Quatermass wrote:
What about the following?
*Paranoia (Confidence and Paranoia)
*Kryten (especially in Kryten and DNA... "Engage panic circuits, panic circuits engaged....wahaaaaaaaa!! !!", as well as "I'm in happiness mode")
*Perhaps some of the holoship crew? (Holoship)
*Possibly Dr Hildegard Langstrom? (Quarantine)
*The High version of the crew? Probably not aspie, but... (Demons and Angels)
*Duane Dibbley? Or is he just dorky? (Back to Reality and Polymorph 2: Emohawk)
*Bird Man? (Pete)
Paranoia: Possibly could have had AS, but then again, we are talking about a man who has nothing but paranoid, but a contender
Kryten: best candidate for an aspie, a lot of mannerisms would suggest this, as it;s an Android who does not understand humnaity, and tries to understand it. DNA would really be the best episode to show he had AS, as how he really was a humam
The holoship crew im not sure about, as we don't see them much, but possibly AS, what they get up to in the bedroom is a giveaway
Dr langstrom has a chance, but she went insane from power given to her from that virus, i would not have thought she had AS, but being such an expert in her field might suggest she has AS. Look at Bill Gates.
The high version of the crew i would not have expected to have AS, as they are holy men, although sanity is in question. if any evidence suggests them having AS, i have not seen it
Duane Dibley is just a major nerd, possibly at the very end of the spectrum where AS is barely noticable. it you take into account that scene in Emohawk: Polymorph II when he checks off his list of items, suggest he keeps schedules and likes to keep tihngs consistant.
Bird Man i would not have thought so, a man alone in a dark cell for years with no-one but a bird would o a bit nuts