Star Wars: the Force Awakens - Worst Star Wars film ever?
When I saw the movie for the first time, I couldn't help but feel like there was something morbidly wrong about the film. So much happened without any conceivable context, so little did I knew of the newer characters on screen. I wasn't able to put my finger on it. And then, in a thread about bad movies, I spat out this:
Honestly I think it is the worst Star Wars film in the series next to the prequels, because at lest the prequels had a few remarkable moments.
I think the film tried WAY too hard to satisfy the Original trilogy fans. While that may sound fine and dandy on paper, it's really stupid in reality. Not only was the film very similar to episode IV but it managed to get away with bad writing, a TERRIBLE Marry Sue character (*cough* Rey *cough*) and a discount Revenge of the Sith Anakin Skywalker (*cough* Kylo Ren *cough*)
*sigh* I might as well explian.
1. the lazy writing - when you start asking yourself questions like "Why didn't Captain Phazma fight back when she was taken hostage by Pole, Chewie and Han?" and "If Rey was able to posses a New Order trooper, why didn't she just ask him to escort her to a nearby escape pod/Tie fighter?" You know the writers weren't really there to revive this beloved franchise, oh no! They were most likely there for this worthless pieces of paper here:

And really just by the fact that the lazy writing, Oh wait I'm sorry, the "Mysteries" let to the creation of many theory videos on YouTube just shows how Disney was likely inspired by a certain franchise. I'm not quite sure which one but I know it had something to do with a bear.

I think it's pretty clear that the movie follow the "Let's make this movie as mysterious as possible so that it can generate millions of theory videos on the internet that way we can get free publicity" mentality.
2. The phony planets - What's the point of creating "new" planets like Jakku if they are gonna be so darn similar to the original trilogy planets!? If they wanted to be cheap then why didn't they just recycle the planets from both the prequel and original trilogy only with slight changes? It just shows how desperate the film is in trying to trick and exploit the often nerdy original trilogy fanbase!
3. Why destroy Starkiller base? - Of all the crappy planets I've seen in this movie Starkiller base was one of the best planets in terms of both appearance and concept; a combination of both Hoth and the Death Star?! How cool is that!?

But the movie went up to me and said:

"...We had to destroy Starkillerbase because... Episode IV." Honestly I think it was a wasted opportunity to explore the lair and ideals of the New Order. Heck we don't even know if Captain Phazma is dead!! !
...And you have these animatronic monstrosities to blame for that!

Thank you Scott Cawthon for ruining the Star Wars franchise for me!

Honestly I think what the film itself embodies is the fact that there's a lot of original trilogy fanboys who think that Star Wars is limited to the films that came around 1977 and 1986 and that the rest of what was produced beyond that doesn't exist.
And being a fan of both trilogies, I think that is wrong. Not only because it is simple human bigotry towards the people who grew up with the prequels (myself included) but also because they are doing a disservice to a franchise that means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.
I'm hoping to do an review on it on YouTube someday.
Am I the only Star Wars fan who found this movie to be bad or disappointing?

-Thomas Jefferson
My mum liked it, but I don't think I'll go see it. I'm kind of tired of Star Wars anyway. Or maybe I'm just tired of violence in movies in general.
Star Wars VI: The Force Awakens is pretty much just Star Wars IV: A New Hope v2.0.
I thought it was entertaining and had pretty decent production values, but felt it was lacking in originality across the board. Every plot point seemed just a supposedly "bigger and bolder" variation on a plot point from an older Star Wars movie; usually Star Wars IV: A New Hope.
I thought it was entertaining and had pretty decent production values, but felt it was lacking in originality across the board. Every plot point seemed just a supposedly "bigger and bolder" variation on a plot point from an older Star Wars movie; usually Star Wars IV: A New Hope.
And I personally think that, should that pattern become a trend, it would strip away of what makes Star Wars special. (And I think this is partly due to the fact the the orginal trilogy fanboys, who have an unnecessary hatred for the prequels (seriously guys, it's getting oldl!) who forced disney to kick George Lucas out of the filming process of Episode VII.
I sincerely am going to quote I Hate Everything from his "The Last Airbender" movie review in YouTube.
"The lazyness, the awful business practices, it's a true abomination! And the combination of how greedy Hollywood can be purely for the sake of cheap name recognition!"
^ That right there is Star Wars: the Force Awakens in a nutshell. (in my opinion anyway.)

