It seriously could be a great opening for a season 11. I have a mixed feeling about the scenarios. I hope it won't go "that way", that we indeed are being led.
What is scarier? Attacked by a governement? (what's this new?), or by aliens, from outside our planet, with vessals, weapons, maybe using the sun, maybe can change into light, maybe, maybe? Fear can control people with different facets. I would be disappointed if it stayed there.
I liked Mulder and Scully meet the were-monster, it's more philosophical that what I've read from fans, they didn't really talk about that aspect. I liked Home again, there are issues that need to be dealt with anyway, for future stories. We need to know where the characters are their lives. At that point. I wouldn't have done it that way though. I find Mulder pretty much Mulder, I have trouble to recognize Scully, sometimes (even considering aging, evolving...)
"Ever since I was a child, I’ve never allowed myself to get too close to people. I’ve avoided emotional attachment. Perhaps I’ve been so afraid of death and dying that any connection just seemed like a bad thing, something that wouldn’t last." Dana Scully - Christmas Carol.