poopylungstuffing wrote:
I cought a glimpse of the show tonight. Even though i have seen a picture on her on this forum, I couldn't tell which one she was when I watched the show.
Was it me or did one of the judges made a remark about her not making eye-contact?
From the sounds of things at the final judging of the episode it appears that some of the judges weren't aware she has AS. They do seem concerned about her posture though. And there's predictable stupidity from the other contestants regarding her "disability" (their word, not mine).
I actually watched most of the episode, just to see how she did. If it's a marketing ploy, it worked, because I'm generally in the crowd that prefers an ice pick to the eye than watching a "reality" show.
I found myself flashing back to my own teenage years during the scene where the others were all playing in the pool, and Heather was alone in her room writing, or drawing in her book. It's one of the few times I've ever been able to relate to something I saw on TV. I don't know any other aspies (heck, I don't know much of anybody) so it's great to see that my experiences growing up are shared by others. (I'm NOT a weirdo after all!)
O Wonder! How many goodly creatures there are here! How beauteous mankind is!