo should have won the Oscar for this performance. His depiction of OCD was phenomenal. Why? Because he went beyond the stereotype of contamination OCD and delved into the underlying fear and torment all forms of OCD cause. I am a pure obsessional, and many of the OCD scenes bring me to tears because of how "me" it is. Particularly when he has the panic attack in the car and spells "quarantine" after the "show me all the blueprints" scene. Every OCD-er I know who has seen this film, regardless of what subset of OCD they have, says how remarkable the portrayal of OCD was.
I also love how the film was set in the '20s-'40s, which is my favorite era. One of my favorite non-OCD scenes is the Cocoanut Grove in the '20s, when Rufus Wainwright sings "I'll Build a Stairway to Paradise." I like that flapper girl who is on that swing with the glittery streamers hanging from it. I also love "Happy Feet" from the Cocoanut Grove scene where Errol Flynn messes up Howard's perfectly aligned peas and Katherine Hepburn eats her pears in rose sauce.
Best quote? "You know, sometimes, I get these feelings, Katie. I get these ideas, these crazy ideas about things that may not, things that may not really be there. Sometimes, I truly fear that I'm losin' my mind, and if I did, it would be like flyin' blind..."
Helinger: Now, what do you see, John?
Nash: Recognition...
Helinger: Well, try seeing accomplishment!
Nash: Is there a difference?