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14 May 2007, 5:54 pm

did any1 here watch Star Trek Enterprise??
it was canceled, but between Season 3 and Season 4 i had thought i would see if it was any good, so i downloaded Season 2 and it was ok, so i kept watching. then it got really good, it had one good ep after another for like 8 eps in a row. Then i watched Season 3 and got really interested in the whole Xendi thing, so i was waiting for Season 4 to air. during that time i went back and watched Season 1, it was ok. Then after a couple eps into Season 4 i got bored of it. Then it got canceled.
I started watching it again now, and i wish it was never canceled.
I seen every ep of TOS, TNG, DS9, and Voyager. I seen TAS too but i dont even know if thats really part of star trek, it wasnt even that good. I seen all of the movies at least twice. What else is there for me to watch?
I heard theres a new movie coming out set between Enterprise and TOS, but they are going to have wrong actors for the TOS crew. That will ruin it. They should just not have TOS chars in it.
So anyways, who else likes Enterprise?? Also, is there any star trek thing to watch i have not mentioned here??
Im also curious about other star trek fans (i dont consider myself a trekkie/trekker, i know no Klingon, and i have no star trek "toys"), so what other star trek fans r here?? are u guy/girl and how old r u? whats ur fav series?
im 18 and guy and fav series was TNG :D

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14 May 2007, 6:27 pm

I have enjoyed Star Trek from quite a young age. For some reason, I think The Next Generation makes all the other series pale in comparison.

I think the reason Enterprise was cancelled is that they tried to make it appeal to a wider audience, and in the process, alienated some of its fans. (I still liked it, though.)

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14 May 2007, 6:52 pm

I love all the ST, including Enterprise. I watched it devotedly from pilot to cancellation. I was not, howver, one of those who took to the streets in protest, although I would have, if there had been a protest in my city - El Paso, Roddenberry's hometown, LOL).

I've been watching it on Sci FI in reruns and I do hate that it was cancelled. I liked the cast and the characters, and I loved a lot of those little touches they did to make it tie into the larger ST mythology and timeline. The Xindi story arc with the space-altering sheres and transdimensional beings was pretty cool, IMO. Yeah the 1st season was a little dull, but hey, so was the 1st season of TNG and DS9. And yeah, it kind of fell apart in the last few episodes. But those episodes in between were pretty damn cool. My favorites were the ones with T'Pau's mother and the whole retrification of the Vulcan governement (althugh some die-hard fans hated that) nd the ones with Brent Spiner (the best episodes for sure!).

I don't think they tried so much to appeal to a wider audience. It's just with it being the 5th series in the franchise, the stakes were awfully high and expectations of the fans even higher. Plus it probably cost more to produce than previous STs, because of the special effects and sets. Plus everyone it seems had something to gripe about. They didn't like Archer for being a "space thug" (yeah, and Kirk wasn't?), or the Vulcans lied and were too emotional sometimes (yeah, and these were traits of Vulcans already well established in TOS and beyond - hello?), or it seemed they ripped off other sci fi (ooooh, adn the other series never did that) or whatever. it seemed fromteh start people wanted to hate it. Pity.

I miss having a Star Trek series around, especially now my other favorite, Stargate SG-1, is going away too.


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14 May 2007, 7:03 pm

i watched an ep or 2 of Stargate SG-1, i didnt like it much.
and yeah i also noticed that the Vulcans on Enterprise where not very Vulcany, but i alweys just shrugged it off.
i found it funny some of the scenes they made that you could tell where just to put in the ads, like t'pols pon far. they always made her strip down for scenes like during the scenes w/ trip and during decon, but hey, no complaints from this end :P
also what was this Vulcans allergic to trillim D or w/e it was, so they only used it on the shuttle craft so they could go into the spheres, then later t'pol goes w/ them to a sphere... did she magically become amune to it during her lil trilliam d addiction lmfao. i think they just put that in to try to explain her not-very-vulcan behavior and the drug reference.


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14 May 2007, 7:04 pm

yeah TNG was different class.
Enterprise was garbage.
DS9 had its moments, it got all mystical near the end. I missed the last few episodes and they don't seem to repeat DS9 in the UK. They will soon or later, it would be nice to see the ending.
Dont tell me just to download the last few episodes either, cos if i have to download 1 then i have to get them all; and it aint worth it.


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14 May 2007, 7:06 pm

Yeah ive heard Matt Damon! is in the new movie too, but i dunno what;s confirmed.
i can wait :D


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14 May 2007, 7:08 pm

I'm old enough (barely) to remember TOS when it was the only series out there.

I really didn't like TNG at all. No conflict, no drama.
DS9 was excellent.
VOYager sucked so back it almost killed the franchise.
Enterprise got off to a slow start, but Season 4 was some of the best Star Trek ever... they cancelled it just as it was getting good.

