Hi, I was wondering if someone can recommend Anime for me to watch, based on the things I'm interested in. I don't know where to look up for this kind of stuff. Anyway, I'm mostly interested in Anime that have one of more of these things, Robots, Mechs, medieval warriors such as knights, Elves, Orcs. Also, Cars including cars with guns on them, Possibly Zombies if there are any with some good zombie killing action. So... I watch things like Transformers, but that's not really an Anime. I did watch some Gundam episodes, I have a few episodes on DVD I have yet to watch.
here's what I have watched,
Yu Yu Hakasho, Have yet to finish season 1, working on that.
One Piece, at least for a while I did.
Dragonball Z, If it even counts as Anime, sometimes I wonder about that.
Umm... I got interested in the Persona series, have not seen it yet. maybe I should look it up. I played but have not beaten the games...
There's a few shows I can't say because I'm a little embarrassed to admit to have watched certain ones (or played the games in most cases) mainly because they don't seem like something a guy such as myself would like, I'll say one of them... that High school Host Club, you can blame my sister for that one. Never been so creeped out in my life, but needless to say I was hilarious. Anyone able to think of any based on all this? Sorry if I'm asking too much, I'm just bored right now.