HankPym wrote:
I sawit on a double bill woith Hollywoodland (I guess I wasnt homeless at thatttime)
I wanted to see Hollywoodland
I'll see subtitled movies BUT I wasn't aware/had forgotten that it was=, ( Subtitled movies are a bit more work to watch)and, I just wasn't in the mood, and, I think my sugar/sleepiness might've been acting up, and, I think I actually left and went to the Internet cafe across the street and posted some as I was just feeling antsy re: the movie, though I then came back to the theater.
I just wasnt quite in the mood then I'm not putting it down as much as this may make it sound.
Perhaps I felt resentful that I wasn't a "cool,hip,with-it young person" like the movie's protaginist! Not putting a " laugh " or a " Ha , ha " here "...
"cool,hip young person"..wha'?
I'm not convinced the characters were actually separate people(that is,possibly aspects of one character,or manifestations of each other),but the "protagonist" was tormented by his own insecurites,as well as his vivid imagination.And,yet,love kept rearing itself when/where he needed it.Handsome actor,maybe,but his character was insecure and awkward.