-Thomas Jefferson
Could we all just stop ranting about what we don't like and focus on what makes us happy instead? I mean, I can't stand lemons, but I'm not about to rant on the internet about how much I dislike them. I'd much rather talk about kittens.
You're right. I should make more positive threads.

I'm sorry if this thread bothered you. I just wanted to express my opinion.
-Thomas Jefferson
^Yeah, I know. You can complain to me all you want, you know, instead.
Have you seen the Honest Trailer?
I loved the first three films as a child, still enjoy them.
The next 3 were an abomination.
The Force Awakens is just a new hope reshot and without the scenes that made us care about the characters.
In TFA character's embrace and behave as old friends even though we've witnessed their short and boring time together.
I'll give it a meh.
I thought the movie was entertaining and had some really cool parts, but was not blown away by it. Here's where I agree with you and some other criticisms:
1) It has the same plot as a New Hope. Starts on a desert planet with a droid with a map to a giant planet destroying weapon, kylo ren kills han solo like vader did obi wan, the castle scene, while cool, was way to obviously an homage to mos eisley cantina, etc...
2) New planet Jakku. They were like, well, Tattooine's been done before, so let's do a new planet. But what's the point of it being a new planet if you can't tell the difference? Either do it on Tattooine or don't. Don't just set it on Tattooine and just tell us it's a different planet.
3) Underwhelming soundtrack.
4) It had a kids movie feel to it. I mean stuff like the dialogue, and how they really explicitly spell out plot points. Except when they don't...
5) Sometimes the plot is really explicitly spelled out, at others it is complete mystery that's never explained. I do like some of the mystery, but part of me feels like they went a \bit overboard with it, mystery for mysteries sake.
6) Why does Carrie Fisher sound like she has a mouth full of cotton balls when she talks? Too much botox over the years maybe? That's not really a criticism of the movie - I'm glad she's in it, and if that's how she sounds these days, so be it. It's just odd. Harrison Ford's still got it.
7) Some of the creatures and characters I was not fond of. That's very subjective of course. For instance, I thought Maz was fine as a character, but visually, I just didn't like the way she looked. They should have had her character be a human, or come up with a more interesting alien. On the other hand I thought some of the creatures designs were awesome.
8 ) I didn't care for Poe. I feel like with Finn, he is likable because that comes out through his character, but with Poe it's like they are telling you "this-is-a-character-you-are-supposed-to-like-because-he's-super-cool-and-he's-a-fighter-pilot", but there isn't much more than that. I don't dislike Poe exactly, he just seems over-hyped, seems an example of how the movie feels more like a kids movie.

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I have a thetory abut Snokke. Imagine if aClawdite shapeshifter had los'tt his ability to shapeshift mide way through a shapeshift. Snnoke looks like a transitional form midway beptween a Gunggan and a Cclawdite base form. Clawdite was the species of shapeshifter from theCoruscant chase scene early in AOTC.
It's a perfectly enjoyable film. If my least favorite SW film to date. I am sure that Disney will eventualy hand over one of these movies to someone who makes something outstanding and as different to anything we''ve seen before in SW as any of the first six movies were different to each other. I am particularly looking forward to Spielberg's entry.ll
Carrie has had a drug dependency problem which she has written several books about. I think she is more a writer these days.
Why are you referencing five nights at Freddie's?
Because I suspect that the concept behind Five Nights at Freddy's (I.E. seeing theory videos on YouTube is more enjoyable than the actual product itself) is starting to become a trend in the media. I honestly don't look foward to that!
Isn't that a thing that M. Night Shamalon does with his movies? Y'know the director of this atrocious piece of crap...

Ye, I am seriously comparing it to this lame excuse for a movie!
It may as well have been directed by M. Night Shamalom himself, and it wouldn't make a darn difference!

