IdahoRose wrote:
My mom and my psychiatrist have forbidden me to watch this show and another medical show, Untold Stories of the ER, because both of them give me anxiety and sometimes even cause me to have hypochondria. Once after watching Untold Stories of the ER, I had bouts of nausea every day for about 3 weeks that culminated in a rash on my arm, and both went away after I talked about the episode I watched and why it bothered me. That's when Mom and my psych banned me from watching that show. I got banned from watching Monsters Inside Me because it caused me such bad anxiety that my wrists got tight and I was afraid of breaking them if I moved them too much.
I think I have munchausens syndrome which is basically EXTREME hypochondria
I am a 26 year old Launch code Graduate with level 1 autism Ehlers Danlos syndrome and trisomy 12p, I like cubing, math, genetics, JavaScript, Pigs, my favorite medical procedure is a thoracotomy.