Sheltered very heavily as a child, my main sources of information were country music, TBN, and Disney movies. I've seen most of the older animated films countless times, being just 9 years old when "The Little Mermaid" hit theaters. I have quite a few of them on Blu-Ray (still no "Aladdin" for the USA, sadly). I also enjoy some of their live-action fare, like "Flight of the Navigator", "The Rocketeer", and "The Three Musketeers".
Far more often than not, the folks at Disney aim their products at families in general, and that's why I like them. Sure, there's stuff aimed at really young kids that sucks, but folks from 9 to 90 can watch the majority of their movies and TV shows, without being bothered by content issues. Walt knew how to draw in an audience without relying on tasteless material, and his legacy seems to have been preserved fairly well. My favorite films he was personally involved with are "Peter Pan", "The Jungle Book", "Alice in Wonderland", and "Mary Poppins". I never did enjoy "Snow White" too much, aside from thinking Dopey was funny.
God, guns, and guts made America; let's keep all three.