-Thomas Jefferson
Last edited by The_Blonde_Alien on 24 Apr 2016, 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There are a lot of issues with Force Awakens and I put a lot of it on the feet of Abrams for being what is essentially the movie director equivalent of a one trick pony. Here's my biggest problems with the movie:
Characterizations: In particular Rey and Kylo Ren. The real problem here is that they are clear half assed echoes of characters from the previous trilogy (Han/Luke and Vader respectively). They have nothing that really distinguishes themselves as unique characters like Finn does with being a rebelling stormtrooper. Poe also suffers from this being a Wedge expy but given Wedge didn't do much in the original trilogy there's still plenty of room for Poe to distinguish himself. Say what you will about Anakin being whiny, but at least he had good reasons for it (Being a teenager, stress of Jedi Order's expectations, etc). Ren is a pathetic shadow of Anakin/Vader and Rey is set up in a blatant attempt to try and force the audience to like her with no substance to engender such attachment.
Storyline: It is clearly copying the original trilogy with no respect to making the movie truly stand on its own. Not only that but most of the copying is on the level of fanfiction bad showing that Abrams doesn't have a single good idea in his damn head. Starkiller base is beyond stupid, at least the Death Star seemed plausible.
Fight Choreography and Cinematography: Abrams decided to hire the same guy that did the terrible fight scenes in the Star Trek films and it shows. For all the cool little things that they show in the fights (Like the electric mace and the slashing of the trees) the actual choreography and cinematography are atrocious with silly close ups and the very end of the lightsaber fight where it looks like Ren and Rey aren't even actually struggling against each other.
All in all it's like Abrams tried to do his usual "I'm going to rip off something successful" ploy and ended up creating a movie that had it been called anything other than Star Wars would have been derided as a blatant soulless rip off of Star Wars.
Diagnosed ASD 4/22/16
All magic comes with a price! - Rumplestiltskin
Characterizations: In particular Rey and Kylo Ren. The real problem here is that they are clear half assed echoes of characters from the previous trilogy (Han/Luke and Vader respectively). They have nothing that really distinguishes themselves as unique characters like Finn does with being a rebelling stormtrooper. Poe also suffers from this being a Wedge expy but given Wedge didn't do much in the original trilogy there's still plenty of room for Poe to distinguish himself. Say what you will about Anakin being whiny, but at least he had good reasons for it (Being a teenager, stress of Jedi Order's expectations, etc). Ren is a pathetic shadow of Anakin/Vader and Rey is set up in a blatant attempt to try and force the audience to like her with no substance to engender such attachment.
Storyline: It is clearly copying the original trilogy with no respect to making the movie truly stand on its own. Not only that but most of the copying is on the level of fanfiction bad showing that Abrams doesn't have a single good idea in his damn head. Starkiller base is beyond stupid, at least the Death Star seemed plausible.
Fight Choreography and Cinematography: Abrams decided to hire the same guy that did the terrible fight scenes in the Star Trek films and it shows. For all the cool little things that they show in the fights (Like the electric mace and the slashing of the trees) the actual choreography and cinematography are atrocious with silly close ups and the very end of the lightsaber fight where it looks like Ren and Rey aren't even actually struggling against each other.
All in all it's like Abrams tried to do his usual "I'm going to rip off something successful" ploy and ended up creating a movie that had it been called anything other than Star Wars would have been derided as a blatant soulless rip off of Star Wars.
Finally someone who has a similar opinion as I do!! !
And you know what's the most insulting part? Every original trilogy fanboy/fangirl loves it as if it were a masterpiece!
Here's a question from a YouTuber called "I Hate Everything"

"What's the wost movie you've ever seen? No I'm not talking about this movie or that movie. I'm talking about a movie so bad, so fundamentally broken, that it leaves a pit in your stomach or makes frustrated and angry beyond any measure."
^ My answer to that question is Star Wars: the Force Awakens
I wish I was making that up, but I'm not.

-Thomas Jefferson
At least The Phantom Menace tried to be original. And Kylo Ren is NOTHING when compared to Darth Maul, and he managed to be badass without saying much.
The biggest problem with The Force Awakens in my eyes is not only that it tries way too hard to replicate Episode IV but that is also does a really abd job at it making look like terrible fanfiction written by a Star Trek fan. (then again, J. J. Abrahams did direct the Star Trek reboot.)
So if we were to be realistic here, I'd say the title of worst Star Wars film goes to The Phantom Menace AND The Force Awakens.
Nuff said.

-Thomas Jefferson
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