Arrow, The Flash and the DC Multiverse.................

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23 Oct 2014, 5:23 pm

So, Geoff Johns has stated that DC's TV and Movies live in a multiverse...
In an interview over at buzzfeed, Johns says:

Well, Arrow and Flash are the same universe, and we get a lot of great story out of that ? especially when we have episodes that cross them over, but that?s also where our superhero universe lives. We look at it as the multiverse. We have our TV universe and our film universe, but they all co-exist. For us, creatively, it?s about allowing everyone to make the best possible product, to tell the best story, to do the best world. Everyone has a vision and you really want to let the visions shine through. I think the characters are iconic enough. I like [Marvel?s Agents of] S.H.I.E.L.D. a lot. I love what Marvel does. I?m a huge fan. It?s just a different approach.


We don?t want to be policemen. The last thing in the world that we want to do is say no to something. The best thing we can do is work with the producers and try to be additive and collaborative and try to figure out how to expand it. Firestorm?s role in The Flash grew organically, but now it?s become something big and great because we can get Firestorm out there and his Rogues and everything. The key for all of this is to expose more of the DC universe and the Vertigo books to people so they fall in love with them too. We share that love of these characters. So for us we?d rather expand than contract. ... multiverse

With the "Crisis of 2024" hinted at in The Flash I think there's at least the possibility that me might see some TV/Movie crossovers in the future...
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths movie could do it...

At any rate, I'm really enjoying the DCTVU right now. The Flash continues to be great, Arrow is still awesome, and even Gotham is getting better.

I especially liked Laural Lance's meeting with Ted Grant on this week's Arrow. I was a bit miffed that Laural got her ass totally kicked by the "girlfriend beater" even while using a baseball bat... I mean Laural has already "one punched" a few thugs on the show thanks to her "self-defense classes"... :wink:

Anyways... It was nice to see her turn to Ted Grant to teach her to fight after Ollie turned her down. I look forward to some awesome Cat & Canary action in the coming weeks! :D

So far between Arrow and Flash, it looks like we have:
The [Green] Arrow
The [Red] Arrow/Arsenal
The Flash
Black Canary
The Atom

Plus, strong hints at Green Lantern. I doubt we'll ever see Superman or Batman in the DCTVU, but I think we could see Supergirl/Powergirl and Nightwing.

I think Katee Sackhoff would make an awesome Powergirl.

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