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02 May 2007, 12:34 pm

Just posting this. It's a programme on Britain's Channel 4 about OCD people who hoard things. Here's the synopsis:

DOCUMENTARY: World of Compulsive Hoarders
On: Channel 4
Date: Wednesday 2nd May 2007
Time: 23:05 to 00:10 (1 hour and 5 minutes long)

One in 200 people in the UK is a hoarder: someone who can't stop collecting things but can't bear to throw anything away. Compulsive hoarding is a recognised manifestation of OCD. Many compulsive hoarders live claustrophobic, lonely existences, often in a vicious circle of deprived circumstances with their accumulated piles of rubbish preventing them from even eating, sleeping and keeping themselves clean.

According to the newspaper this documentary is sensationalist rather than thoughtful and takes a scornful tone so those of you who suffer from OCD might be throwing things at the telly rather than watching it. But I thought it was worth a mention anyway. Your mileage may vary.


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02 May 2007, 2:29 pm

I don't hoard things but I have other OCD tendancies. The timing is rather late for me though. Thanks for letting me know though.


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02 May 2007, 4:58 pm

It is clashing with the My Small Breasts and I documentary on BBC1.


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03 May 2007, 3:30 am

Well, those of you who watched it: what did you think? I thought it was more into pointing and laughing at them rather than showing that these people obviously need help with their disorder.


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03 May 2007, 3:44 am

I watched 5 minutes of it about the guy who was storing his excrements in the garden.
I did not know what to make of it.

I have seen some documentaries on tourrettes, and i find parts of them really amusing. Although, in these cases i have learnt something more about the condition and have never felt guilty for laughing, since i am not really laughing at the person, just the situation.

But from the short part i watched of this, it was more about laughing at him and patronising.