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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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02 May 2007, 9:39 am

does anyone like listening to dvd audio commentary. i do because they will sometimes say funny things and it feels like im not the only one watching.
the ones i watch are
the simpson


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02 May 2007, 11:16 am

Do you mean when the director talks over the movie about how they made certain bits and the inspiration for each scene? I like watching that.

02 May 2007, 12:49 pm

me too. I like learning about movies I like and how they were made.


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02 May 2007, 12:59 pm

Same here, I love watching movies with commentary on. I like learning about the movie and all the behind the scene stuff that went on.


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02 May 2007, 2:34 pm

me too,as well as the "making of" documentaries


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02 May 2007, 2:40 pm

love it :)


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03 May 2007, 4:27 am

I like watching audio commentaries.

The good ones (so far) are:

Lord of the Rings (actors' commentary and directors' commentary)
Finding Nemo (Because sometimes they stop to use extra footage)

Not so good ones are:

The Incredibles (Great movie, but the commentary was basically just a list of credits, really, and left out so much.)
Anything by Tim Burton. (The guy's a brilliant director, but not very good at commentaries -- which may be why some of his later movies don't have commentaries on them.)

Must confess, I really prefer to watch the movies.

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03 May 2007, 5:33 am

I prefer commentaries with subbies. For some reason, I like subtitles. Maybe I love to read as I watch....

Anyhoo, I like the commentaries for the TV show The League of Gentlemen, some entertaining ones on various Doctor Who DVDs, the 'monster commentary' in Van Helsing, and a unique one, a commentary by Mark "Chopper" Read on the movie Chopper....

Oh, and some of the Futurama ones are good....

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