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16 Aug 2015, 11:43 pm

Have you ever cried at a movie/other popular culture-entertainment presentation ?
Especially since we're Aspies (mostly) , I guess the sterotype is that we're totally?? unemotional .
I don't really ask what/whether you cried at any events in your personal life or for , say , the death(s) of some politician or sports figure , whatever , you admired , or crying for personal sadness/self-pity/feeling bad , just crying at a show/movie .
I don't produce moisture out of my eyes easily , so I could tear up/almost but not cry , myself .


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17 Aug 2015, 10:55 am

Inside Out. When thinking of things that made me emotional, several films, shows, and video games come to mind. But Inside Out is the only film that really makes me cry.


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17 Aug 2015, 4:20 pm

I can't actually cry (as in produce tears) at all. I do get choked up with emotion though.

The last time it happened at a movie was, yes, Inside Out ("Take her to the moon for me, okay?").

I think the time before was probably Up. There's a pattern here...

Curse you Pixar for making a huge middle-aged man look like a big girl's blouse :D

Dumbo gets me every time too.


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17 Aug 2015, 7:05 pm

I don't remember which movie I cried at, but when I did, my family told me they would physically assault me when we got home. Thankfully, they didn't, but I cried anyway.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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17 Aug 2015, 7:16 pm

I cry at sad movies, years ago we all went to see the movie "The Champ" I cried at that so much I knocked the pop corn all over the floor.
Another one was "The Notebook" that was a sad one as well.


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18 Aug 2015, 2:19 am

...Okay , here's stuff I've cried/teared for:
Fiddler On The Roof ~ I will try not to spoil here , but about 10 minutes before the end , the story creates a Big Tearful Moment before the final ending (Okay , spoiling .) of Tevye and his wife leaving for America .
This was in 1972 , at the age of 12 , seeing the original Broadway musical in N.Y.C. , a few months before it closed , with my father at a Saturday matinee (I remember us coming out of the theater and it was dark and a strong winter rain was on , a part of N.Y.C. weather you don't see much in the movies .) .
The Ghost And Mrs. Muir ~ 1947 movie with Gene Tierney and Rex Harrison . At the climax of it .
(There was a 1960s TV series version of this concept that played for that " supernatural comedy (a touch suggestive by 60s American TV standards) " approach a la Bewitched or I Dream Of Jeannie but the movie played it for romance/seriously .
Imitation Of Life ~ The 1959 Douglas Sirk film version of this , with Lana Turner , John Gavin , etc. (Oh , in both this and Ghost and Mrs. Muir it was seeing it on TV , 70s for Mrs. Muir , 90s ~ on AMC ~ for this one .) At the finishing development in here . Since I'm not spoiling it's difficult to say much ! !! !! !! !!
I am called away from the computer , so this will be in two parts .
The next part'll be " this century/millennium " so I suppose that's an appropriate break ! !! !! !! !! :lol:


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18 Aug 2015, 6:55 am

I don't usually, full-out, cry----but, I can get choked-up, OFTEN!!

Yesterday, on "Lark Rise to Candleford"----one of the TV shows, that I LIVE-for----was the episode where the kids from Lark Rise, damaged the vegetable gardens of their nemesis neighbors of Fordlow, and the adults of Lark Rise dug-up / picked alot of their OWN vegetables, and took them over to Fordlow, to make amends. I've probably seen that episode FOUR times, but it STILL chokes-me-up.

I own the movie,"Born Free"; and, it always makes me cry, full-out----also, "Where the Red Fern Grows". Animals, getting hurt / killed, just KILLS me!

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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18 Aug 2015, 7:12 am

...When I saw STAR WARS Episode III: REVENGE OF THE SITH I recall crying !
Because of my thought about the passage of time through the years since the first SW , not because I live up to some " Aspie sterotype " of " Oh , I adore SW " - I DON'T greatly like even the original trilogy , I may have only seen them once , in theaters at the time , & never since ! !! Furthermore , I didn't see the first two of the second trilogy (Oh and remember , I'm homeless :( , I see things in theaters at the time they're there or , basically , never ever . I don't esactly lead a " normal life " . It wasn't exactly my CHOICE , but... :( ...........) !
Just thinking of the years that had passed...Sort of down on myself , then , too ? :cry:
To put a " better " finish on this , I eared up but did not cry at:
De-Lovely - with Kevin Kline & Ashley Judd as Cole & Linda Porter ~ Since they were not only real people but celebrities in their day I'll spoil:
Later on , with Linda Porter having a terminal illness , she and Cole , fully clothed , lie down on a bed and cuddle/basically say goodbye to each other .
There ! !! !! !! ! That okay ? :D


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18 Aug 2015, 6:54 pm

I thought of Another one "Ghost" the pottery scene sooooo sad.


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18 Aug 2015, 8:11 pm

I can be easily influenced to cry, which I don't fits the idea of manliness so I tend to try and hide it. I went to watch the Lego Movie by myself and ended up crying, I thought the moral of the story was so beautiful. When I recently went to watch Inside Out with family I was desperately trying to hide my tears.

I can actually also cry at things that really plot wise are not a sad thing but I think have emotion in them, like listening to an orchestra band, it is not that I am musical, I really do not have much interest in music, but I guess I can feel emotional. Used to have to hide it when I was in High School because people would think it strange if I had tears just from a school assembly. I watch a lot of anime, so yes I do cry at quite a lot of them.

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18 Aug 2015, 9:34 pm

...I do remember one time I cried at just a piece of instrumental music , in the Nineties .

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19 Aug 2015, 5:06 pm

Seeing my emotions have become blunted, I sometimes watch files or clips of films to get to get emotion, (not sure if this is healthy or not)

anyway back to the OP, every time I watch the scene in the car in the 6th sense, where the boy communications with his mother about seeing ghosts and communicates with here gets me crying every single time.


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19 Aug 2015, 9:37 pm

Recently, I've cried watching The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.

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06 Sep 2015, 2:04 am

I often cry at movies, most recently being "Inside Out."

Other times I cry is towards the end of Return of the Jedi when Luke says he's got to save Anakin, and he says, "you already have." There's also the end of Dances with Wolves when Wind in His Hair says that he will always be that character's friend.


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26 Sep 2015, 9:06 am

When I was a little kid my favourite movie was "The Adventures of Milo and Otis" and every time I watched it I cried. According to my mum there was one time I cried so much that she forbade me to watch that movie again.
I don't cry while watching movies but I just felt my heart breaking into little pieces when I watched the end of "The Green Mile".

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26 Sep 2015, 4:47 pm

I cry while watching lots of movies, such as Dear Frankie, The Return of The King Extended Edition, FFVII Advent Children Complete, Inside Out, The Lion King, and a bunch of others.

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