ArielsSong wrote:
Huge BTTF fan here.
I love all three films. The first is my favourite, but the other two are amazing as well.
I think it's fantastic that in the trilogy, there is not one film that you think "Oh no, not that one". Every single one is worth viewing over and over again.
At risk of sounding boring, my favourite character is Marty. I think Michael J. Fox portrayed him perfectly, though of course he needed an excellent 'Doc' to bounce off, too!
aaa definitely ! i completely agree with everything you've said. admittedly i don't really like the third one as much as the others (i just really dislike clara, if i'm honest), but it's still an amazing installment in the franchise. personally, my favourite story-wise is the first one, but humor wise it has to be the second one; and oh man, michael j fox and christopher lloyd have AMAZING chemistry, i can't imagine anyone playing doc and marty as well as they do. they embody their characters so perfectly, and they work together amazingly.
bit of an unpopular opinion, but i'm kind of sad we didn't get to see more of the tannen family, tbh. i feel like zemeckis and gale left a lot of unanswered questions surrounding them. me and my friend created this really diverse and intricate storyline surrounding their family, lmao.
♡ frances | 20 | she/they ♡
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