Me, I like the idea of a movie with the TOS characters but with a new cast. Just as long as it is set aboard the Enterprise under Captain Kirk. (As opposed to the "Starfleet Academy" idea, which they should abandon completely.)

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14 May 2007, 7:11 pm

Yeah well they had that 7 of 9 in for Voyager. She bucked things up a bit.
The stories with the borg and species 7841 or whatever were good, but the rest useless.


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14 May 2007, 8:27 pm

I agree with the earlier post...TNG was the best series in terms of acting, cast dynamic, and mostly, story lines. I loved TOS as a kid, but now it seems to be a distant second to TNG. The rest of the series, in my view, were just cashing in on the Star Trek name and eventually tired out even the die hards.

After the weak showing of the last movie, I am stunned Hollywood is trying an eleventh Star Trek movie. I think the series needs another ten year hiatus like between '68 and '79 (if you don't count the cartoon series in '74, which most don't).

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14 May 2007, 8:33 pm

Kosmonaut wrote:
yeah TNG was different class.
Enterprise was garbage.
DS9 had its moments, it got all mystical near the end. I missed the last few episodes and they don't seem to repeat DS9 in the UK. They will soon or later, it would be nice to see the ending.
Dont tell me just to download the last few episodes either, cos if i have to download 1 then i have to get them all; and it aint worth it.

why do u have to download them all? PM me and i can hook u up w/ a couple methods of getting exactly what u want in warez w/ no bs.


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14 May 2007, 9:41 pm

As far as I see it, none of the series were ALWAYS brilliant, but they all had their moments.

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15 May 2007, 1:10 pm

Actually the Vulcans on Enterprise were pretty much as Roddenberry intended them. The way Vulcans ended up being portrayed on other post-TOS series was a very narrow, cliched manner that focused heavily on one dimension of the race mainly because that's what the fans liked, even though Roddenberry had a bigger and far more interesting concept behind them. What I like about Enterprise in they got more into Roddenberry's original idea of Vulcans as an intensely emotional, even violent and treacherous race that had to learn logic and detachment to save themselves from their own inner chaos and self-undoing. I mean, he didn't call them "Vulcans" (Latin for "volcano") just because that sounded cool. But whatever. Trekkies can be idiots as much as anyone else. If Vulcans can't be treacherous or have the free will to do unethical things, then how do you explain the Romulans? It's like the fans want the Vulcans to be genetic predisposed to being ethical, logical and thoroughly one-dimensional. Boring. We already had three series of those Vulcans. I like the idea that Vulcans have to strive to be honorable just as much as other races.


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15 May 2007, 1:22 pm

matt271 wrote:
Kosmonaut wrote:
yeah TNG was different class.
Enterprise was garbage.
DS9 had its moments, it got all mystical near the end. I missed the last few episodes and they don't seem to repeat DS9 in the UK. They will soon or later, it would be nice to see the ending.
Dont tell me just to download the last few episodes either, cos if i have to download 1 then i have to get them all; and it aint worth it.

why do u have to download them all? PM me and i can hook u up w/ a couple methods of getting exactly what u want in warez w/ no bs.

O, it's not a technical thing. Just that i know what i am like: i cant have just a few epsiodes of something, i would most probably have to collect them all (and then TOS, TNG, etc). if i did not burn them to disc, or threw them away immediately after watching i could do it. But i can wait for reruns for now.
Thanks for the offer though :D


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15 May 2007, 1:27 pm

I liked Enterprise and keep meaning to watch the reruns... I had a tremendous crush on Captain Archer :roll:. I've watched some of Voyager but other than that am not much of a trekkie. I loved Galaxy Quest though.


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15 May 2007, 2:29 pm

i heard the actor for Captain Archer was a male model lmao


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15 May 2007, 6:51 pm

I recently downloaded the 4 seasons of Enterprise and I had watched first and second seasons so far. I actually like the series, it has good story lines and Archer is a good captain, he seems a lot like Kirk, I love T'Pol she looks very aspie more than Spock and she is very sensitive to sound and she once said she wasn't good at socializing :D

I have a little problem with continuity though, it kinda contradicts the cannon established by the other series. There is something that bothers me, how to explain that in the 23 and 24 centuries the sulibans and the xindis are not ever seen and never mentioned and never confronted. The biggest threats in 23C are the Klingons and Romulans but Xindis are a lot more advanced and more threatening, don't they? :P

From the all the 5 series, the best is The Next Generation wich is my favorite, who can be better and wiser than Jean Luc Picard?

I also don't consider myself a real trekkie, but I am much fascinated by it, a romantic feeling to it

About the new ST movie, it seems like a reboot or reimagine with Kirk and crew, which I think it would be interesting