Not only have they lost originality, but they've ruined just about every literary genre there is.
Science Fiction? It used to be a more cerebral form of speculative fiction. Now, it seems nothing more that a platform for showing off the latest CGI effects with a mind-numbing onslaught of never-ending explosions, zap gun fights, light-saber duels, starship explosions (that go "BOOM!" In the vacuum of space), and slobbering aliens hell-bent on either enslaving us, impregnating us, or using us for food.
Romantic Comedies? They used to be about people falling in love with their clothes on. Now, if there is not at least one glimpse of a semi-nude woman, a scene that features two (or more) people in bed together, and at least one adulterous encounter, then it is not likely to even go into production.
American Western? Where are the movies about rugged individuals hewing a living out of the wilderness frontier, and facing all odds with little more than the clothes on his back, a six-gun, a pair of boots, and a white hat? Today's cowboy movies are either so politically correct that every Native American has been to Oxford, or they depict events that could have happened within the last decade - just replace the jeeps and ATVs with horses, take away the cell phones, and make no reference to events after 1860, and you have a modern American Western.
Mystery / Suspense? Pfeh! Sparkly vampires, chain saws, pretty girls taking baths in abandoned houses, body parts flying everywhere ... There can be no mystery when you already know 5 minutes past the opening credits who lives, who dies, and how many sequels will be produced.
I tell you that it's more than enough to drive me back to reading books!