Anyone else get depressed after watching Neon Genesis?
I have probably watched Neon Genesis Evangelion 5 times in the last two weeks, and I always get really depressed when I finish End of Evangelion (in place of those last two episodes). It is such a dark and disturbing series that screws my brain over at episode 18 and beyond. I love the series, but as I said, it screws me up. Does anyone else feel this way?
Why would you replace the original ending with the depressing one and then say it's depressing?
You see, the original ending had a certain purpose. Hideaki anno was very depressed after the show he had done before evangelion, and in therapy when he was asked to fill a late night programming slot with something, anything. So he did this teenage robot pilot thing- and during production it turned weird, as he worked his therapy into the narrative of the show.
To undsrstand what the intents of the original ending were, watch the following film:
How to operate your brain by timothy leary.
This should give you a clue on what to do with the last two episodes.
Then watch the original ending and see if you still find it depressing.
About end of evangelion: Anno was angry about fans hating his original work, so he thought, he'd give the fans what they asked for. The end of evangelion is an angry artist's FU to his angry nerd fans, among other things.
So no wonder you're depressed- you could chose between the therapeutic ending and the depressing one, and went for the latter, every time.
I can read facial expressions. I did the test.
I honestly thought that episode 1-24 the EoE was the proper way to watch it. That is the way it was recommended to me. I did watch those last two from the original series, but a comment under the episode list said that that ending was due to some budget cut. Weird, if that is the true ending. Well, at least I am not so f***** up... (LOL if you get the reference)
Though, I guess it would be sad, not depressed. Wrong word for the topic.